In addition to moltenluv selling some really rare faceplates, our friend gh0st_r1der now has a few items listed on eBay. I'll just link you to his whole list:

I have an Iron Giant plate signed by Brad Bird. Well, Gh0st is offering one of the WALL-E plates that Garrick from MyPaintEffects and I created, PLUS a custom WALL-E plate that I made by hand - a one of a kind - and they're BOTH signed by director Andrew Stanton! Not only that, he has a ludicrously rare mock-up of a Toy Story 3 console, signed by staffers at THQ, before Disney decided to handle making the TS3 game themselves. Why is that important? Because it means that the item exists, but the project never will.

This is NOT a good time to be broke, but it looks like a great time to GO broke, lol.