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Thread: chrome faceplate...can it be painted?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Default chrome faceplate...can it be painted?

    i have a third party chrome faceplate, i was wondering can this be spray painted just like an ordinary one or do i have to do something special to it apart from sand it to get rid of the chrome effect?

    thanks in advance

  2. #2


    As I understand it, to get a plate chromed like that, they have to spray it witn something that will conduct electricity, and then they run a current through it that attracts the metallic particles that make up the chrome finish. I don't have one so I haven't played with it to know what's required. I just remember from making car models that paints never stuck well to the chrome parts.

    Are you just sacrificing the plate and painting over the whole thing? If so, I'd just sand it down and treat it like a regular plate. If you're looking to add paint details to it, you might try just making off the area that isn't painted, and hit it with a regular primer instead of a plastic friendly primer, and THEN paint it.

    These are all suggestions. Don't hold me resonsible if it turns into a melted puddle of goo, lol.
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
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  3. #3
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    spacey the technique u are talking about is called powder coat they run a positive charge to the surface and a negative charge to the paint Which makes them stick to each other then they bake it and its good as done

  4. #4


    The plate doesn't have any actual chrome on it, it's chrome paint, you can buy it anywhere, you should be able to just sand and paint like a normal plate, it's still plastic, not metal.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by wicked_d365 View Post
    The plate doesn't have any actual chrome on it, it's chrome paint, you can buy it anywhere, you should be able to just sand and paint like a normal plate, it's still plastic, not metal.
    You sure? Because those old model car parts actually had a thin layer of metal you had to cut through. I know because I added an eye to an R2 figure.
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
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  6. #6
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    thanks for the advice but i have decided to put the chrome plate into the collection, i have got a couple of standard plates to paint

  7. #7
    Custom Painter mypainteffects's Avatar
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    I have painted on chrome before... In case you decide to try it later. You have to clean the surface VERY good. I use rubbing alcohol, then I go back over the surface with a degreaser followed with a dry towel, then I use an aerosol glass cleaner. All the while using fresh towels that are link free. I then use dry air to blow off the surface. I know this seems like overkill, but it is not... Anything that is on the surface will be amplified after the painting is cleared.

    After the surface is cleaned, I spray an adhesion promoter, following the recommended steps by the manufacturer. I then apply 2 or 3 coats of clear, with the proper flash times in between each coat. After 12-24 of drying time, you can sand this as your painting surface and not damage the chrome. Take care to sand lightly with a fine sandpaper, I use a 600 grit wet, because chrome is not easy to paint on. It is not a paint that is applied and I have never tried to sand it off... Not sure if that would work.

    After you paint what you are painting and it dries suffeciently, clear it and the gloss will return to the chrome.

  8. #8
    Hellon earth159
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    That is trully awesome!!!

  9. #9


    really sweet, now we know, Thanks man. Maybe repost this in the how to section.

  10. #10
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    well i hope that answers his question

  11. #11
    Custom Painter mypainteffects's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wicked_d365 View Post
    really sweet, now we know, Thanks man. Maybe repost this in the how to section.
    I have painted a few different chrome cases. They are very time consuming, but worth the effort... Thank you for your comments, I will have to put together a how to and put it in the how to section.

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