Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003

Gameplay: The gameplay is very simple, once you learn to swing, you just need to learn to place your shot and putt. Kind of like real golf. Gameplay couldn't be simpler, I dont like mashing buttons to get power or spin, but I haven't thought of a better way.
Graphics: The graphics are more than adequate, but they are not amazing. It seems to me that they cold have done a much better job with this. Some game makers seem to go for lowest common denominator and EA is one of them.
Audio: While the sound in the game is good, and I really liked the commentary, I could not find a custom soundtrack option. This is getting to be unexcusable in this type of game. I don't need this option in Halo, but in golf, come on, it would make the game so much better. I ahve to deduct a whole point this.
Suggestions: Soundtrack support. If we have to wait for the xbox version to come out, please justify the wait by using the hardware. If you don't someone else will and we will buy those games instead.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10