NEWS - Thursday, October 10, 2024

Predecessor Gets Its First Post-Launch Hero
Omeda Studios, a community-founded studio created by Robbie Singh, has introduced a new Hero, Skylar to its third-person MOBA Predecessor today! Coming off of Predecessor’s 1.0 launch in July of this year, Omeda Studios has just released their first post-launch update where the 2 million+ players worldwide can now take control of the all-new Hero Skylar for ultimate aerial assault gameplay. Predecessor is free on PC via Steam, Epic Games Store, and on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.
Skylar is a dynamic aerial combat Carry, utilizing ancient alien technology to soar through the air and blast her opponents from above with the following abilities:
Primary Ability - Skylar’s Primary Ability, Primary Grenade, launches a brutal nano-grenade from afar which can bounce around the battlefield for a short duration. Players hit by these grenades will take heavy damage and will temporarily be slowed.
Secondary Ability - Air Assault has ancient energies flow through Skylar’s jetpack that launch her skyhigh to hover above the battlefield, raining death from above on the enemy team. As she is airborne, Skylar can utilize any of her Abilities or Basic Attacks and launch missiles towards her target when dealing damage.
Alternate Ability - The Hypercharge Abilityallows Skylar to redirect her weapon’s energy system to blast a deadly plasma beam for a short duration. Damage taken by enemy players stack up over time and at maximum stacks, Skylar will melt her foes based on their bonus physical armor. Taking down an enemy Hero will refresh its duration.
Ultimate Ability - The Atomizer Ultimate ability superchargers Skylar’s rifle to the brink of destruction before unleashing a massive orb of unstable energy towards its target. The orb will travel any distance until it crashes into an obstacle or enemy Hero, exploding on impact and dealing huge amounts of damage.
Passive Ability - Dissonance is Skylar’s Passive, causing enemy units to explode on death dealing extra physical damage to the target and those around it. Bringing down an enemy Hero causes this explosion to grow even larger and deal extra damage. Dissonance also grants extra jump height, using Skylar’s jetpack to propel her further in the air with each jump.
Players can find the Hero breakdown video here:
Available now is also the Shadow’s Eve event, Predecessor’s Halloween-themed update. On Shadow’s Eve, players will be able to don spine-tingling skins for Heroes Skylar, Sevarog, Murdock, Howitzer, Greystone, Kira, Lt. Belica, Khaimera, Narbash and Sparrow. Players will also witness the map redecorated into horrifyingly haunted battlefields strung with jack-o-lanterns, eerie lighting and so much more.