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Thread: My faceplates are for sale AGAIN!!!!

  1. #1
    The Ex-Faceplate Goddess moltenluv's Avatar
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    Lancaster, PA

    Default My faceplates are for sale AGAIN!!!!

    Hopefully I have more luck this time around. I no longer collect faceplates and I no longer want my collection of faceplates. Please buy them. I don't want to have any left except for the one that came with my 360. I appologize for the pics being kinda dull but with the flash on they either looked washed out or there was a horriffic glare. It is a cloudy, rainy day here so there was no natural sunlight to work with. I have been outta the collecting loop for a while now so I dunno about my prices. Feel free to negotiate with me and to ask for additional pics. Like I said I just want to be rid of them. Oh and I only have one knockoff faceplate (the PGR 3 one as noted in my list), all the rest are legit. Also remember these were well taken care of by a collector and stored carefully in storage in a box. The prices reflect the price of the plate itself and does not include shipping costs. Shipping prices will obviously vary depending on where you live and how many plates you buy from me. Ok people this is what I have for sale:

    1. - pic - $65
    2. complete Ace Combat 6 set - pic -$75
    3. Call of Duty 2, 3, & 4 - pic - $100
    4. MS Carbon Fiber - pic - $5
    5. Cherries, Blossoms, & Butterflies - pic - $20
    6. Chromehounds - pic - $100
    7. E3 2005 #2721/5000 - pic - $100
    8. England red cross - pic - $20
    9. FC Bayern Munchen - pic - $40
    10. Football Manager - pic - $20
    11. Full Auto - pic - $5
    12. Game Crazy - pic - $15
    13. - pic - $30
    14. set of 6 Gears of War (includes E3) - pic - $175
    15. Ghost Recon 1 & 2 - pic - $75
    16. Green/Blue Spirograph - pic - $35
    17. set of 6 Halo 3 (includes Singapore Launch) - pic - $175
    18. Idolmaster LE bundle (faceplate only) - pic - $175
    19. Stranglehold - pic - $25
    20. Mad Catz E3 - pic - $100
    21. MS Hot Rod - pic - $5
    22. MS Pink Balloons - pic - $25
    23. PGR 3 knockoff - pic - $30
    24. PGR 3 - pic - $80
    25. MS Sun - pic - $25
    26. MS Water Puzzle - pic - $25
    27. Ninety-Nine Nights - pic - $400
    28. NYKO Classic Red - pic - $30
    29. The Outfit - pic - $5
    30. Pelican Argyle - pic - $15
    31. Pelican Sunset - pic - $5
    32. Quake IV - pic - $35
    33. Rainbow 6 Vegas 1 & 2 - pic - $75
    34. Splinter Cell Double Agent - pic - $30
    35. Superman Returns Blue - pic - $10
    36. TeamXbox - pic - $100
    37. Gamestop Vendor Show - pic - $25
    38. UK Launch Team - pic - $65
    39. Virgin Red Rings - pic - $25
    40. Austria Experience "Urban" 11/200 - pic - $150
    41. Austria Experience "You're Next" 154/200 - pic -$150
    42. Gorillaz UK Launch #231/600 - pic - $200
    43. Zero Hour - pic - $65
    44. Korean Launch - pic - $650 SOLD
    45. Moto GP '06 #3/10 - pic - $1100 SOLD
    46. Saints Row New Zealand - pic - $175 SOLD
    47. Idolmaster Girls - pic - $175 SOLD
    48. Canadian Launch Team 55/158 (Jump In) - pic - $850 SOLD
    49. Xbox Global Support - pic - $650 SOLD
    50. Yellow/Blue rings - pic - $30 SOLD
    51. Blacksite: Area 51 - pic - $40 SOLD
    52. MS White OEM - pic - $5 SOLD
    53. Austria Experience "Tags" 3/200 - pic - $175 SOLD
    54. Canadian Launch Team 13/42 (Element 54) - pic - $850 SOLD
    55. Pelican Checkerboard - pic - $20 SOLD
    56. Qee Toy2R /w/ figures - pic - $75 SOLD
    Last edited by moltenluv; 06-08-2009 at 04:03 PM.

  2. #2


    I want the Pelican Checkerboard. Give me a few and I'll probably add some more.
    I need the Tags plate too.

    This sucks to see you leave. I know it's been coming, but it's just about to get interesting again. In fact, unless it's a serious emergency, you might wait until after E3 the first week of June when there are a lot more people coming through here.
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
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  3. #3


    For everybody else, she has some ridiculously rare plates in here. Maybe you've got a small collection of just getting started, and you want to add what would be a cornerstone piece... she has some.
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  4. #4
    The Ex-Faceplate Goddess moltenluv's Avatar
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    Lancaster, PA


    Yeah and these aren't all of them. I have a few more that I have the game and in some cases game/guide to go with the plates. I thought maybe if I sold the game/guide/faceplates as a set on ebay I might get something decent for the whole shabang.

    The last time I tried to sell was just to get rid of them. Now I still want to get rid of them but I do kinda need the money. Once again it is to save my kitties. They were living with my ex but now he bought a house with his girlfriend and doesn't want to take the cats with him. Finding a place that somebody will rent to me isn't a problem finding a place that will let me have 5 cats is. I was supposed to move into where he is moving out of but now they want to remodel it instead. Then I found my perfect apt near where I work. The landlord is somebody I am familiar with and he was ok with my kitties but he promised the person who he first showed the place to first crack at it. Well they decided to take it. Oh and my ex is vacating where is is now by the 15th and I only found out around the beginning of the month that I wasn't allowed to move back there. I am up the creek without a paddle so to speak. So now I am thinking about buying a small townhome in a nonscary section of town or maybe even a condo. I need to contact a real estate agent sometime today and see if that is even a feasable option for me. I can't take my kitties to a shelter! I saved them so they wouldn't end up in a shelter. I knew they would have a good home with me and now everything is all messed up. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously have the worst luck. So anyway now you all know way more about my current situation than you probably ever wanted to. SO BUY ALL MY PLATES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by moltenluv; 05-11-2009 at 03:10 AM.

  5. #5


    Give me a couple of days to round up some money. I can probably do $50 right now except that I have some postage I have to pay, for big international thingies.
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
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  6. #6


    Darn. I wish I had money to spare, there are some sweet plates in there I want. I'm still trying to catch back up from my old roommate leaving me with 2 months back rent, 3 light bills and 2 cable bills, and on top of that he stole my T.V.
    Sorry didn't mean to rant. I'll see if I can scrape up a few bucks and grab something.

  7. #7


    Moltenluv, I sent you a downpayment for those two plates so check your PayPal. The rest will be soon.
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
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  8. #8
    GiRl GaMeR
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    Upper Lake, Ca


    Hey, I'll take the Qee Toy2R, and the white OEM. Can you send a message with your Paypal email and how much shipping will cost to California?

    Having a Smoking Section in a restaurant is a little like having a Peeing Section in a pool

  9. #9
    The Ex-Faceplate Goddess moltenluv's Avatar
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    Well this seems to be going a little better than the last time I tried to sell them.

    Oh and I noticed that "guests" keep checking out this thread. For all you lookie-loos out there that aren't registered members my e-mail is incase you want to buy some of my faceplates. Please buy them. Pretty please with a cherry on top

  10. #10


    I will repeat, there are some unbelievably rare plates in that list, and you will not find a better seller to deal with than Moltenluv.
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
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  11. #11
    with order comes chaos OBL infad3ll's Avatar
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    well im going to see how much my kidney is worth now! i want that madcatz e3 plate!
    LIFE GOAL: to own all 600 faceplates in the gorillaz launch collection
    -current progress 1/600 Hidden Content

    Hidden Content

  12. #12
    The Ex-Faceplate Goddess moltenluv's Avatar
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    Lancaster, PA


    Quote Originally Posted by OBL infad3ll View Post
    well im going to see how much my kidney is worth now! i want that madcatz e3 plate!
    Yeah I really like that one as well. It is even nicer looking in person.

  13. #13
    The Ex-Faceplate Goddess moltenluv's Avatar
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    Well I guess I was wrong. This isn't going very well this time either. How sad. I remember the good old days where faceplates fetched a pretty penny and we got into crazy bidding wars on eBay. *SIGH*

    Coming soon moltenluv's Xbox 360 video games. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this but I will probably be making a thread over at the trading post sometime Saturday to sell my games as well as one on craigslist. Most of them I haven't even gotten a chance to play yet. I dunno what else to do. I don't have anything else of value to sell.

  14. #14


    I'll have the second half of my payment to you tomorrow. I got the package today. I can't thank you enough.

    I have two kids graduating and E3, all in the first week of June. I just don't have any more $ to spend or I would.
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  15. #15
    The Ex-Faceplate Goddess moltenluv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceGhost2K-XBA View Post
    I'll have the second half of my payment to you tomorrow. I got the package today. I can't thank you enough.

    I have two kids graduating and E3, all in the first week of June. I just don't have any more $ to spend or I would.
    Oh no its ok. I know you are good for the second half and will send it when you can. I am just stressin. I am in a stupid situation and I don't know what to do. Everytime things seem to start going my way I get smacked right back down. I am tired and frustrated. I just don't like that I have this big box filled with faceplates that used to be worth something and it seems like now it is worth nothing.

  16. #16
    The lone voice of reason. Symmetric-XBA's Avatar
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    I know the frustration. It seems like an investment that you poured a lot of your money into is rapidly sinking and loosing equity by the min. I've noticed prices on ebay have dropped DRAMATICALY, wether its due to ppl not wanting to spend $, get something for cheap, the economy, all of that or more. It doesn't help issues when collectors are bowing out of faceplate collecting. You have some amazing faceplates for sale, and if I had money and still collected then I'd be all over that, but in terms of "resale" or any form of "profit" I don't see anymore out of faceplates. Case in point, your canada plate for $850, well if the person wanted to resell it the plate they would obv. have to make at least $850 to break even. This wouldn't have been so much of a prob. in the past, but w/ collectors seemingly disappearing and other ppl just "not caring about faceplates" then the wallets that open up either can't hit the mark, dont want to hit the mark, or either-or. Its a tough time for us all, but I'm glad to see that you are making progress, granted it may be slow progress but always remember "rome wasn't built in a day". If you're serious about selling some of your games send me a PM if you have any 360 titles for sale.

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  17. #17
    The Game Is Not Over!!! Nato King's Avatar
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    moltenluv please check your PM.

  18. #18


    Listen, y'all. Drop what you're doing and go to We've got some changes in the works that will attract a lot of people to the site. Here are a few:

    1) You will be able to go through the database and mark which plates you have in your collection, and "My Faceplate Collection" will appear under your avatar.

    2) You will be able to go through the database and mark which plates you would like to add to your collection, and "My Faceplate Wishlist" will appear under your avatar.

    3) We are opening a store where you will be able to purchase faceplates. Right now, the faceplates that are "in the queue" are mostly single colored or have simple graphics. I combed the internet for hundreds of public domain photos, like van Gogh paintings, Monet, Renoir, satellite and space photography, landscapes, textures, etc.

    4) We are working towards licensing images from game companies that can be put onto faceplates. In other words, instead of having one choice in a retail store for Street Fighter IV, maybe you'll have SIXTY choices of images from Street Fighter II Turbo HD (or whatever it is).

    5) We are working towards getting more companies to release faceplates for their games, either for preorders or promotional use.

    6) We will be offering a design studio that will allow YOU to use YOUR photos to make a faceplate. Want a faceplate of your girlfriend or boyfriend, kids, pet, car, picture you painted, or photo you photographed? Load it up, move it around, submit the plate, and it will come to you in the mail. (**EDIT** A quick note: Because of the processes used, "design your own" plates come with a flat matte finish, not a glossy finish. The glossy process involved a dust-free room and other things that would inflate the costs to ridiculous levels. I am checking with a local airbrush artist to see if he can spray them with a water based clear coat. I can't do that for everybody's, but it may be something that you can have done yourself once you get your plate, if you absolutely have to have it glossy. I'll let you know the results.)

    7) These professionally printed plates can then be altered however you want. For instance: I will be including a number of "brick wall" images. Not computer generated or artist rendered, but actual photos of gray brick, clean red brick, old red brick, rough rock, etc. Make the plate, get it in the mail, and then do your own personal graffiti art on it with actual paints or pens.

    8) Or do what I do and attach figures or toys or what have you.

    9) When you make a plate from an image that you uploaded, you will be asked if you want to make that image available for other people. If you say yes, then your picture will come to me. I will either approve it or decline it (We can't take R-rated pics or pics that use copyrighted images), and it will be added to the gallery.

    Let me put this into a bigger perspective for you. Every community website that hasn't been able to afford to make faceplates for their followers will now be able to. And all of those people will be coming through here. My goal is for rock bands to have images available, and THEIR fans will be coming through here.

    Some of these people are going to get hooked on this, and they're going to be looking for plates to add to their collection. I seriously, SERIOUSLY, apologize that this isn't up and running already. The company that is doing the store for us is working on a major global project that is taking longer than they expected. I have my fingers crossed that this will all be in place as early as next week.

    Also, the design studio will be available immediately, but the public domain images aren't available yet. (That means I can't can't offer you a van Gogh "Starry Night" plate on the site yet, but you could still go get the pic and make one int eh design studio.) The "upload your image to the gallery" feature won't be available right at the beginning. And I am hoping that I will be able to kick some money back to you if an image you uploaded is purchased by someone to put onto a plate. So if you're a painter, a graffiti artist, or a graphic design artist, the plan is for you to be able to make some money off of this. The problem is that if we do this, it will be all manual and it will fall on MY head to keep track of it. I don't mind, but I have to be able to keep track of it.

    I am going to E3 in hopes of talking with game studios face to face, to give them an idea what we want to do, and hopefully to get them on board. I've talked to a number of studios, and they can't get past the "You pay us 'x' and then you can make faceplates" concept of doing business. I want them to think of it like the Xbox LIVE, "You give us a gamerpic and if someone buys it, you get the money" concept.

    We are still in the first THIRD of the life of this console. There's going to be more interest in faceplates when there are 90 million 360 owners than when there are 30 million.
    Last edited by SpaceGhost2K; 05-16-2009 at 03:43 PM.
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  19. #19
    The Game Is Not Over!!! Nato King's Avatar
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    Very nice. Can't wait for this to go live.

  20. #20
    The Ex-Faceplate Goddess moltenluv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nato King-XBA View Post
    moltenluv please check your PM.
    Checked and responded

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