
With the news of the first party published, second party developed, game Scalebound, I really wonder what Microsoft is planning for 2017.

The game had been in development for a LONG time, but to cancel it caught me somewhat by surprise, as it's a game that is developed by a famed action game oriented development house. Plus it was something original that was coming to the Xbox One, something that I believe is needed on the console, more original titles, not just sequels.

Sure, some games that are launched in sequel form are great, but original games are good to as it shows the diversity in their library. It's almost like they are looking for those games that are going to get reviewed well, make money, and be a hit. Well I see this as a business model, gaming also needs to take chances or we won't have new genres, new IP's, or new games as a whole....and MS could do better at this in some ways. Sure, they have some great IPs alrady, but more is better in such they need to continue to develop, be original, and make more dents in the gaming market then just the usual fare.

Anyhow, those are my brief ramblings. What are your thoughts?
