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Thread: Faceplate Xbox 360 Database évolution

  1. #1

    Default Faceplate Xbox 360 Database évolution


    I would like give my opinion on database faceplate Xbox 360, and in first, give thankings to SpaceGhost, without him, nothing.
    In reality, i begin this post with a request from Xboxaddict site in géneral : others languages disponibles (français, deutch, espanol ...)
    It's for me really necessary now.
    I would like and think for database :
    Possibilities to classify faceplate by interests (official, custom, date, Creator, sports, comics ...)
    See faceplates in more size directly.
    Informations pages more complete, name, date, Creator, number, price buyed or in disponibility, and owners, with notation with stars, points, or percent for a classfification the best of faceplate.
    Supression faceplates official or not official when are skin (prey, X06 Canada, N3 2, France xbox live funny heaven agency, star wars episode)
    Supression faceplates charity and signed or possibility to choose screen or not screen, but by default
    Supression faceplates Microsoft prototype not produced (Pelican too) (you must have see it)
    This is maybe faceplate database more completed, Windows if you should be want.
    I think to : faceplates Microsoft charity are in inexistence, faceplates asian import dytrade are in inexistence, faceplates launch X05 Tapei (Taiwan, Taipeh, Formose) are in inexistence for propaganda, faceplates gaming convention are in enexistence for propaganda too, faceplates Call of Duty are many default when asian import, and i say faceplates tati colette and Lagerfeld is not really faschion, and difficult to imagine threre are 400 magnificent faceplates distribued in Dead or Alive 4 tournament Zero hour without anybody to boast it or sell on eBay for good price.
    For détails and contribution, faceplate Forza 2 have tittle Special Edition Faceplate (2 models, one with many countries, others less ) and Halo comes with a code for Xbox live, there are 72 faceplates Need for Speed Pro Street by tournament, there are 100 faceplates Microsoft give 2008 was given at Rare (the editor of gamepics) for Xmas 2008, faceplates Motogp06 are 10 and numbered by tournament in France, Tales of vesperia custom is useless, faceplate alien vs predator of Ohsay is mine but lost (you can delete in database if only one), faceplate OXBM France Halo 3 is a skin.
    I would like publication of reunion faceplates as E3 or X-0 with exact location and date.
    I would like reconnaissance of Microsoft of collector's faceplates Xbox 360 and no a unsucess, and possibility to do new plates with official logos and beautiful logo Xboxaddict.
    And continued (in all kind of result of reconnaissance or new faceplates) the database during the life of Xbox 360, and after.
    Or it's over.(delete ?)
    I'am not candidate for administration of this.
    I buy faceplate, for my collection, i do a list on Xboxaddict post, see it, and my mail is
    Last edited by oryanphine; 03-03-2015 at 08:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    OKk i will pm.

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