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Thread: Looking for Gears of War faceplates!

  1. #1

    Default Looking for Gears of War Consoles & Faceplates!

    Hey guys, I am looking for a few rare gears of war faceplates & consoles to add to my collection. If anybody is willing to sell I will pay good!!!!

    What im looking for: $$$$$

    • Sealed Madcatz faceplates - 2 red variants in photo
    • Custom Pavel Dolgov brumak faceplate
    • Gow 3 Dom promo faceplate
    • Gow 2 red comic console 2008
    • Gow Judgment console 2012
    • Extra: Any autographed items: game cases, posters, books, comics etc...

    Below are photos of the exact items I am looking for:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails madcatz-faceplates.jpg   613.jpg   1608.jpg   gow2-comic-console.jpg   gow-judgment-console.jpg  

    Last edited by jtcustoms; 05-07-2017 at 12:00 PM.

  2. #2


    I think I have those Madcatz, I'll check this weekend for you!
    Executive Editor

  3. #3


    Sounds good thanks man! I'm also looking for the madcatz red variants with console skins.

  4. #4


    I still have the original E3 faceplate sitting here at home. Given I live near Vancouver, I was hoping to get Rod Fergusson to sign it. I met him at X'15 and he said he would, all I'd have to do is come down and get it signed.


  5. #5
    Registered User pierrevincy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I have these faceplates for sell : Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC_0890 (2).jpg 
Views:	21 
Size:	103.5 KB 
ID:	8178

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by TheOutcast-XBA View Post
    I still have the original E3 faceplate sitting here at home. Given I live near Vancouver, I was hoping to get Rod Fergusson to sign it. I met him at X'15 and he said he would, all I'd have to do is come down and get it signed.

    I currently have 2 of them already, but if you get Rod & possible Cliffy B to sign it I will 100% buy it from you. I know Cliffy left epic and The Coalition heads gears now, but Cliffy has a lawbreakers booth at pretty much every event GoW 4 and Rod are at. Just keep me in mind if you get it signed -or- if you list it on ebay I will buy it. I check on ebay daily.

    Quote Originally Posted by pierrevincy View Post
    I have these faceplates for sell : Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC_0890 (2).jpg 
Views:	21 
Size:	103.5 KB 
ID:	8178
    Wow nice Madcatz faceplate collection! I would be interested in them if they where sealed. I have seen your collection and its quite nice. Do you have any Gears consoles for sale?
    Last edited by jtcustoms; 05-07-2017 at 12:03 PM.

  7. #7


    Just updated OP with a more specific list and photos of what I'm looking for. If anybody has one of these items and is willing to sell please let me know. Thank you!

  8. #8


    I forgot to post that I didn't have the ones you were looking for.
    Executive Editor

  9. #9


    No problem man, thanks for letting me know. I picked up a few on ebay recently so I only need to two red variant faceplates that I posted in the first photo to complete the madcatz.

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