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Thread: 2021: XBA is still here

  1. #1
    Brick killed a guy. shrew king's Avatar
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    Default 2021: XBA is still here

    I was 15 when I joined this site, 9/11 had just happened, the first Xbox was released, and the world felt pretty different. As a guy now in my mid-30?s, with a wife and kid on the way, I find myself coming back here for a bit of nostalgia. It?s clear that most of us have moved on from where we were a decade ago, but I?m curious what everyone?s up to these days? How?s life been to you all?
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    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?" Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others" - Nelson Mandela

  2. #2
    XBA Forum Administrator Shawn-XBA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrew king View Post
    I was 15 when I joined this site, 9/11 had just happened, the first Xbox was released, and the world felt pretty different. As a guy now in my mid-30?s, with a wife and kid on the way, I find myself coming back here for a bit of nostalgia. It?s clear that most of us have moved on from where we were a decade ago, but I?m curious what everyone?s up to these days? How?s life been to you all?
    It has been a long time for me as well, lots have changed since I first joined the site for sure. I've graduated high school and college, gotten married, bought my first and second houses, going on my fifteen year anniversary at my job, eight year wedding anniversary and so much more. While I may have stepped away for a little bit from XBA, I'm still sporting XBA in my gamertag and still think of all the fond memories from back in the day. Glad to see you around Shrew King!

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  3. #3
    I'm World Famous. Kraft's Avatar
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    Man, I just hit 40. I'm a software professional living on the coast and loving life. 3 kids now with my oldest being 12. I don't play video games too often anymore, but I am into board games and doing electronics projects. These forums are pretty cavernous and empty but if anyone recognizes my name and wants to catch up you can email me at or look me up on facebook (Nick Kraftor). Hope everyone is doing well. There are lots of people that were on this site that I still think about from time to time almost 2 decades later.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Kraft View Post
    Man, I just hit 40. I'm a software professional living on the coast and loving life. 3 kids now with my oldest being 12. I don't play video games too often anymore, but I am into board games and doing electronics projects. These forums are pretty cavernous and empty but if anyone recognizes my name and wants to catch up you can email me at or look me up on facebook (Nick Kraftor). Hope everyone is doing well. There are lots of people that were on this site that I still think about from time to time almost 2 decades later.

    It has been so long, I wish we could start an extension for xba on facebook those groups are easier to keep up with now. So much has changed since I first joined here at maybe 14 years old. I been with my girl 12 years have a daughter thats 10.. I barely game as well but I still buy some titles on release and lie to myself about how much ill play. I miss this group and so many of the members and really just that time in my life altogether before real life struck you know. I would love to have anybody reachout to me at

  5. #5


    Wow, really crazy to see this site is still here. I am like many of you. Still an xbox addict

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Jackyboy View Post
    Wow, really crazy to see this site is still here. I am like many of you. Still an xbox addict
    So are we
    Executive Editor

  7. #7
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    I'm still here! I am about to turn 46 this Friday! The biggest stress you guys have is there are only 5 more shopping days remaining!!

    But seriously, great seeing the XBA Legends!

  8. #8
    Free Soda Jones's Avatar
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    Hi Fam. Love and miss you all. This’ll always be a special place for me.
    -=Rookie of the Year 2004=- -=Member of the year 2005=- -=Mod 2006-2007=- -=Banned and threatened with legal action 2008=-

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  9. #9
    Wasted Talent Casper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraft View Post
    Man, I just hit 40. I'm a software professional living on the coast and loving life. 3 kids now with my oldest being 12. I don't play video games too often anymore, but I am into board games and doing electronics projects. These forums are pretty cavernous and empty but if anyone recognizes my name and wants to catch up you can email me at or look me up on facebook (Nick Kraftor). Hope everyone is doing well. There are lots of people that were on this site that I still think about from time to time almost 2 decades later.
    Nobody wants to talk to you, just stop.

    I was watching the Xbox Anniversary Celebration livestream just now and it made me think of the good old days, when I actually had several hours to play. Now? Working like crazy and have 5 year old twins, so I'm dead ass tired by the end of the day to even think about gaming. I have a PS5 and Xbox One and get on the PS5 once a week, or so, if I'm lucky. One of these days, I'll get the new Xbox console but since I know my son will be obsessed with either system, I'm trying to be careful to what they get into still. Either way, I check in on the site every couple of months but it seems like it's mostly tumbleweeds these days. I always wonder what happened to Ninja - if he's still just 5 foot tall or did he finally grow taller than his fro, naw mean?

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Casper View Post
    Nobody wants to talk to you, just stop.

    I was watching the Xbox Anniversary Celebration livestream just now and it made me think of the good old days, when I actually had several hours to play. Now? Working like crazy and have 5 year old twins, so I'm dead ass tired by the end of the day to even think about gaming. I have a PS5 and Xbox One and get on the PS5 once a week, or so, if I'm lucky. One of these days, I'll get the new Xbox console but since I know my son will be obsessed with either system, I'm trying to be careful to what they get into still. Either way, I check in on the site every couple of months but it seems like it's mostly tumbleweeds these days. I always wonder what happened to Ninja - if he's still just 5 foot tall or did he finally grow taller than his fro, naw mean?
    Holy $&*#, Casper! Long time since I?ve even thought of this place, something random jogged this in my memory and here I am. I?m 34, live in Boston in a condo with my girl and planning a move to the suburbs this winter. Own an Xbox, basically only play sports games but I?ll probably get the new halo for nostalgia purposes. If anyone remembers me hit me up, gamer tag is Bfili. Hope you?re all doing well.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by bretman1234 View Post
    Holy $&*#, Casper! Long time since I?ve even thought of this place, something random jogged this in my memory and here I am. I?m 34, live in Boston in a condo with my girl and planning a move to the suburbs this winter. Own an Xbox, basically only play sports games but I?ll probably get the new halo for nostalgia purposes. If anyone remembers me hit me up, gamer tag is Bfili. Hope you?re all doing well.
    Good to see you bro, we're still active and doing reviews etc!
    Executive Editor

  12. #12
    Wasted Talent Casper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bretman1234 View Post
    Holy $&*#, Casper! Long time since I?ve even thought of this place, something random jogged this in my memory and here I am. I?m 34, live in Boston in a condo with my girl and planning a move to the suburbs this winter. Own an Xbox, basically only play sports games but I?ll probably get the new halo for nostalgia purposes. If anyone remembers me hit me up, gamer tag is Bfili. Hope you?re all doing well.
    Don't waste the money on a house in the sticks if you can't afford to fix your ' key. Go Yankees

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Casper View Post
    Don't waste the money on a house in the sticks if you can't afford to fix your ' key. Go Yankees
    Glad to see you haven’t changed, Yankees still suck!

  14. #14
    Wasted Talent Casper's Avatar
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    Back at ya, buddy. Buck Foston

  15. #15
    R.I.P. DzNutz rpgreligion's Avatar
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    Shrewwwww Kinnnnggggg.

    Wow. Think it's been a few years since I checked to see if this place still existed. Feels like a different life entirely being a regular here, which I guess it was — think I was 13 when I started posting here. Life has been unkind the past couple of years on this end, but that's the way it goes sometimes. Glad to see some familiar names still checking in, hope everyone is doing well.

    Thanks Spartan for the sig

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by rpgreligion View Post
    Shrewwwww Kinnnnggggg.

    Wow. Think it's been a few years since I checked to see if this place still existed. Feels like a different life entirely being a regular here, which I guess it was — think I was 13 when I started posting here. Life has been unkind the past couple of years on this end, but that's the way it goes sometimes. Glad to see some familiar names still checking in, hope everyone is doing well.
    Better now that you're here

    Still doing our thing, just using social media more instead of the forums is all.
    Executive Editor

  17. #17

  18. #18
    I'm World Famous. Kraft's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoopy7548 View Post
    Same, sir. Same.

  19. #19


    I'm still steering the ship!
    Executive Editor

  20. #20 AloneInTheDark's Avatar
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    Bi-yearly check in here. Can't believe that I was 14 when I joined this site, and I'm now 33. Crazy. Still yearn for the days of playing bomb-basketball in RTCW

    I ain't got next to nothing on my mind.
    I'll be alright when I see you right after five.
    I don't got to lie.
    Baby we can go get hi-igh

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