Video - Destiny: Rise of Iron - First Mission
by Kirby Yablonski
Last week XBA was invited to Bungie to get some hands on time with Destiny: Rise of Iron, the next DLCfor the Activision pubished game.
The first mission is called "King of the Mountain" and it's goal is not only to introduce a familiar foe, but to set the stage for the new 'social space' Felwinter Peak.
Personally I had a good time playing something new in the world of Destiny and seeing the reintroduction of a new enemy that I thought was dead. There is classic Destiny play of course, but with higher leveled enemies and a new area to venture through.
So with that being said, sit back and enjoy the video below.
Oh, and please note, although we are an Xbox centric site, the preview event was held on PS4's, so you'll see the PS4 controllers button logos during the gameplay.