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Thread: Why Morrowind seems to be a "Love it" or "Hate it" game.

  1. #1

    Default Why Morrowind seems to be a "Love it" or "Hate it" game.

    I find it interesting that this game has been recieved the way it has. It's a die hard RPG, so why are some complaining that there is too much reading and wondering...anyway.

    Why do you think this game is so split down the middle, you either Love it or Hate it.

  2. #2
    Registered User studepaber's Avatar
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    People hate it because:

    They have low attention spans.
    They don't understand how to play the game.
    They are FF fanboys.

    People love it because:

    It is extremely openended.
    There's a vast world to explore.
    It gives RPGer's something to drool over until PE.

  3. #3
    Ya Stand Meh!!?!?!!111 JJaX's Avatar
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    Because the people that hate it are use to having someone hold there fruity hand and walk them through the game. The Free Realm atmosphere is to much for their little minds.

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  4. #4


    People hate it because:

    They have low attention spans.
    They don't understand how to play the game.
    They are FF fanboys.

    People love it because:

    It is extremely openended.
    There's a vast world to explore.
    It gives RPGer's something to drool over until PE.

    Yeah. I agree. I don't like it, because it's a RPG, though.

  5. #5
    Registered User MOrgE's Avatar
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    i think most gamers dont like the idea of having to figure out their own quests and how to go about solving them....

    people like to be presented with a mission and then try to find the one solution to solve it. RPG's don't usually present the mission for you.... you must find one on your own... not only that, but each mission has more then one solution... which makes the total package even more confusing....

    i dont know about anyone else... but i love RPG's... i love the feeling that i get when i discover something out of the ordinary and then spend the entire day trying to figure out why it was put there....

    just my 2 cents...

  6. #6


    Originally posted by studepaber
    People hate it because:

    They have low attention spans.
    They don't understand how to play the game.
    They are FF fanboys.

    People love it because:

    It is extremely openended.
    There's a vast world to explore.
    It gives RPGer's something to drool over until PE.
    LOL. Exactly the opposite.

    I've played it. ALL of it. It sucks. Why?

    You rise to the top of your guild/house/and save the world. Nobody cares. Hardly any of the NPCs take notice. They're still RUDE!!!! Haven't they heard of you? Don't they know who you are? It's just ridiculous. They hear the instant you steal something but have no idea that you're the most powerful person on the island. Yeah, right.

    The combat is terrible. You get three kinds of strikes but only one is worthwhile with each weapon type. It has nothing to do with who and what you're up against. The amount of damage you do to your opponent is never apparent. Doesn't someone near death's door look differently from someone who's in perfect health? Uber armor and weapons are way too easy to get and this combined with calm human, calm monster, and conjuring makes combat a joke. Finally, the monster layout is aimed at newbies. There's nothing to challenge you later in the game.

    The economy was structured by an amateur. The plethora of easy to get valuable items, stealing, and alchemy make wealth a joke. To counterbalance this, the designers (and I use this term loosely) gave the shopkeepers next to no gold. This forces one to barter instead of buy and sell. Instead of adding challenge, it's just an exercise in frustration.

    Why do I hate the game?

    It's not open ended. It's just underdesigned. Nothing you do matters.

    There's a vast world to explore but who wants to? You're just constantly attacked by monsters who don't stand a chance against you and treated rudely by NPCs who should be licking your boots.

    It gives RPGers something to drool over. Yeah, for about 20 hours. After that, you're just left feeling very underwhelmed.

  7. #7
    Soldier of the Wasteland EHWfedPres's Avatar
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    Theres only alot of reading if you chose to read. I played all day long yesterday and only read the names of skills and spells I wanted to buy.

  8. #8
    Soldier of the Wasteland EHWfedPres's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mahalan

    LOL. Exactly the opposite.

    I've played it. ALL of it. It sucks. Why?

    You rise to the top of your guild/house/and save the world. Nobody cares. Hardly any of the NPCs take notice. They're still RUDE!!!! Haven't they heard of you? Don't they know who you are? It's just ridiculous. They hear the instant you steal something but have no idea that you're the most powerful person on the island. Yeah, right.

    The combat is terrible. You get three kinds of strikes but only one is worthwhile with each weapon type. It has nothing to do with who and what you're up against. The amount of damage you do to your opponent is never apparent. Doesn't someone near death's door look differently from someone who's in perfect health? Uber armor and weapons are way too easy to get and this combined with calm human, calm monster, and conjuring makes combat a joke. Finally, the monster layout is aimed at newbies. There's nothing to challenge you later in the game.

    The economy was structured by an amateur. The plethora of easy to get valuable items, stealing, and alchemy make wealth a joke. To counterbalance this, the designers (and I use this term loosely) gave the shopkeepers next to no gold. This forces one to barter instead of buy and sell. Instead of adding challenge, it's just an exercise in frustration.

    Why do I hate the game?

    It's not open ended. It's just underdesigned. Nothing you do matters.

    There's a vast world to explore but who wants to? You're just constantly attacked by monsters who don't stand a chance against you and treated rudely by NPCs who should be licking your boots.

    It gives RPGers something to drool over. Yeah, for about 20 hours. After that, you're just left feeling very underwhelmed.

    Oh no! The NPC's are rude! Go cry to somebody who cares, because Im sick of hearing you whine and complain.

    Combat is only bad if you like that crap áss turn based bullshyt. Thats what boardgames are for, so dont complain about realtime combat if you dont know anything about it.

    And are you saying bartering is a bad thing? Heck no, its only bad if your afraid of something new. I think it's a great thing to have in a game like this.

    So go on about how you love being trapped in a virtual turn based world, not where nothing you do matters, but where you cant do anything but that the game designers intended you to do. I want freedom and replay value in games. I dont want to pay 50+ bucks for a game that will only be played 2 or 3 times...your just being ignorant and immature.

    I'll admit, this game has many many bugs in it, but you cant blame them. EVERY non-linear game will have bugs. Since the days of Ultima, there have been bugs...and there always will be.

  9. #9
    Ya Stand Meh!!?!?!!111 JJaX's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mahalan

    LOL. Exactly the opposite.

    I've played it. ALL of it. It sucks. Why?

    You rise to the top of your guild/house/and save the world. Nobody cares. Hardly any of the NPCs take notice. They're still RUDE!!!! Haven't they heard of you? Don't they know who you are? It's just ridiculous. They hear the instant you steal something but have no idea that you're the most powerful person on the island. Yeah, right.

    The combat is terrible. You get three kinds of strikes but only one is worthwhile with each weapon type. It has nothing to do with who and what you're up against. The amount of damage you do to your opponent is never apparent. Doesn't someone near death's door look differently from someone who's in perfect health? Uber armor and weapons are way too easy to get and this combined with calm human, calm monster, and conjuring makes combat a joke. Finally, the monster layout is aimed at newbies. There's nothing to challenge you later in the game.

    The economy was structured by an amateur. The plethora of easy to get valuable items, stealing, and alchemy make wealth a joke. To counterbalance this, the designers (and I use this term loosely) gave the shopkeepers next to no gold. This forces one to barter instead of buy and sell. Instead of adding challenge, it's just an exercise in frustration.

    Why do I hate the game?

    It's not open ended. It's just underdesigned. Nothing you do matters.

    There's a vast world to explore but who wants to? You're just constantly attacked by monsters who don't stand a chance against you and treated rudely by NPCs who should be licking your boots.

    It gives RPGers something to drool over. Yeah, for about 20 hours. After that, you're just left feeling very underwhelmed.
    Someone needs a hug......Would you like a hug?

    If you hate the game so much why did you play for 20 hours?

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  10. #10


    Originally posted by EHWfedPres

    Oh no! The NPC's are rude! Go cry to somebody who cares, because Im sick of hearing you whine and complain.

    Combat is only bad if you like that crap áss turn based bullshyt. Thats what boardgames are for, so dont complain about realtime combat if you dont know anything about it.

    And are you saying bartering is a bad thing? Heck no, its only bad if your afraid of something new. I think it's a great thing to have in a game like this.

    So go on about how you love being trapped in a virtual turn based world, not where nothing you do matters, but where you cant do anything but that the game designers intended you to do. I want freedom and replay value in games. I dont want to pay 50+ bucks for a game that will only be played 2 or 3 times...your just being ignorant and immature.

    I'll admit, this game has many many bugs in it, but you cant blame them. EVERY non-linear game will have bugs. Since the days of Ultima, there have been bugs...and there always will be.
    Where do you come from? Do they teach people how to read there? Where did I mention turn based combat? I didn't. Morrowind's combat sucks not because it's real time but because it's too simplistic.

    The bartering you're forced to do in Morrowind is just weak. Saying that it's new and good is like defending having to sit through commercials in the middle of a game. It may be new but defending it is stupid.

    Contrary to your opinion, I also love open ended RPGs. It's just that Morrowind is a very poor excuse for one. The graphics are great but that's about it. Next time, please learn to read before you respond.

  11. #11
    Ya Stand Meh!!?!?!!111 JJaX's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mahalan

    The bartering you're forced to do in Morrowind is just weak. Saying that it's new and good is like defending having to sit through commercials in the middle of a game. It may be new but defending it is stupid.

    Next time, please learn to read before you respond.
    You should take your own advice and learn how to write master P.

    What in the HeII does this mean?

    Saying that it's new and good is like defending having to sit through commercials in the middle of a game

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  12. #12


    Jax, my little friend. I was making an analogy. I was comparing the bad idea of forcing people to barter in Morrowind to an equally bad idea of incorporating commercials into the middle of a game. Sorry if it wasn't clear enough for you.

    I had forgotten to write at a remedial level, after all some of the people reading this thread actually find the combat in Morrowind challenging.

  13. #13
    Registered User E-Xbox's Avatar
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    Originally posted by JJaX
    Because the people that hate it are use to having someone hold there fruity hand and walk them through the game. The Free Realm atmosphere is to much for their little minds.
    "mommy, now where do i go?!"


    OFFICAL XBA CANADIAN , EH?Hidden Content
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    are mecs adminsters who monitor chat?

  14. #14
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    i've played this game alot since i got and if your wondering why npc's are still rude is probably you have no fame yet it just like anyother skill you have to raise, you probably need to raise you speechcraft too. by the way i find that only certain npc's in certain towns are ****s like in vivec the guards are asses but in balroma people are more freindly if you ask me it shows great design
    you can have my xbox, when you pry it from my cold dead hands

  15. #15
    Ya Stand Meh!!?!?!!111 JJaX's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mahalan
    Jax, my little friend. I was making an analogy. I was comparing the bad idea of forcing people to barter in Morrowind to an equally bad idea of incorporating commercials into the middle of a game. Sorry if it wasn't clear enough for you.

    I had forgotten to write at a remedial level, after all some of the people reading this thread actually find the combat in Morrowind challenging.
    oHHH I DONT GET IT! Whatever though.......

    The combat isnt a test of skill, Its based on chance and stats. Atleast thats how i see it.

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  16. #16
    Member on the run
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    This game seems to me as if it is a lot like Azurik (in the way people either hate it or love it). Mahalan, if you don't like it, fine, sell it. There is a lot more good about this game though than there is bad, and there are plenty of ways to get around the 'bugs' of the game and still have an enjoyable experience. Personally, I hate games like Final Fantasy, where you are led by the hand every step of the way and you don't have any real participation in the battles. If you're looking for a game like that get yourself a POS2. If you're looking for something original for a CONSOLE system that has not been tried on it, then by all means, this game is without a doubt the most original RPG made for a CONSOLE system in a long time! This bad boy is easily worth the 50 I shelled out for it! There is no question in my mind that I can play this over and over again, and it will take a long time for it to get old!

  17. #17



    I am selling my copy of the game.

    I anxiously awaited Morrowind's release. I was so anxious, when the Xbox version was delayed I bought the PC version. I've played the game. I've done just about everything you can do in it and I was sadly disappointed.

    You see, I was expecting a true open ended RPG. What I got was nothing like that. Bethsoft claims that Morrowind is open ended because all of the quests are optional. Unfortunately, there's only one (and sometimes two) ways to solve each quest. Also, since the quests are optional they're also quite pointless. You may get a trivial reward for your efforts but only two of them have any impact on the rest of the game.

    What is Morrowind for me? Good question. As a combat game, it's terrible. The fighting is really rudimentary and the monsters become too easy too quickly. As an RPG, there's much better games available especially online. As far as the story and the fiction involved, there's much better fantasy writing to be found at Barnes and Noble. What does this leave? Not much.

  18. #18
    Ya Stand Meh!!?!?!!111 JJaX's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mahalan

    I anxiously awaited Morrowind's release. I was so anxious, when the Xbox version was delayed I bought the PC version. I've played the game. I've done just about everything you can do in it and I was sadly disappointed.

    I just think you expect waaaaay to much. What else do you want? You want dark elves to jump out of the screen and bake you cookies? If you dislike the game so much why did you do "everything" in it? Were you forced to play it? NO..............

    You're like that fat comic book store owner from the simpsons. You always gotta criticize a good thing. When lord of the rings comes out are you gonna make a website with all the mistakes in the film? Critics like you make me sick, Your're never happy about anything.............
    Last edited by JJaX-XBA; 06-14-2002 at 03:01 PM.

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  19. #19
    Registered User yall's Avatar
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    quit wasting your time posting your opinions here and go sell it already. that way someone else will get a great used game at a discounted price. go. go now!

  20. #20
    Ya Stand Meh!!?!?!!111 JJaX's Avatar
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    Originally posted by yall
    quit wasting your time posting your opinions here and go sell it already. that way someone else will get a great used game at a discounted price. go. go now!
    Thats a grand idea.....
    I wonder if he's gonna take a magic marker to it.

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