NCAA College Basketball 2K3 (Original Xbox) by Sega

NCAA College Basketball 2K3 (Xbox) by Sega Box Art

Xbox 360 backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: December 10, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): Yes
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
9.60 / 10


Passion, dedication and purity - these are the foundations of NCAA basketball. SEGA Sports, maker of the acclaimed "NBA 2K" series, hits the college hardwood this winter with "NCAA College Basketball 2K3." From tip-off at Midnight Madness to the net cutting in New Orleans, "NCAA College Basketball 2K3" delivers the complete college hoops experience. Every Division I school is here and represented in true college fashion, complete with energetic cheerleaders, feisty student sections and spirited bands swaying in the stands, all adding to the exciting madness of college hoops.


Friday, December 17, 2004
Thursday, June 6, 2002

User Reviews

Score: 96
Overall User Average: 9.60 / 10 (96.0%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.80 / 10
Graphics User Average: 9.60 / 10
Sound User Average: 9.80 / 10
Date reviewed: December 28, 2002.

Overall: This game defintely rocks but there are those few loose ends, bugs and little things that make it fall short of awesome. I am one of the many, i think, that have jumped off the EA Sports bandwagon and started to see SegaSports as a great alternative in sports games gaming. Long overdue...seems to me EA just spends too much time trying to make the players and stadiums look as real as possible (and they have done a good job at that, i'll grant them) but have forgotten that GAMEPLAY is king in the end...and that goes for ANY genre, as far as I'm concerned.
Gameplay: Gameplay is right up there with the best in the sports gaming arena. Still, there are the "sticking" issues where you can't seem to get around a defender no matter what you try. But that is something I've almost come to expect on basketball games.

My main complaints on gameplay is the total lack of AI at the end of games or halfs where the computer doesn't even try to shoot when down by 5 with a minute to go. They just hold on to the ball and pass it around forever till the clock runs out.

Complaint two is the passing. While you have the option to use the button-tag passing, it's too difficult to use on fast breaks or for quick-passing in half court offenses. The default analog passing (point to who you want to pass it to when hitting the pass button) too often passes it to the one guy you DIDN'T want to try to pass it to, resulting in a turnover.

Other than that and missing 2ft jumpers 50% of the time (this goes away once you master layup/dunk takeoff points), it's gameplay is right up there.
Graphics: The graphics are great...they didn't spend a whole lot of time on the crowd and press row and all that but as far as I'm concerned, that's OK since the players and those actually involved in the game are fine.
Sound: Sounds are near-perfect. Crowd chants and commentating is awesome. The play-by-play is the best I've ever seen as far as not being repetive and annoying. NFL Fever's commentating was a perfect example of repetive and annoying...i wanted to turn those commentators off! But this game has it down pretty well. You'll hear the same things from game to game, of course...but trust me, the sounds on this game are top notch.
Suggestions: Fix the bugs:
*1-15 teams ranked #1? C' can fix that before releasing.

*Why can't we see HS player stats when recruiting/scouting?

*Free throw shooting ability seems to have no bearing whatsoever to the ease of shooting free seems like if you're good, you're good...if you suck at free throws well then you just suck.

*Make the AI better at the end of close games and full court presses.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

John Obie
Date reviewed: December 18, 2002.

Overall: Wasn't at the time going to purchase this game, becuase I have NBA2K3 already. But since it was a XBOX LIVE how could I go wrong. I made the right choice. In my opinion this game is better than NBA2K3.
Gameplay: Gameplay is pretty much the same as NBA2K3.I just enjoy the college enviorment of this game. Definatly a good game to buy.
Graphics: The graphics are decent but could of been better but I can live with this since its Sega's first college basketball On LIVE.
Sound: The sounds of the crowds really bring you into the game,very well done on Sega's part.Overall the surround sound sets it a part.
Suggestions: I have bought every game that Sega has put out this year for XBOX LIVE.I have switched over to the Sega bandwagon and dropped EA SPORTS like a bag of @#$%. Until they start making online games for the Xbox they won't get another cent out of me. Keep up the good work Sega always a pleasure to purchase one of your games.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 13, 2002.

Overall: It's a very good game. Sometime's it is too easy but overall it is very good. The career legacy is by far the best aspect of the game.
Gameplay: Gameplay could be better. It is fun, and you have to play the game like an actual college game, not all 3's and drives. However even on the hardest level it is preety easy, and its incredibly wasy to steal the ball.
Graphics: Looks good. Doesnt look great, but lloks preety good. Croud looks like crap though. Some of the players are off though. Tom Coverdale with brown hair!!
Sound: Sounds fine. Nice to hear the chants during the game. They yell and scream during your freethrows and stuff. No real complaints
Suggestions: Fix some of the bugs. Be able to get more then three job offers. Other then that good job!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

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