Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 24
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

Gameplay: The gameplay is good. Instead of the classic high punch, low punch, high kick and low kick of the classic Mortal Kombat games, and replaces them with a new fighting style system. Each fighter has different attacks for each button. That means that not every character has an uppercut, for example. The weapon system which was poorly implemented on MK4 is back, and better than ever.
Graphics: The graphics are nice, textures are detailed, and the animations are smooth. There is VERY little slowdown.
Audio: The sound needs some work in some areas, but on other parts, it's great. It's realistic, but at some points, the fighters' sounds are annoying.
Suggestions: Keep working well. You're doing a great job.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is great in this game. However, there's too little of it. Watching the movies and all, I took almost 11 hours. When I skipped them, my time was reduced to 6 hours. Figure it out: only 6 hours of gameplay. Six hours of superb gameplay I might add. Some times you might feel the guards are a little stupid, but at some point they're fun to deal with.
Then, you can find the VR Missions. I guarantee these will last a long time. However, at times they may feel a little too simple.
Graphics: The game looks good. I'm surprised by the amount of slowdown MGS2 has in the tanker area, and some parts of the plant. However, the game manages to run smoothly when you're out of these problems. It doesn't look bad for a year-old game.
Audio: The music is said to be composed by Harry Gregson-Williams, the guy behind Armageddon. The music, in my opinion, is nothing special really. It's not terrible. However, at times it fits with the environment of the story. However, I didn't like it personally.
Suggestions: The game was poorly ported from the PS2. You should polish it for the Xbox. Good luck with MGS3.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is awful, simply put. It's a Dave Mirra game with nudity and cursing. Not only that, the gameplay seems outdated compared to the previous Mirra games. Strangely enough, this seems more like a step BACKWARD than forward.
Graphics: BMX XXX has many elements, and they were all poorly done. However, graphics are where the game instantly dies. The graphics are absolutely horrible in every way... textures are horrible, character models are disgusting... this game looks so bad it's not funny.
Audio: The soundtrack fits the game... not-special music for a not-special game. It's basically some cheap punk rock you hear anywhere on the radio. And the sounds of everything else are really cheesy.
Suggestions: Instead of making a terrible try for !&%$@#* appeal, make a game that's good quality. This game is truly awful. After playing this game, I never want to see any of your games anymore.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Looks good, and is easy to pick up and play. Sadly, the game is so repetitive, you'll be bored in about half an hour.
Graphics: The game looks good, which is an advantage to the bad game. It doesn't look bad, and looks similar to the movie.
Audio: The sound is okay, but it could be better. Listen while you play this game, and you'll see what I mean.
Suggestions: Give it replay value and make it more varied.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: It is a quite slow game, but this ain't an action game. This is an RPG. It's fun once you understand the game. You'll find it quite entertaing once you get involved in the storyline.
Graphics: Although it has bad textures, the environment is beautiful. If you look at everything from far away, you'll like it, but the walls look ugly up close.
Audio: The music is soothing, and fits correctly in the type of game. The voice acting is poor, but the music more than makes up for what the voice acting did.
Suggestions: Improve the textures. You should also make the environments more distinguishable. Some early cities all look the same.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: It has the best gameplay for a FIFA game. It's fun, easy to pick up and play, but hard to master. Very well done.
Graphics: It's definitely not eye candy, but it isn't horrible-looking either. The graphics are okay, but could've been better.
Audio: The sound was very realist, and it was quite impressive. The game has good sound, in my opinion. You can hear narrators, the crowd shouting, etc. The music wasn't as great as other FIFA games though.
Suggestions: Make it more customizable, and add replay value. A good idea would be minigames or things like that.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10