Average Overall Score Given: 8.60000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Project Gotham Racing

Gameplay: I love the different cars, the different tracks and different methods of play. This would definintely appeal to any racing fan.
Graphics: The graphics are incredible. The cars are great, with the lighting effects making the car shine in the sunlight, it really incredible. The tracks are just as accurately detailed.
Audio: Sound is pretty good. Although I don't always take a liking to the music on the different stations, I want to applaud them for this different method they came up with. I really think its neat to have different radio stations adapted for each track depending on what part of the world you are in.
Suggestions: You did everything right, just make sure you make a better sequel and improve on someting.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is Mediocre. I think this is a pretty hard game, its hard to get anywhere. I have come to the conclusion that the only way I can have fun with this game is to put it on quick race mode and choose any car I want.
Graphics: This was very disappointing. I remember I purchased my xbox a couple of weeks before this came out and purchased Project Gotham. The associate said "are you sure you want project gotham, there is supposed to be a better game coming out". I didn't reconsider and I am glad I didn't. The biggest gripe I have is the graphics. The overall graphics aren't too bad, but what is the deal with the color? Everything is so washed out and unappealing.
Audio: To tell you the truth I can't remember how the sound is. I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to it and if I didn't gather anything about the sound by now then it must not be anything to spectacular.
Suggestions: Color, Color, Color. Where is it? The graphics look pretty decent but, its like constantly having the sun shining in your face and washing everything out, I don't get it. I would think you guys at sega are capable of more. What appeal does this have to the average gamer?
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: I think this can appeal to a wide range of gamers, probably in particular racing fans even though this isn't your usual racing game its still a heck of a lot of fun.
Graphics: I think the graphics are great, I especially like the vegas graphics with all the lights, glitter, and buildings.
Audio: I really like one Offspring song that they put on there, excellent song to race too and with the customizable audio I love burning "Good Charlotte" to the xbox hard drive and playing crazy taxi while listening to that.
Suggestions: Not really, I really don't know what can be improved. I just know when I was at Kings Island a few years ago and played this in the arcade I was an instant fan!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: There are so many different teams and on top of that there statistics really vary making it a very lasting appeal because you never know how the game is going to shape up because of having 2 totally different teams.
Graphics: The graphics to say the least are stunning. That is what impresses me with most game and tempts me to buy them.
Audio: The sound is great too, on my surround sound system and sony is so innovative they think of everything, I put it on the game mode. It not only amplify's the sound but, gives it a kind of echoe effect. It is really like playing in a stadium and hearing the PA bouncing of all the surfaces.
Suggestions: Don't change anything, like I said before, i am not that big of a football fan but love this game. For all you NFL gurus out there, this is a must buy. It combines everything that all gamers love most about games, graphics, sound, variety, everything. I think everyone would be pretty impressed.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Even though I didn't care for the game too much there was something about it that kept coming back for more.
Graphics: The graphics were ok, definitely nothing outstanding, infact they weren't even close. Very mediocre. I think the majority of gamers, at least I do judge renting a game sometimes solely on how the graphics look.
Audio: Sound was about as good as the graphics in my opinion, very mediocre. I have a sony surround sound system, that is something to be proud of however the sound from this game is nothing I would make a special effort to showcase on the surround sound.
Suggestions: When the premise for a game is a real life event, especially and in particular a war, go all out to make it an outstanding game. A conflict like desert storm and any other event like a major war being made into a game deserves to be someting extraordinary. There are lots of things that need improving one of my biggest pet peeves of the game and its a big one is how you couldn't save the game anywhere you wanted to. This left me trying to go back numerous times to things I kept repeating and left me spinning my wheels making me repeatedly frustrated.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10