Average Overall Score Given: 7.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Serious Sam

Gameplay: Let's put it this way destory just about everything you see. The controls are fluid, and everything just comes together to cerate a sumphony of destruction... I will crap my pants!
Graphics: One Word: This game is absolutley amazing. That was bunch of words.. Visually this game is bright and the environments go on forever.. This isnt a dark dungeon shooter. Youre out and about and kicking ass!
Audio: The Sounds are great.. everything from alien yelps to these dudes that run at you with bombs in thier hands yellingas they get closer and closer til they explode on impact. The voices and stuff Sam says is hysterical. What a great character.
Suggestions: I think Croteam has really perfected bringing this game to the console.. I really feel like I can continually have fun with this title.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Its appelaing but not enough to get me to wet my pants like everyone else. I would have appreciated a little more cool Spyeqsue things not this...
Graphics: I think it was actually a quite striking game. I think it will be a little better if we could get the blood to look good
Suggestions: Die Developer S !&%$@#* !
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: As I said I smelled Arabs! Maybe it was just my armpits.. but I think this game rawks! You can really get into a stelath mode and take out these guys like Weapon X!
Graphics: At first I wasn't so impressed, but as I played the environments really impressed me.. I think this game looks really good.
Audio: Sounds good to me man! Sounds good to me man!Sounds good to me man!Sounds good to me man!Sounds good to me man!
Suggestions: I would love it if you could smell more Arabs...
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10