Average Overall Score Given: 8.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 10
TimeSplitters 2

It could literally last forever with all the game modes and levels.
Gameplay: The depth is massive, the controls are easy, fast,wacky addictive fun,youll keep coming back for more even when you have completed the somewhat short story mode.Thers loads to be unlocked from characters to levels and slowdown
Graphics: The graphics are wacky but fab. Its really nice to look at even on the levels you make your self. They really set the atmosphere in each level.
Audio: Who cares about the sound,the games great.I dont think ive even taken any notice of the sound the games so superb!would have been nice to add your own sound track mind
Suggestions: Xbox live and make a time splitters 3 which is as big as Halo!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: When i first played it i thought that the tutorial was quite boring until i realised that the controls were different from the dc.The game itself was much easier because instead of using the anologue and R at the same time you just press R.
The game it self was fun all the way but difficult to find where your going sometimes.the make your own graffiti mode was great!Loads to come back for like extra characters and stuff.
Graphics: The graphics were amazing, bright cheerful and over the top thats sega for you.This is the start of a new trend of cel shading.but you wont get any better than this.
Audio: Some good tracks to begin with but get annoying when your at the later levels. an addition to add own soundtracks wouldnt go amiss sega!
Suggestions: Make it much longer and add your own soundtrax.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10