Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Phantasy Star Online - Episode 1 and 2

Gameplay: Character movement is easy, but using facing trigger (Left Trigger) is annoying. Makes it difficult to target. Recommend using small controller. Button set up is comfortable, and adjustable. Offline is a great touch to the game and allows for character development. Game play modes are great, especially challenge mode and battle mode. Challenge mode is excellent for building team strategy whether online or off. Incredible selection of items, but limited techniques. Mags are a bit tricky to develop at higher levels but add an interesting aspect to character development overall.
Graphics: Beautiful Graphics!!!! Rich use of color and wide range of texture maps.
Creatures are very detailed and proportionate to character and environment.
Audio: Typical of a Sega RPG game, but there is a good variation in BGM. Effect sounds from environment and player interaction are all excellent.
Suggestions: For Offline play, two player, make creature targeted description window smaller. It takes up too much of the playing view. Allow for occipity settings (Transparency) on pop-up fields and during quests when someone is tagging along with you. Their heads block the view.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10