Average Overall Score Given: 5.61111 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2
The Thing

Gameplay: Very slow game. The story isn't very good either. The actual playing isn't a lot of fun. You are better off playing something like Panzer Dragoon or Halo.
Graphics: Graphics are the only thing done right in this game. I noticed some slowdown. The enviroments were overly dark also.
Audio: Horrible music. If the music was good I might've given this a higher score. I don't know how you can mess up this category but they somehow did it.
Suggestions: Work harder next time.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Bad controls + Maximum stupid story = a retarted game. Which this one is very very much so. Munch was sorta cool though.
Graphics: Muddy textures are the besy you will get in this game. Are they trying to make us Xboxers look bad by playing this game.
Audio: The dumbest sounds of all time are concealed within this game is what the box should've said. DUMB GAME!!!
Suggestions: What were you thinking!!!
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Nothing origional. An exact replicaof every other sports football game out there. GET A NEW CONCEPT!
Graphics: Decent. So I will give it a 2.0. Once again it is the same as last year's in this category too. Why buy these games if the will be upgraded in a year!
Audio: Annoying announcers. Cheesey tackles and grunts from the players. Unorigional once again. Boring!!!
Suggestions: NEW CONCEPT!!!
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Wimpy action, with no variety of techniques is all this game has to offer.It is suposed to be cheesy but it succeeds too well.
Graphics: Weak 3D enviroments along withbad character designs are mainly what hurts this game besides the sound, but i will get to that soon.
Audio: It's atrocious! There are dumber sounds in this game than oddworld: Munch's Oddysey. All the Hi-Ya! stuff gets old fast too.
Suggestions: WTF!?
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: Horrible passing( the ball floats for a bout 10 minutes before it gets to the receiver). The AI is comprised of retards also.
Graphics: Decent. The characters seem to be made up of 6 bulky circles so the people look real dumb. Otherwise the visuals are decent.
Audio: The commentary is so so annoying.
You will wish you could snap the disc in half because the commentary is so annoying.
Suggestions: Try better next time.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: Why can't you change the friggin button functions? The modes are way too shallow also. They might have something with Franchise mode though.
Graphics: Good for a sport's game, but they hardly changed anything from last year's game. Next time they should try something origional.
Audio: Annoying announcers is all I can say, but they are saved from getting the 1.0 because of one real cool announcer. Forgot his name but he is cool.
Suggestions: Better.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Repetitive. Good variety of weapons though. Dr Jones is still one of the coolest dudes ever. How could they have messed him up with such a not so good game.
Graphics: Decent. Nothing out of the ordinary though. They should have added more special effect and explosions.
Audio: Obnoxious sums up just about all the sounds in this game. The guards are annoying. Even Jones's voice got annoying.
Suggestions: Do better next time.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Controls weren't very responsive. That irritated me a whole lot. Combos were way way too long. otherwise it was fine.
Graphics: Boring enviroments. Fatalaties looked so bad they were almost laughable. character models got very boring also.
Audio: Good sound effects. Horrible soundtrack. One was good the other was horrible so they balance each other out.
Suggestions: Go back to 2D
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Controls were annoying in their set up so i had to reconfigure about 8 times. They need to have more liflike tricks though.
Graphics: Good, a little bit blocky though. A big improvement in thiscategory over last years game. They have too many Tony Hawk games out there though.
Audio: The people are so annoying. I was driven to the verge of insanity from hearing nice try eh inthe canada level.
Suggestions: Make it more realistic.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is the first fps I've played with an actual decent story.The control design is freakin ingenious also.
Graphics: Great graphics with impressive enviroments. one thing i noticed though is all the indoor levels and areas all seem the same. Maybe it was supposed to be that way. I don't know though. So I won't take off points.
Audio: The sound in this game is great. All the guns have a very cool shot sound. The vehicles and enemy chatter sound great too.
Suggestions: Nice work.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are great. The menus are a bit confusing, but good nonetheless. This is probly one of the top 5 games on the xbox the other 5 being Halo, panzer, etc.
Graphics: Great lighting. Very realistic graphics also. This game would make a great movie. I didn't sense a single slowdown in the same game either. It was great.
Audio: This game sounded great. The explosions and gunshots sound real as could be. This game couldv'e been cool with a soundtrack.
Suggestions: Nice work.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are very good, but I had to change the setup a couple times to suit me better.The campaign also had a decent story behuind the shoot-em-up action.
Graphics: These graphics are the best mech game graphics period. All the shots look cool. And the other mech's look so awesome.
Audio: This was the one problem with the game. Some of the sound was a little messed up. Otherwise this would get a 5. The voices were great also.
Suggestions: Add more mech's instead of just variants.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great control scheme (Because it is Halo's control scheme). A good set of FMV's also.Very cool characters as well.
Graphics: First off, The graphics of this game rank up there with Panzer Dragoon and Halo. The bump-mapping is great.And the enviroments are very cool.
Audio: Explosions, gunshots, and grunts and comments from characters are very good. Also the character voice acting is cheesy in a very good way.
Suggestions: None.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Good controls, besides that it's crap. The moves were cool occasionally, but they got old after doing them a couple times.
Graphics: Looks alright for another PS2 port. Shoulda been made for the Xbox and down-sized for the Cube and PS2.
Audio: ANNOYING!!! Too many stupis cliches and sayings from the announcers. Needed more plaers talking, it is street ball afterall, where is the trashtalk?
Suggestions: None, just know that I hate you.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: Good controls, A fun game, most racers like this are fun, not enough variety in things to do, A crash mode doesn't set this one that much apart rom other racer's anyway.
Graphics: Decent at best, Kind of bland actually, even though this is the Developers cut, which is supposed to be so much better.
Audio: Needed more sounds, everything was kinda generic, like most other driver's so this category is ordinary juist like the others.
Suggestions: Set yourselves apart from the other racers.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: Cities were too similiar,the characters were lame, just like everything else also, Play MC2 if you want good racing.
Graphics: I was shocked that this was an XBox game because it's graphical quality was so low. C'mon. It's so generic and blocky.
Audio: The best thing about this game. The Dolby really brought out some good sound in this game. Nuff said.
Suggestions: C'mon Microsoft. Try harder next time, this was a very week sghot at the racing genre.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great control system, wonderful plot that is changed due to the decisions you make through out the game, it's like a more detailed Morrowind.
Graphics: Breathtakingly good. The people are so detailed, and with all the frantic fighting throughout the game the graphics never go to crap.
Audio: Great sound effects with the lightsaber battles, Character voices are very cool and well polished also.
Suggestions: Great Job Bioware!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls were great, I was pleased with them even though i didn't know if they would be good or not. I owned the origional Panzer's on the Saturn and once again the addicting story caught me up into the game.
Graphics: Very Impressive! The graphics were great during the game with all the frantic action going on, but the cinema scenes were incredible, On the two intermission movies and the beginning movies I almost cried they were so good(kidding! but they were great nonetheless). These graphics are the best on any system.
Audio: The rapid fire, laser, and berserker attack sounds were great,The voice acting was right on par. The game language was a very nice addition to the game.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work Smilebit and Sega.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10