Average Overall Score Given: 9.46154 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1567
Rallisport Challenge

Gameplay: It's a racing game. The Gameplay is very smooth racer and it's easy controll over the car is very cool. You race in rallys, mountains, terrains, etc. One other thing I love about it is it's smoothness it's very enjoyable and nothing is frusturating.
Graphics: The graphics are excellent, smooth scenery, it looks almost like life to me, and the cars are beaytiful. This has graphics that can't get better. It's tight.
Audio: Its good backround music, and the guy who you listen to tels you where to go doesn't get annoying and is the exact opposite he's helpful. But take away that dumb accent Nah just playin.
Suggestions: Maybe more tracks, custom bodykits and Online enabled for the sequel. Excellent Job!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: you play as terrorist or counter- terorist if ure terrorist u plant bombs and make sure hostages are under your contreol, and kill counter terosrist, one thing that sucks is you can't shoot the hostages( well it does make sense or it'd be too easy}and if youre counter terrosrist you defuse bombs, kill the terrorists. I want to say sumptin, DON"T GET THIS GAME IF YOU DON"T GOT LIVE OR XBC ONNECT theres no dumb two plaer even.
Graphics: It looks like the version from the computer, which isn't that bad, but since it's on the xbox i expected more. the scenery is blocky but, overall a little dissapointing.
Audio: good voice acting, custom soundtracks are always good, but they should make the teamates ACTAULLY talk and say AUGGGGH! when shot or scream they only talk when you use the directional pad to command them, but i expected but still good.
Suggestions: FIRST OF ALL STORY mode. this game could of have an excellent story mode and two player for those poor people without xbox live, and fix the graphics.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: you are a little robot with his buddies and u face oder meany buddies. The only thing I don't like is the vibration I love vibration but there's way too much but awesome.
Graphics: It's great it's like halo's little brother halo's handsom(graphically) and so is metal arms except cute.
Audio: great voice acting the weapon sound is awesome and the musics okay could be better but, it fits the game perfect.
Suggestions: sequel less vibration maybe custimizable vehicles and characters great job!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: It's the sims except ure a warrior it's great I'm sda elf Right now I'm workin for the theives guild.
Graphics: ehhhhh kinda bland or blocky it could be more in depth it's not horribble It won't be dissapointing though.
Audio: great voice acting but the sounds get too repettititve did I spell that right? It's good and the music is just right a nice symphony.
Suggestions: hmmmm Way better fightin system.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: It's a fightin game but u get weapons my fav. character would have to be I guess KILIK but I think they shoulda add more unlockables, and it was too easy and if there's another suquel put another character I don't like spawn a lot.
Graphics: It's good but not great but it's still colorful and pleasing to da eye. THey coulda done better but it was good.
Audio: This is what I hate about most fightin games Most of da time HORiBBLE VOICE ACTING!! It gets very annoying after a while but still good.
Suggestions: sequel, more unlockables but good JOb!!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: It's a fps. The weapons are awesome(flame thrower) It's also precise but it's pretty hard the first couple of times you play it.
Graphics: it's not top notch but I can live wit em the faces are blury and not very detailed but the levels are nice looking.
Audio: It's good the music is creepy which fits in the game and voice acting is good, but it's still fallin sort.
Suggestions: better single player missions and vehicles woulda been tight.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: well u play as spider man a nerdy student who got bitten by a spider which gave him super spider abilites, you save ppls and fight bad guys It's just kinda borin'.
Graphics: It's solid it's detailed and kinda colorful I still think it was an OK game I'm not interested in dat superhero stuff. it's over all good lookin'.
Audio: Really awesome voice actin uses Tobey Mcguire's voice as spider man and the music fit's just right but really doesn't improve da game.
Suggestions: In the suquel fix da probs I spoke about but good game if ure a spiderman fan.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: You're in a game show and you compete in such games like dodge ball, fragfest and chicken. If u like party games get it
Graphics: beautiful, everythimg is detailed probabbly one of the best lookin games on the box. But what get's me mad is fish eye it's cool but distracting.
Audio: great excellent!! voice acting and nothin ever get's annoying and funny. The weapons have each a different sound. Goood Job!
Suggestions: Sequel, More !&%$@#* in chaaracters and ton o cinematics good Job!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: it's a fighting game. My only problem is it's not hard enough. When U face the last boss he looks tough but is just a kid in a scary costunme.
Graphics: Beautiful, I know in my previous reviews that I said they are one of the best. But guess what this is the best lookin game ever.
Audio: good music great voice acting and everythin is nice. U won't be dissapointed even if you're not a fighting fan.
Suggestions: HArder sequel and more characters and weapons
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: hack and slash but fun and create a warrior i don't know how it can better even co op and versus mod cool attacks
Graphics: eh not great not good ok not bad not xbox standards but it won't be so horrible it will dissapoint u
Audio: a little corny no way corny but it doesn't bother me it's a mix of rock and chinese music it's okay it's not repetitive but good
Suggestions: graphic and less corny but this is da !&%$@#*
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game is one of the top 10 game's out there what do u do? u graffiti the city and face rival gangs and the police and multi player is da S***
Graphics: bootyyyyyyyful! cellshadin is awesome except it depends what kinda game it is and very colorful awesome
Audio: Hmm uhh ok music actually good it gets repetitive during the end but matches thegame coulda been better
Suggestions: awesome awesome awesome JUST CO-OP AND THIS WOULDA been awesome sorry for caps-lock
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: hnmmm fun and easy not easy like live where it turns into a dunkfest bu it's easy and fun and more realistic u actually do regular dunks like they do on ppl not crossover dunk
Graphics: hmmmmm polished booty ful not better than 2k3 but good better than live but someplayers don't looke like em but some look awesome but u won't be dissapointeed
Audio: ahhhhhhhh masta P won't dissapoint ya but if it does sorry but excellent commentary best commentarry for a ball game very good
Suggestions: street better crosses but good job microsoft is awesome
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: haha i don't think u get tired of shooting the crap outta aliens big or small but the warthog I hate driven da friigin thing but it's cool and it has nice weapons and maybe beter AI
Graphics: oooooooooH ahhhh good visuals it's pleasant not DOA but good if u wanted a game with graphics get this
Audio: hmnmmmm good music blends when battlin aliens and good voicing again awesome It's funny when the little aliens are runnin away from ya and they cry and say funny stuff
Suggestions: better controls for warthog but jawesome
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10