Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Mad Dash Racing

Gameplay: Just like Mario Kart, Mad Dash's AI opponents will pretty much stay in step with you. If you go the wrong way down a track, make a ton of mistakes or whatever the opponents "wait" for you. Meanwhile if you hit everything perfectly they keep right up. Through some parts of the game it seems like you have a tractor beem in front of you pushing the leader. This might give the appearance of being competitive, but it really aggravates me. There are a TON of shortcuts in this game, but what is the point of taking them when the computer simply catches right up to you. The "real" race isn't until the last stretch 90% of the time, and I find myself often holding onto the chicken or ice freeze in order to get a jump on the computer going into the finish line. I would prefer beating the computer with some actual skill.
Multiplayer is good, but unlike Mario Kart Mad Dash does not have any course specifically designed for multiplayer mayhem. Weapons are pretty good, and it's a lot of fun icing someone just as they grab onto the rope bridge, or taunting them after chucking the heat seeking chicken after them (which sometimes takes a little while to catch up to them which just adds to the humor of it all). The fruit basket is the annoying weapon you try to rid yourself of ASAP, often acidently hitting yourself if your not careful.
4.5 out of 5
Single player: 2 out of 5
Graphics: Pretty good. Some of the background action alone is pretty breath taking. Everything is a little cartoonish - which enhances the atmosphere. The clockworks area and dragon are particularly impressive.
Audio: Some of the background music is pretty catchy. Point loss for not allowing us to play custom tracks burned onto the XBox's hard drive. Although some of the character's comments are amusing, they can quickly become a little annoying. Certainly not as annoying as Mario Kart's "Mama Mia!" cutesy voices though.
Suggestions: Overhaul the computer's AI. Let me win the game by taking shortcuts, out-racing them, and out-playing them.
Design some courses with muliple players in mind.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10