Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
NBA Live 07

Gameplay: This plays so slow and unrealistic. im playing with dwight howard and in game he cant make a dunk to save his life. it may be because the controls are so blocky its almost impossible to make his do a basic two handed dunk. yes there are buttons you have to push to make a normal two handed safe dunk. this makes me remember why i quit playing live and picked 2k. one of the biggest out of game problems is the menus. they look cool but you cant just go to a starters page you have to adjust playing time(this is in dynasty) its just confusing trying to find the stuff you want.
Graphics: the visuals are really good. the players look like they should the coaches leave something to be desired but honestly who cares what a coach looks like. menus look good. and the whole baskettball court making itself is real cool. the biggest thing i noticed is that the arenas (at least orlandos) atually look like the arenas in real life.
Audio: all the sounds but one are real good. but what the heck did they use for the sound of a basketball hitting a rim. it sounds like they went outside and slapped a twig against the sidewalk. i know some OLD rims sound like that but ive never heard an NBA rim sound like that. unfortunatly since it is dang near impossible to make a shot that was a sound i heard a lot so it made me really not like the sound.
Suggestions: overall make a better game. sluggish controls are not fixed by slwong down the actual pace of the game. it looked like everything was in slow motion. and make movement typical of a certain type of player. i mean i can windmill dunk with jameer nelson but i cant just slam it home with dwight howard. i played with shaq and i know he wouldn't try to look like tracy mcgrady while he's dunking. it just doesn't look right.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: its a real good game with all the same flaws as the other games from past years. the only real problem i have with it is some of the player are really unrealistic. like even reggie bush couldnt break through an NFL mob for a run back touchdown. this isnt college. and the defense ai is terrible. sometimes my guys will run right past the ball carrier when they are right next to them. some of the controls are real weird. the best part is creating your own superstar. you cant just bump all his stats up to as high as you want them.
Graphics: the arenas are great. the crowd looks more alive but everyone knows that not every team sells out every game. sometimes the camera pans through the crowd and the collision detection for the camera on that stuff bites. the players faces look nothing like them but i guess you cant tell with helmets on. the coaches are spot on.
Audio: the sounds are always good. you here crunching and you wonder if its bone or plastic pads. its usually what brigs a game all together. and its great in this one
Suggestions: fix the weak ai. i get mad when i get through to o line just to have my guy run straight past vick when he is actually standing still. it doesnt happen often but when it does i would really like to just lay him out. and fix the camera problems.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: nothing is really wrong just nothing really different to make it stand out against the other games out. The most annoying thing in this game is in the battle of hoth when you try to take out the at-ats(big walkers). you have to shoot the cable at them but you need a computer character and it is dang near impossible and if you switch to the gunner seat then the computer is incompitent and flies the ship straight into the mountains and you die. very annoying.
Graphics: not too bad at all but again nothing too miraculous.i give it a 4.5 because in so many other games, they mess up everything and this one gets it right. but thats the way it should be so no extra points.
Audio: the sound is great. in all of the star wars flops the sound has always been good. so in a game that is actually good the sound is expected to be good.
Suggestions: come up with more original stuff. make more player types available. like in the clone wars part i was expecting to be able to be a jedi in the genosis battle. and let people choos what side to be on.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: It is so SMOOTH. you can feel the hits when you use the charge button. when it rains it is harder to get a completion, and its easier to fumble. When its cold, you run a little slower, when its hot you get tired faster. It is so lifelike. The only downside is that its hard to play on thier difficulty settings, but u can just make your own.
Graphics: When i played madden, it looked just like the year before. in espn you can see the difference. all i need to say is lighting. the lighting in the stadium and the shadowing of everything makes this game look so real. it looks like they took a camara and ran it up and down a football field. but the crowd is 2d. when the camara goes over the crowd in a wide shot when the game starts theyre flat
Audio: The sound is amazing. the starting music isnt so hot but you just put in your own. The only thing that pissed me off was the repetative talk from the celebs in the crib games. mostly the game against carmen electra. she always audibles and always says"i reserve my right to change my mind." there is also some sort of bug that one time i was playing that chick and out comes the voice of steve-o from jackass.then the anouncers say i made a really deep pass when i handed it off.
Suggestions: Stay with the low prices and early release. if i hadnt been walking around in target and seen it at 20 bucks then i would never have bought it. last year the game wasnt nearly as good as madden but i said "what the hell 0 buck i can lose and if i dont like it illsell it to gamestop" but i got it home andwas blown away. now i regret never being able to play football growing up.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10