Total Reviews: 11
Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 48

The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age

Overall: I've been waiting a long time for a game like this. I was a HUGE fan of the FF series. I've had a problem with RPG's since systems got good enough to do real time fighting.

Sure there are times where it works, but I miss my old-school turn based RPG. This game is exactly that. It's just a big battle, and it's all turn-based.

Gameplay: Gameplay. All right, you fight. That's about it. They didn't bother with a new angle or anything. You follow in the footsteps of the Fellowship through all the movies and you fight. Sometimes alongside them, sometimes not. The game is ALL fighting though. It's good that I've been dying to play a turn based RPG for so long because even I thought that it was getting a little old by the end. The game is really, ONLY FIGHTING.

Graphics: PRETTY, PRETTY, PRETTY. The old RPG's just looked so bad. This one, I hope, can re-kindle a dying gernre.

Audio: nice. I don't have the best audio system. But it was nice. Nothing spectacular, but it certainly isn't a downside.

Suggestions: One important suggestion. A PLOT! I know that the movie was already written in stone. But you could've done something. One of the greatest parts of your game was in Moria. It's great because you are aiding the Fellowship without their knowledge. When I watch the movie I could think that I was on the other side of that door helping them out. You decided to have no impaginations whatsoever! The key to any successful RPG will always be story. You need one.

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10 Magic The Gathering : Battlegrounds

Overall: This is the video adaptation of the popular card game. As a 'geek' who played the game a lot, I can say that they adapted it well.

Gameplay: You are a magician, and so is your opponent. You kill eachother. That's the premise. It works well. I have one big problem with the single player mode. Everytime you kill your opponent, he THANX you! What's up with that!? I'm supposed to be killing him, and he says "Thank you for releasing me."

The other problem was the lack of cards. Each color has 13 cards. You use 10 of those in a deck. This means that everyone will be playing the same green deck. The beauty of the card game was in the creation of YOUR own PERSONAL deck. I don't understand why there are so few cards.

The gameplay itself is great though. I've player A LOT. We've had some tournaments, and I really enjoy the game.

Graphics: Pretty. The game looks good. It's not top end visuals, but they're certainly good. When your in a match you're usually too busy to care too much about what the creatures look like, but if you are watching two people play, the game is quite visually apealing.

Audio: The sound isn't bad. Every spell is vocalized, and each different caster has a different voice. And there are a lot of casters, that's a lot of voice talent.

Suggestions: MORE CARDS. The fun of magic is creating your deck. You took out the best part of the game!

Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 Spider-Man 2

Overall: Overall, great! I was hesitant to buy this game. I thought that the first SpiderMan was an all right game, nothing exceptional, and not worth the price. I got this game against my better judgement. Sure enough I put it in and right away I was pissed off with it. I couldn't swing very well. THEN I learned HOW! OMG! Just swinging through the city is AMAZING! The whole city is there WITHOUT A LOAD SCREEN! You gotta buy the game just to go for a swing!

Then I was upset again.

The game gets painfully repetitive.

Then I started to unlock Spidey's cool moves, now I can just fight forever. I've finished the game, but I still play as much now as I did when I was trying to finish it!

Gameplay: Well you start out as kinda a weak SpiderMan. Then through doing assorted missions you get points. Using these points you can upgrade yourself. A lot of the game is free time. You can do what you want. I like that, from time to time the plot comes in, but for the most part you do what you want.

They put in a couple of extra villains. This was nice, I would like to have seen a little more of Rhino. He is a really cool bad guy, but fighting him in this game was just pathetically easy. Actually this game really is quite easy. I think that they wanted to make it so that the kiddies could clear it too. That's ok with me. I take my pride in making the game LOOK pretty. And in this game you can make it look gorgeous!

Graphics: Though the graphics are far from ground breaking, they did put an entire city (including stores that you can go inside, traffic, and pedestrians) on the screen at one time. This is everything. You can go ANYWHERE. You could swing all day and not get all around the city. It's IMMENSE!

Audio: There isn't really much music in the game. Sometimes it's just the sound of your webbing. The voice over was awesome though. They got almost all of the real actors to play their parts. Spidey's sarcasm was done well.

Suggestions: Not really. You have made a good game 1,000 times better. You could teach me a thing or two!

I guess if I wanted to knick pick though; you could use more missions. I had them all memorized in a couple of hours. It's the crime that's MOST appealing. I did like the other options though.

You did a GREAT job. Thank you for this game.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Spider-Man

Overall: Overall, great! I was hesitant to buy this game. I thought that the first SpiderMan was an all right game. Nothing exceptional, and not worth the price. I got this game against my better judgement. Sure enough I put it in and right away I was pissed off with it. I couldn't swing very well. THEN I learned HOW! OMG! Just swinging through the city is AMAZING! The whole city is there WITHOUT A LOAD SCREEN! You gotta buy the game just to go for a swing!

Then I was upset again.

The game gets painfully repetitive.

Then I started to unlock Spidey's cool moves, now I can just fight forever. I've finished the game, but I still play as much now as I did when I was trying to finish it!

Gameplay: Well you start out as kinda a weak SpiderMan. Then through doing assorted missions you get points. Using these points you can upgrade yourself. A lot of the game is free time. You can do what you want. I like that, from time to time the plot comes in, but for the most part you do what you want.

The put in a couple of extra villians. This was nice, I would like to have seen a little more of Rhino. He is a really cool bad guy, but fighting him in this game was just pathetically easy. Actually this game really is quite easy. I think that they wanted to make it so that the kiddies could clear it too. That's ok with me. I take my pride in making the game LOOK pretty. And in this game you can make it look gorgeous!

Graphics: Though the graphics are far from ground breaking, they did put an entire city (including stores that you can go inside, traffic, and pedestrians) on the screen at one time. This is everything. You can go ANYWHERE. You could swing all day and not get all around the city. It's IMMENSE!

Audio: There isn't really much music in the game. Sometimes it's just the sound of your webbing. The voice over was awesome though. They got almost all of the real actors to play their parts. Spidey's sarcasm was done well.

Suggestions: Not really. You have made a good game 1,000 times better. You could teach me a thing or two!

I guess if I wanted to knick pick though; you could use more missions. I had them all memorized in a couple of hours. It's the crime that's MOST appealing. I did like the other options though.

You did a GREAT job. Thank you for this game.

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10 Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter

Overall: This is a great game. I was pleasently surprised by how good this game was! I can't believe that this game is this old, yet there hasn't been much talk about it. It is an awesome shooter! I loved it all. Sure I'd still have to admit that Halo is a better game. But, this is a close second, and some parts are even better than Halo!

Gameplay: Gameplay description. Well, it's like you'd think. You get lots of guns. You shoot the bad guys. Lots of shooting, no stupid stealth. You fly a ship somtimes, you snipe sometimes. But mostly random shooting with lots of guns. Which is exactly what I like.

Graphics: The visuals are truly what sets this game apart. When I said that this game has aspects better than Halo this is what I ment. The graphics are simply better. The game is picturesque. The levels are massive and have a ton of detail in them. A lot of the bad guys look the same, but all games where you have to kill more than 100 guys are going to give you some generic 'thugs' to kill.

Audio: Sound in the game is good. Guns shooting, music playing, people talking. All great. Too bad about the cut scenes though. I know that they got Henry Rollins to do the voice. This is why I'm so confused about why the voiceover is so bad. It's just not good.

Suggestions: Well, Just one. And I think a big one. The name of the game is "Mace Griffon: Bounty Hunter." Well I think that the idea of being a bounty hunter is to kill guys, and then get paid for it! What's up with this game, you NEVER get paid! Either give me money, or change the name.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy

Overall: The concept of this game is great. Usually we just have a gun to go in and blow people away. This game takes it to another level though. You have Psi-Powers! And that's just cool. It can take a bit to learn the control, but when you get good at it, it's nothing but awesome.

That being said, don't buy this game. The begining of the game is great, shooting guns, throwing random objects at bad guys, controlling peoples minds, even setting them on fire. So cool, but horribly, it's like two companies made this game. The begining is great, the gameplay for the end, is like another company completely! Just bad, bad, bad! I hated the end, It's an entirely different game, and not a good one.

Gameplay: I covered this above. It starts out great. Picture 2 enemies running into a room. Shoot them? NO! Pick up one of them, throw him into the other guy, then set them both on fire and listen to them scream. So cool! If only the game kept this formula it would be a winner.

Graphics: Nothing wrong with the graphics. The actual gameplay was great, and the sut scenes were beautiful. The blonde chick that helps you along the way has one of the most beautiful faces on a NPC. Usually companies just give the girls a HUGE rack and call it graphics, this girl was great.

Audio: No issue with the sound. It didn't particularly stand out. Nor did it bother me. It's all good to me.

Suggestions: Next time lose the aura sight. As soon as I got that power I knew the game was taking a bad turn!

Overall Score: 6.0 / 10 Red Dead Revolver

Overall: This is an extremely addictive game. You need to play this. The variety to the missions is awesome. It follows a character through his life in a spagetti western. It's lots of shooting random bad guys, trains, stagecoaches, etc...

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. I don't even know why. There is just something inherently addictive about this game. I really enjoyed it. The only problem I had was that because it is a 3rd person shooter, sometimes when you are looking around a corner the rifle on your back actually gets in the way. You can no longer see the bad guys, just a big screen of your rifle butt. It didn't happen often, but enough to annoy me.

Graphics: The visuals were nothing. You won't be getting this game for its visual expierience. It's bad. I did like how they made it look like a western though. It has the feel of a movie that was shot in the 60's or something. It's very 'grainy', it has lines across the screen, the did put some work into that. When you start this game though you are a little kid. People come to kill your family, a gun falls into a fire, you reach in to pick it up (it's a close up), you won't believe how bad your hand looks. I've seen better graphics on the N64!

Audio: Good. Kinda cheezy, but that's what the game wants. Different guns even sound different. It has good sound while your in a quick draw contest! Just like the old movies.

Suggestions: The game is good. It's a good idea. I recommend the game. But come on, these graphics are just bad. Nothing but bad. Put some time into that next time.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge

Overall: This was an awesome game! No doubt, a must have. I just finished SWON, and I thought that that was amazing. This game is accually better though. It is a little bit like comparing apples and oranges though. SWON is a simulator. It's goal is total realism. Crimson Skies is an action video game. It's still about dogfighting, but it has some special moves, upgrades, health packs falling from vanquished foes. Realism was not a goal for this game. A great, fun, enjoyable game was the goal. And it succeeded.

Gameplay: You get a plane, you do various tasks. They're all based around killing everything that's 'red' on your radar. I loved it. It has some other little challenges in it, such as aiming, and racing. For the most part though, you fly and you shoot. It's great!
One little issue that I had with this game was the end boss. I went through most of the game pretty easily. I would maybe die once or twice. The end boss was CRAZY hard though. I spent 3 days trying to kill that F'n thing! Thought when it finally blows up, you light a smoke, crack a beer, and just feel all aroung jolly!
I have to say that the ending movie was a HUGE letdown though. It wasn't anything special at all. You're totally stocked about killing that thing, and then nothing. Not very impressive.

Graphics: The graphics were great. A lot of the fighting was close up. You get right near the scenery. There is a lot of time to just fly aroung and look at stuff. I actually spent some time just flying aroung the environments. Really impressive!

Audio: The sound is probably the weakest part of this game. It's not that it's bad, it's just that it's nothing special. The music is even a little redundant at times. Overall though I'll still give it a pass.

Suggestions: I would like to see a sequel for sure. The next time I would like to see a little more variety of USEFUL planes. Although there are a lot of planes in this one. You'll find that there are only 2 or 3 that you would ever bring into battle.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Secret Weapons Over Normandy

Overall: This is a great game. Usually I don't like games that take place in the passt. I like a game with futuristic weapons, bigger, better, and faster! The exception to this rule is with airplane games. Somehow when you are piloting an F-16, it just doesn't have that same feel. The planes today are just to good to make for an effective dogfight. And that's what this game is...dogfighting. Lots of it, and done well. It also is a history teacher, I swear I learned more about WWII from this game than I ever did in High School!

Gameplay: In this game you will dogfight. That's the game in a nutshell. It can be a little repetitive, but the gameplay is good. Each level is start, kill the Germans, or the Japanese, and win. I liked it though. You start with a basic plane, and through your success you get new planes, and new upgrades for your planes. At the end you get two very SPECIAL planes to work with!
The only had 2 problems with this game. 1) the targeting system. If a plane comes up behind you and starts to shoot you, you can't target it. Because you can't target it you can't see where it is. The only way to target this plane is to get it in your sights for a second. It's not too bad if the enemy pilot cooperates, but there are times where you know that there is a plane our there, but you just can't lock on to it! You just keep flying in circles. It can be a little infuriating. 2) I had to make the controls the simple style. Hold left to go left. I want left to tilt my wings left, and up to go up relative to my plane. In order to do this though you'll need the second joystick to fine tune your aim. The problem with this is that you need a button to fire your non-machine gun weapon. It makes it impossible. I was stuck with the crappy simple way to control the plane. Because of this a simple barrelroll was beyond me.
One wonderful thing that this game did was just before a 'stall' your joystick would vibrate. This made it really easy to up the throttle just before you stall. It really added to the realism of the game. It felt a little bit like you were actually in the plane.
All in all a fantastic game with awesome replayability.

Graphics: The graphics were good. I'll tell you even the missles were rendered nicely! I had this one moment in the game where an enemy missle fly right past my cockpit window! It was AWESOME! Made my heart skip a beat and everything.
For the most part though the things that you are shooting at are in the distance. Not a huge burden for the graphics.

Audio: Picture this.... You're flying along minding your own business, when, totally unprovoked, a German gets a bead on you and riddles your plane full of bullets! You hear the bullets, and most importantly you hear their impact in your plane! Right down to the sound of your windshield shattering! Cool!
All of the planes even sound different. And they sound different according to their throttle level as well.

Suggestions: My only problem with the game was after a mission you don't have the ability to go back and play it again. I wanted to replay some of the missions to better my score, or just because they were fun. Also the 2 SPECIAL planes at the end. Put them in my hanger so that I can go back and play the campaign with them at my disposal. THAT WOULD BE TRULY AWESOME!

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 The Suffering

Overall: AWESOME! You will love this game! It's one of the best games that I've ever played! It is totally immersive. You have the option to play in either 1st or 3rd person mode. I totally recommend playing right through in 1st person, it's like all of this crazy stuff is happening to you. It's totally awesome.

Gameplay: You are this crazy guy named 'Torque'. You're in jail, and all hell breaks lose. You end up escapling your cell and try to get the heck out of there. You get a number of weapons to use, and a lot of very scary looking bad guys to vanquish!
This is the 1st successful 'Horror' game that I have ever played. You need to play this game alone with the lights out. I WILL scare you. I had me watching where I stepped! I would go to bed thinking about some of the crazy critters that I had to fight!
One problem that I did find was a real feast or famine situation with the ammo. There were times that I had so much ammo that I was leaving stuff begind. Other times I only had a knife, so I was running for my life. I hate having to go back for ammo.

Graphics: GREAT! Nothing wrong here. Any game that can make you look at it with your jaw open is perfect. You'll love the setting, and fall in love/hate with the enemies.

Audio: Usually I don't have much to say about sound, but this game's sound totaly sucks you in. You hear your heart, and the baddies scurrying around you.
One problem that I did have was sometimes during a batte the music would start before the fight, so you knew that a big fight was coming up. Or the music would last too long, so you were looking around for a bad guy that doesn't exist.

Suggestions: I would love a sequel to this awesome game. Though in order to get a little more replayability from it, maybe there could be different plot options. Different paths to go down. Once you wrap this game and know the plot, there really isn't a lot going as far a replaying it.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Future Tactics: The Uprising

Overall: Do not play this game. I bought it because I live in China, and I buy everything that I can get my hands on. But this is Bad. Just bad. I think that a grade of one is generous!

Gameplay: The concept of the game is actually very good. You are set up on a war field. You control your your team, it's turn based, and you need to eliminate all aliens. There are even power-up, and upgrades available. Too bad that it just doesn't work.
Everytime you kill someone your charachter goes through this stupid animation. You can't skip it, and it's always something stupid like giving a thumbs up, or a 'Yeah'. You'll find yourself button mashing in no time to get rid of it! Also the levels just seem to take a long time. The aliens just perpetually respawn. It drives you crazy. You've already killed the boss, and all the aliens, all you have to do is walk to the end, but these stupid little pieces of fodder keep popping up. It just delays you. It's boring and frustrating.

Graphics: The graphics are not bad. They're cartooney, and simple, but that's not necessarily bad. The entire playing area is destructable. I do like that. Even the ground will have a crater after a powerful blow. That's cool as well.

Audio: O my god. Usually I don't even care about sound. But this has stupid music that just keeps repeating itself. I had to turn this game off before I was tempted to rip my own ears off my head.

Suggestions: To the developer, well I think that even this message is above your IQ. I have nothing for you. Ask you mommy to give you some talent!

Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

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