Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Gameplay: there are a lot of different skills and controls for this game which is great, you can heal your entier party, and learn new attacks.You can requier special computer chips for your robot partners and much more, i still dont know what some of the skills do cause only one side of the force can achieve certen powers. but so far ive learn alot about star wars in general about the light side and want to learn more about the dark side when i play next time around.
Graphics: the visuals are great and the combat moves (with swords/light savers) look real with great swords man ship and Moves.
Audio: sounds are just like your playing the movie, with good voice overs and some good one liners from a droid who refers humans as meatbag's
Suggestions: maybe you could make the fighting parts more real by having you control the players doging abilities
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10