Average Overall Score Given: 9.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 9
Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind

I've played MW for over 30 hours, and I feel I've just scratched the surface of the game. That is just one of the beauties of the this game. Taking in account the size of the world, the number of NPC's and quests you can encounter, this game offers you tons of replay.
Games like Hunter and Spiderman are excellent, but hold my attention span for about 2 weeks. Morrowind let's you play the game how you want to play it. Do you want to be a thief? An assassin? A noble fighter? Or how about a fighter/mage who can also cloak himself/herself to steal items? It all can be done in this truly original console RPG.
Gameplay: The controls for MW are exceptional. I was a little skeptical wondering how this game would be without a mouse, but Bethesda did a great job. You can easily switch to your map, to your inventory, to your skills, etc.. You can even play the game in 1st or 3rd person. I recommend playing in 1st person, especially during battles.
Battle scenes happen in real time, and is not turn based. Your ability to hit the monster/enemy is determined by your fatigue level and your skills.
The other thing that I do like is that you can adapt your skills the way you want them. If you are a thief, you can wear heavy armour if you want to. It might not be the best for you, but you CAN DO IT.
I just love how MW knocks down barriers and let's you be in control of the gameplay.
Graphics: The thunder/rain is awesome. Dust storms, rising and setting sunsets, volumetric fog that is better than Hunter,etc.. the visuals are outstanding. Some characters can seem blocky, but this game is not about eye candy alone.
Audio: The first time I heard the Thunder crackel over my speakers, I about lost it. Some of the sounds can get repetitive.
Suggestions: Include mods and patches for the XB version.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: You start off with 4 players. I started off with Summer the stripper and her caddy Autumn. The first thing you should do is head to the range and practice the games basics like putting and driving. Do the putting first. After you complete the challenge, you can add skill points to your character to improve 4 areas, distance/conacy.
When you are ready for the tour, there are several different games you can play. The game offers you three courses.
After my first birdie, Summer and Autmn started dancing around and even started to grind on each other.
After an Eagle, Summer will swing on the flagstick as if it were a pole in her local "dance club". You won't find this on Tiger Woods 2003!
What I like about Outlaw Golf's gameplay is that you use the analog stick to swing the club. Just move it back, and forward in a straight line. If you don't bring it up straigt, the chances of you slicing or hooking the ball increase. If you have low composure, the chances for a bad shot increase. To increase your composure, you can either hit a good shot, or you have the option of taking out some of your frustration by beating up your caddy with a Beat Down Token! This is pretty funny.
There are difficulty levels, and you can save a round after 9 holes if you need to get away from a game you started. I always like games that let you save in-game.
Almost forgot to mention. You can also upgrade your clubs by winning matches. This is a great idea.
Graphics: The introduction scenes say it all. The graphics are stunning. Bright colors, excellent character models, fantastic environment, etc...
Besides DOA and Halo, I don't think I've seen a game that has better graphics than Outlaw Golf. I'd put it right up there.
Audio: Birds chirping, airplanes over head, great voices and hilarious commentary.
The music has a good tempo that gets you in the frame of mind to have fun. The sounds of striking the ball gives a good crisp "TING" that makes you feel lik you've just hit a great shot. If you boom one, you'll get a rocket type of sound.
Suggestions: The ability to perhaps make your own golfer would be cool. Online play in the future, and more courses.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Besides a few glitches, 2k2's gameplay is very good. Jumpshots look great, the computer AI is very good (maybe too good with their sh. percentages)and you also have the capability to play zone defenses, something that is not offered in Inside Drive.
Graphics: Some player models look terrible, especially their faces. Graphics overall are very good, and I like the replays from different angles on big dunks.
Audio: Sound effects are so so. Nothing really to write home about, but nothing bad about it. The biggest component is the commentary. It is too repetitious and what's annoying is the CPU doesn't reflect your free throw points when they calculate your opponents and the run they are on. For example, the CPU scores 6 straight, I'll put in two FT's, and the next time down they score. The CPU will say "That's 8 unanswered points!" Annoying. Inside Drive's commentary is much better.
Suggestions: I think the commentary is the weakest point in this game. It's not bad, but needs improvement. Also, goaltending needs to be fixed. Too many times you will go up for a rebound and get called for goaltending after it hit the rim. I guess this is a Halo infraction, but it happens to often.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10