Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

Gameplay: The only thing I can realy complain about is the real lack of precision when it comes to every weapon(except for the sniper rifles). I just wish I was a little more sure of what I was aiming at. Otherwise, the stealth versus guns blazing while trying to plan out your missions is great. The briefings before each mission, complete with pictures and video really draws you in. I think I would rather be a Hitman, now!
Graphics: Awesome graphics. Everything looks great, and is a lot more detailed than I thought it would be. I would have liked a first person view at times other than sniping. The interface is easy, and it is almost a pick up and play game.
Audio: Nice background music and good use of ambient noises. It is pretty cool to be in a sewer and hear a limo pull up above you. The Dolby 5.1 definitely helps take it to the next level.
Suggestions: I am going to need another fix soon.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10