Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Spy Hunter

I grabbed it and saw the new graphics, original music included!! and WHOA!!! the original arcade game also included!! enough to make the buy right there....
The gameplay switched from third to first person views are bothering me.... and the badguy interface ain't to hot either but ITS STILL SPYHUNTER!!!
Gameplay: The game plays more like a racing game than an action game. The first person view makes it difficult to negotiate the way too subtle differences between badguys and civilians. Oh by the way, you lose if you kill too many innocent bystanders in this one and you can't even shoot the weapons van!! The racing controls are VERY easy and not too hard to control, but throw in the ACTION goals of the game and you'll be hitting the brakes ALOT.
The Racing and Action??? don't mix.
Graphics: Very nice feel visually except for the badguys. The vehicles look good but the guys look like crash test dummies. And going 115MPH its hard to tell which cars are NOSTRA s !&%$@#* and which are Mom and Dad in the land rover. The level objective have a HUD (Heads up display) to help you find them but the background thugs blend in too much. And is it me? or does the graphics look REALLY dark???
Visually I love the movie cuts, I like the game background, but the principils in the game need work. The Interceptor itself is AWESOME!!!
Audio: Absolutly GREAT!! Original tracks inspied by original game!!!
No complaints, and if ya don't like em who cares it's on XBOX put your own on there!!
Suggestions: I think we went too far tword the racing side and not enought tword the Action thrills and level missions. I mean the SATcoms?? drop em. All they do is make you skill drive. The tracking is cool and the objective target are good. I would've made it a little brighter and clean cut. When racing that background looks GREAT!!! but you can't see the bad guys until you run over them. And the HUD only targets objectives... so it doesn't help here.
And don't dangle the original game over us!! I assume I have to complete the game to get to play the original. With this kind of game, the levels become frustraiting, the original would be a perfect unwinding no brainer to play while I was bored with the HARD levels. You know for a break.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10