Average Overall Score Given: 6.16667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 952
Wreckless: The Yakuza Mission

Gameplay: Boring, boring, and boring. The missions are totally pointless. Only 20 missions....What a shame. No replay value. Gets bored fast. Stupid in game characters. Small amounts of vehicle. Does not deserve to be an Xbox game. -4.5pts.!!!
Graphics: Excellent environment. Excellent physics. Excellent textures and bumps. Fast and furious on 30fps. You cannot get any more detail then that. The water looks LIVE like. and you can actually see the ppl driving inside every car. The city is HUGE. Every bits of detail in Hong Kong is appeared in the game. When you are on a mission, the city is still functioning...Cars moving, ppl running around like idiots, etc. Great!
Audio: Sound is always best on the Xbox. Wreckless uses this advantage to make gamers hear every bits of crashing, ppl screaming, car functioning sounds. Great!
Suggestions: 1) Make a Free Roam mode.
2) Multi-player + Online play.
3) More vehicles + Missions
4) More places...Hong Kong is getting really boring now. I've played Hong Kong in ShenmueII already! I want to play in an European city!
5) More replay camera...And don't make them a secret cuz I hate unlocking stuff.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Chop, slash, shoot.....With gore popping out every second....The gameplay is fast and furious. Pretty cool. With the four player mode....It's even more fun!
Graphics: Great visuals. I just love how the blood scattered all over the city! Now THAT's vio
Audio: I don't really care about sound. The soundtracks are not that hype. I just don't care.....I only like the slashing and chopping sound.
Suggestions: Online multi-player or system link....Also, include deathmatch and ctf, etc.....
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Boring, absolutely boring....No freedom, same thing from the last versions. Sega sucks at Taxi......
Graphics: Very bad lighting.....Even though CT3's in 60fps, the graphics are really low res.....Even Halo's 30fps beauty beats that Piece of Shit!
Audio: Sound gets repetive.....Yuck! The worst sounds and musics on earth....Got tired of it after 2 minutes.....
Suggestions: Don't make anymore.....
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10