Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Gameplay: I thought the joystick would be awkward and I was wrong about this too. It is very easy to move around and much better than games like Tomb Raider.
Graphics: How abou visually stunning. The characters look great. The vampires look great. And Buffy looks great in those leather pants still.
Audio: I love hearing vamps talk some junk to you before you kick their asses. All characters sound realistic and are actually a joy to listen what they have to say. All other noises and music make sense throughout the game. I also enjoy the train sound.
Suggestions: Not really. How about give us a second title next year with Buffy a little older? Possibly when Spike is on the gang's side?
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is smooth and very easy. I haven't played a basketball game since NBA LIVE 99? But I picke dup on controls immediately. However, the free throw thing totally sucks. I'd rather use the old wya of how Double Dribble did free throws.
Graphics: Looks great. ESPN is the layout and loks fantastic. Players look great. I haven't seen enough of coach's faces. Maybe I am just missing that part.
Audio: The sound is there. I love the random music coming from the PA speakers such as the classic basketball tunes.
Suggestions: Hmm...more than one person should be able to be in a dynasty at a time.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The worst aspect of the game. THe gameplay was awkward and just flat out wrong. It didn't make any sense. The most annoying part is that after a wrestler has really been beaten up they can still hop right up after a big move is done on them. Don't expect any of the fun that you had with WWF No Mercy or Wrestlemania 2000.
Graphics: The only thing going for this game. When I turned on the game and watched the intros of the two wrestlers in my match I thought this was it. The game that WWF fans have always wanted. Well, after that the wrestlers didn't look all that great once you controlled them. Things looked good overall...the game wasn't good.
Audio: I don't remember all that much about sound at all so I am sure that means they didn't do all that much hear. The theme musics were there, but I don't really remember the sound being a fun part of the gameplay. One thing that this game needs to take advantage of is using soundtracks of the XBox for wrestler intros and gameplay.
Suggestions: Go back to AKI, they did a muchbetter job with the gameplay. Use the soundtrack option so the music could be better. Make the create-a-wrestler more organized. I had to return this game to THQ because it sucked that bad. I'd like to keep the next one.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10