Total Reviews: 15
Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Unreal Championship

Overall: Come on baby ! This game was so much more than a sim ple arena shooter, it a entertainment for only 29,99 $, what you could have more for this low price.

Gameplay: Ok, like everyone seem to say, the gameplay is quite too sinple and the story lack in all the way but the trick is top buy x-box live and you will get a lot of fun, i promise.

Graphics: I didn't know how to review graphic so i will let them to professionnal but in my mind it is great.

Audio: Good, i don't have any problem with sound or music.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Outlaw Golf

Overall: Why my cousin is always buying sport game ? They all suck in my mind but this one was really attrative, i love to beat my caddy and playing that kind of golf.

Gameplay: I must admit that this game is really tough when you start but it the same as many game. After one hour i was able to kick my cousin's ass. Againt i must say that we can beat our caddy it's is too cool.

Graphics: Visual is aren't so great because i play it on gamecube and x-box, same version no difference in the graphic and the gamecube is really a shame in the gaming conosle.

Audio: Nothing great here and he can't put the custon soundtrack ! Defintly a must have for everybody fan a golf but not for me .

Suggestions: Suggestion ? Better sound, better graphic for the x-box.

Overall Score: 6.0 / 10 TimeSplitters 2

Overall: Best game ever !!!!!!!!!

Gameplay: So many thing to do and a strong multiplayer is waiting for you !

Graphics: Really good visual !

Audio: Awesome sound !

Suggestions: Ts3

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Overall: Ok if everybody is talking about the review after him i will do the same here ! Megaherz, Darkness and Netstorm have all the reason to buy or not Buffy so i will not tell you the same thing.

Gameplay: Great fighting style game that combine Dead or Alive and Part of Blood Omen 2.

Graphics: Sorry this is perfect to me !

Audio: Best sound ever, entrance video rules and kicking some vampire b-u-t-t is really cool.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Enclave

Overall: My friends rented it last night and i tough that will be so so but in fact is the best game after halo ! Morrowind was too big and boring but this one is simple, hard and attractive.

Gameplay: It's look like a first person shooter with some part of a role playing game. It's so easy to play and you have a lot of character, thing to buy and more than 25 mission.

Graphics: Best textures, best graphic, best character than every game here, naturally it is in my mind. You must buy this game !!

Audio: Like my friends Megaherz i could say that was making you in the mood of the game but it's was more than that. It's really amazing.

Suggestions: Multiplayer !!!!!!

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 SSX Tricky

Overall: Come on everybody with me ! Amped is a way better than this crap. How could you apreciate this stuff. I mean this unrealistic and pretty ugly !!!!

Gameplay: Yes the gameplay rules a way better than amped because he is more easy. A really completed gamplay with plwnty of thing to do .

Graphics: BaH, Ssx tricky is on gamecube so i really hate this kind of toons game. I want better graphic if he want to be here with me !

Audio: I am someone that i just don't care about music so i always give 3. Sound is great !

Suggestions: I am laughing, are dumb or stupid ! This game is no where close from a legend for me. You must do an another type of game. Sorry !

Overall Score: 6.0 / 10 NCAA Football 2003

Overall: If you buy this game you are dumb ! Nfl fever 2003 is coming and it's really better than this crap. The true football is better than some stupid students who are playing the same game. Why he rent it ? Prefer some crazy game than this !&%$@#* !

Gameplay: Mouahahahahahaa ! No where close from nfl fever 2002. I got both and in the oldest game you got more to do and more tactics.

Graphics: I must admit this is better than Nfl fever but the 2003 version is coming so don't lose your money on that !

Audio: There no good somg here or voices ! I can laugh loud and clear !

Suggestions: Ncaa suck i am losing my money with you !

Overall Score: 5.0 / 10 Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind

Overall: Everybody seems to enjoy it and i am one of them but why it's not a gamer's choice or in the top 10 x-box game. Morrowind is the beat game of all times !

Gameplay: Look like a third person or a first person shooter with no gun and that probably why i love him. But our character are too slow !

Graphics: Greatest visual ! Better than halo in my mind, try to beat ! Character are ugly but the background and the weather effect save morrowind.

Audio: Just one songh but it's really great ! Repetive and boring after one hour !

Suggestions: Better character and a online city to talk with other player or something like that !

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding

Overall: This game come with my x-box so i try it and finally i think this is a must have. The greatest snowboard trick of all times !

Gameplay: What i love in amped is that we are able to use all the button on our controller to make our move ! This is really great !

Graphics: It's was one of the first game on the x-box ! It's great but now we got better in the visual. Don't care it's pretty good .

Audio: Mouahahah !!!!!!! Best song of all times. Got more than 100 song and it's support the custom soundtrack.

Suggestions: Mlutiplayer with split-screen.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

Overall: Oh my godnees ! You guys are all stupid. You just seems to buy much and said that a good game because you can buy it for 19,99. In fact it's really boring to play this game our main character is so dumb 1

Gameplay: You have nothing to do here ! Talk and find a tactics is the way to pass a level. Also you must save your !&%$@#* friends.

Graphics: Really great background and character, nobody can't talk sadly about the graphic !

Audio: I forget the sound, so ican't review it !

Suggestions: Mario is better than your crap !

Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 Project Gotham Racing

Overall: Amazing game ! This one with rallisport and morrowind and also halo are the best on the x-box. We got kudos point for risky slide or something dangerous and we can choose over some ferrari and big car like that !

Gameplay: All the gameplay for the racing are easy except rallisport challenge. Yes Project Gotham's gameplay look like a bit like Rsc but that why ilove it.

Graphics: Better graphic than any game here ! car desigh, races design and the city are really amazing, georgous no word top describe it corectfully.

Audio: The sound is pretty cool but i prefer to put my custom soundtrack with some music of the fast and furious movie.

Suggestions: More car, different city !

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 NBA 2K2

Overall: This is the worst game ever played on x-box ! I mean this is a basketball game with nothing really special.

Gameplay: Shoot in the basket and beat a team, repeat the process and that all ! And it from sega so it's boring .

Graphics: The visual is really good ! I mean x-box is the best console so they can put some amazing graphic like that.

Audio: I forget the beat of the sound ! Who's care about music in a basketball game.

Suggestions: No more game for you should be great.

Overall Score: 3.0 / 10 Hunter: The Reckoning

Overall: Best story ever, best gameplay ever, the sound can be better but i mean this is my favorite game after gauntlet dark legacy.

Gameplay: It's really repetitive but it a hack and slash so it like diablo i can put a bad score because of this !

Graphics: The visual is ok but it can be better ! Better but i hope they will more zombie without lagging too.

Audio: The song are absent but it for making you be in the world of darkness. Absolutly coma is the best group ever !

Suggestions: Nothing !

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 NHL Hitz 2002

Overall: I must have a sport game but nhl hizt suck a lot. I prefer nhl 2002 because this game rock more.

Gameplay: Shoot on a net beat a team it's all the same in a hockez or an another sport game. But it pretty cool even if it all the same.

Graphics: Nhl 2002 rock more than this stupid game ! I mean i can have it on my ps1 and it will be the same visualy.

Audio: Pretty cool song ! I really like when your team enter with some amazing music.

Suggestions: No more hitz for me !

Overall Score: 3.0 / 10 Rallisport Challenge

Overall: Amazing, i hate all the ralli game and all the racing game but this one is really the greatest ever done. Nice job from you Dice !

Gameplay: It's really hard to play but after few hour of play i was able to kick some computer !&%$@#* ! So many car, races and fun, you must buy it now !

Graphics: Halo and rallisport are the best with the graphic on the x-box so don't mess with me ! But better dashboard for the car will be great !

Audio: Custom soundtrack with dolby surround, i mean it's really great for the game. The original soundtrack are also cool but i prefer mine.

Suggestions: Bots in multiplayer !

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

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