Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Unreal Championship

Gameplay: Ok, like everyone seem to say, the gameplay is quite too sinple and the story lack in all the way but the trick is top buy x-box live and you will get a lot of fun, i promise.
Graphics: I didn't know how to review graphic so i will let them to professionnal but in my mind it is great.
Audio: Good, i don't have any problem with sound or music.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I must admit that this game is really tough when you start but it the same as many game. After one hour i was able to kick my cousin's ass. Againt i must say that we can beat our caddy it's is too cool.
Graphics: Visual is aren't so great because i play it on gamecube and x-box, same version no difference in the graphic and the gamecube is really a shame in the gaming conosle.
Audio: Nothing great here and he can't put the custon soundtrack ! Defintly a must have for everybody fan a golf but not for me .
Suggestions: Suggestion ? Better sound, better graphic for the x-box.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: So many thing to do and a strong multiplayer is waiting for you !
Graphics: Really good visual !
Audio: Awesome sound !
Suggestions: Ts3
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great fighting style game that combine Dead or Alive and Part of Blood Omen 2.
Graphics: Sorry this is perfect to me !
Audio: Best sound ever, entrance video rules and kicking some vampire b-u-t-t is really cool.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: It's look like a first person shooter with some part of a role playing game. It's so easy to play and you have a lot of character, thing to buy and more than 25 mission.
Graphics: Best textures, best graphic, best character than every game here, naturally it is in my mind. You must buy this game !!
Audio: Like my friends Megaherz i could say that was making you in the mood of the game but it's was more than that. It's really amazing.
Suggestions: Multiplayer !!!!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Yes the gameplay rules a way better than amped because he is more easy. A really completed gamplay with plwnty of thing to do .
Graphics: BaH, Ssx tricky is on gamecube so i really hate this kind of toons game. I want better graphic if he want to be here with me !
Audio: I am someone that i just don't care about music so i always give 3. Sound is great !
Suggestions: I am laughing, are dumb or stupid ! This game is no where close from a legend for me. You must do an another type of game. Sorry !
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Mouahahahahahaa ! No where close from nfl fever 2002. I got both and in the oldest game you got more to do and more tactics.
Graphics: I must admit this is better than Nfl fever but the 2003 version is coming so don't lose your money on that !
Audio: There no good somg here or voices ! I can laugh loud and clear !
Suggestions: Ncaa suck i am losing my money with you !
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: Look like a third person or a first person shooter with no gun and that probably why i love him. But our character are too slow !
Graphics: Greatest visual ! Better than halo in my mind, try to beat ! Character are ugly but the background and the weather effect save morrowind.
Audio: Just one songh but it's really great ! Repetive and boring after one hour !
Suggestions: Better character and a online city to talk with other player or something like that !
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: What i love in amped is that we are able to use all the button on our controller to make our move ! This is really great !
Graphics: It's was one of the first game on the x-box ! It's great but now we got better in the visual. Don't care it's pretty good .
Audio: Mouahahah !!!!!!! Best song of all times. Got more than 100 song and it's support the custom soundtrack.
Suggestions: Mlutiplayer with split-screen.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: You have nothing to do here ! Talk and find a tactics is the way to pass a level. Also you must save your !&%$@#* friends.
Graphics: Really great background and character, nobody can't talk sadly about the graphic !
Audio: I forget the sound, so ican't review it !
Suggestions: Mario is better than your crap !
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: All the gameplay for the racing are easy except rallisport challenge. Yes Project Gotham's gameplay look like a bit like Rsc but that why ilove it.
Graphics: Better graphic than any game here ! car desigh, races design and the city are really amazing, georgous no word top describe it corectfully.
Audio: The sound is pretty cool but i prefer to put my custom soundtrack with some music of the fast and furious movie.
Suggestions: More car, different city !
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Shoot in the basket and beat a team, repeat the process and that all ! And it from sega so it's boring .
Graphics: The visual is really good ! I mean x-box is the best console so they can put some amazing graphic like that.
Audio: I forget the beat of the sound ! Who's care about music in a basketball game.
Suggestions: No more game for you should be great.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: It's really repetitive but it a hack and slash so it like diablo i can put a bad score because of this !
Graphics: The visual is ok but it can be better ! Better but i hope they will more zombie without lagging too.
Audio: The song are absent but it for making you be in the world of darkness. Absolutly coma is the best group ever !
Suggestions: Nothing !
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Shoot on a net beat a team it's all the same in a hockez or an another sport game. But it pretty cool even if it all the same.
Graphics: Nhl 2002 rock more than this stupid game ! I mean i can have it on my ps1 and it will be the same visualy.
Audio: Pretty cool song ! I really like when your team enter with some amazing music.
Suggestions: No more hitz for me !
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: It's really hard to play but after few hour of play i was able to kick some computer !&%$@#* ! So many car, races and fun, you must buy it now !
Graphics: Halo and rallisport are the best with the graphic on the x-box so don't mess with me ! But better dashboard for the car will be great !
Audio: Custom soundtrack with dolby surround, i mean it's really great for the game. The original soundtrack are also cool but i prefer mine.
Suggestions: Bots in multiplayer !
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10