NEWS - Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Xbox Battlefield 3 ’not ready’ for E3
Why? DICE is being very upfront, telling press that the SKU simply "isn’t ready" and that it doesn’t want to show the game "until it’s the best that it can be".
It’s rare for a triple-A title not to be playable on all three formats at the globe’s biggest consumer show - or at least playable on a 360 pad on PC.
That said, Battlefiled 3 is very much one of the darlings on the E3 show floor. We saw gameplay running today and it looked very much like a contender for the game of the show. It was, after all, No.4 in your Most Anticipated games of the event, pulling in approximately double the votes of fierce rival Modern Warfare 3.
Battlefield 3 is due for release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC in October.