NEWS - Monday, September 23, 2024

Amazon Games Shares New World: Aeternum Launch Updates Trailer + Blog
Early today, Amazon Games released a brand new trailer alongside a blog post for New World: Aeternum where the game’s director Scot Lane, product owner Katy Kaszynski, creative direct David Verfaillie and game producer Gwendolyn Stickney and detail many aspects of the upcoming launch, including the highly anticipated Cursed Mists PvP Zone and the upcoming Hive of the Gorgons raid.
Players who are getting ready to jump into New World: Aeternum on October 15 will want to be sure to check out the information released in this update, which includes:
What’s new in New World: Aeternum, including the release of more Expeditions, weapons, threats, zones, and game modes alongside a newly revamped main storyline quests and vast quality-of-life improvements based on extensive player feedback.
The new Cursed Mists PvP Zone, where adventurers must collect Cursed Doubloons and resources, and make their escape before other looters steal the spoils.
The 10-player raid The Hive of the Gorgons, in which players must stop a Hercyne army being raised by the Gorgons. Teams will enter the hive and negotiate a gauntlet of challenging puzzles and epic boss battles.
Full details can be found on the official New World: Aeternum website here.