NEWS - Wednesday, June 19, 2013

First DLC for The Bureau will be 360 exclusive
With only two months to go until the launch of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, you may have been concerned about publisher 2Ks silence on the subject of downloadable content. Relax! The tactical shooter will indeed receive DLC, 2K announced today, and youll surely be thrilled to hear the first is exclusive to Xbox 360.
XCOMs DLC will be "narrative-driven", 2K said in the announcement. Beyond that, we dont know what it is or when itll be coming or how much itll cost. Or, indeed, whether the Xbox-exclusive DLC is simply a timed exclusive. Expect more details as the marketing schedule deems appropriate.
"The alternate 1962 universe that weve created for The Bureau is vast and there are many more stories to tell about the early days of XCOM," 2K Marin development director Morgan Gray said in todays DLC announcement. "Were excited that our stories will provide a new perspective on the war effort, much like how our critically acclaimed Minveras Den DLC for BioShock 2 allowed us to present a unique perspective of Rapture."
Ooh, wouldnt it be nice if The Bureaus DLC does actually go all Minervas Den? 2K MarinsBioShock 2 DLC told a beautiful standalone story with new characters, showing a new side of Rapture and, well, perhaps surpassing the core games story. While the main folks behind Minervas Den went indie to make Gone Home, DLC following its lead could be quite pleasing.
More DLC comes in the form of an extra side-mission named Codebreakers as a pre-order bonus, whichll see you investing a key communications facility thats fallen quiet (alien troubles, Id wager). I would be surprised if that isnt later sold separately too. And you can get an exclusive Light Plasma Pistol weapon for pre-ordering from GameStop.