NEWS - Wednesday, June 19, 2002

Steven Elwell Talks About Jurassic Park has posted an interview with Steven Elwell regarding their upcoming Theme Park Sim/Action game, Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis. The interview covers general gameplay, Dino AI, and various hazards.XBD: Will there be any hazards such as Dinosaur escapes/fights to keep the park administrator on his or her feet? Steven: It’s completely up to the player to decide what species will co-exist in the same enclosure but if you put a hungry T-rex in with a triceratops then they will eventually fight to the death. Large carnivores are also very territorial so conflicts will arise if a Spinosaurus feels that a T-rex is imposing on his territory. Even with a well-designed park there is always the possibility that a dangerous dinosaur will try to break out of his enclosure. Other factors such as random weather can bring down your security systems at any time so the player will constantly feel the pressure of trying to contain these gigantic Jurassic predators.