NEWS - Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Latest On America’s Army
Ah, a game so authentic in its recreation of military conflict you can almost smell the napalm wafting from your monitor. At least, that's what Ubisoft would have you believe, because the French-based publisher has bombed us with the official name and release window for its America's Army console debut on PS2 and Xbox.Penned for release this Summer, the fully titled America's Army: Rise of a Soldier purports to deliver combat more accurate than a scene from a Steven Spielberg war movie. You get to embark on the full career of a customised U.S. soldier, leading him through a non-linear mission structure, as you attempt to gain full qualification to the almighty Special Forces units.
The shooter series, infamously used by the U.S. Army as a recruitment tool, has already enjoyed critical success on the PC and has been developed by Secret Level alongside key Yank army personnel. You can expect similar levels of brutal, unrelenting realism in the console, complete with 16-man online skirmishes and split-screen co-operative play on both Xbox and PS2.
Well worth investigating we thinks, especially if your particular style of gunplay is as much about thinking as action. Whether it will have you succumbing to Uncle Sam's finger and parachuting into hostile territories for real though, is another matter...