NEWS - Thursday, January 26, 2006

Full Auto Goes For The Gold!
Segas ridiculously explosive racing game, Full Auto, has officially gone gold, and will arrive in stores on February 15, 2006. The game pits players against ferocious computer opponents in Arcade and Career modes with vehicles strapped with insane amount of firepower. Though there is a racing element in the game, it mostly revolves around managing your cars armor and blowing up opponents to help you get to the finish line in one piece. In addition to the games solo modes, players will also find a multiplayer split screen mode as well as support on Xbox Live for up to 8 players. Based on how well youre able to perform in the career mode youll be able to unlock a number of goodies for use in the arcade and split screen modes. These unlockables include car colors, skins, new weapon sets, new tracks and even an option to tweak the power setting on your weapon sets. Though players get plenty of firepower to fend off foes, there will always come a time when you find your own destruction is unavoidable. In Full Auto, wrecking isnt as much a problem as youd assume. At any point youll be able to activate an unwreck mode that rewinds time to whatever point you desire, provided you have enough of your meter filled. Once you rewind to what you feel is a safer spot in the race, just stop and retry the section that was causing problems. Soon enough, youll be able to see for yourself.Source: