NEWS - Monday, September 4, 2006

Microsoft Plans X360 Media Briefing
Were sure you already have late September marked up on your gaming event/trade show calendar for the Tokyo Game Show. Well make some room for Microsoft! The Xbox 360 will get some time to call its own just prior to the start of the show. Microsoft will gather members of the press in the early afternoon on Wednesday 9/20 at a hotel in Tokyo to deliver its Xbox 360 message prior to TGSs official opening on Friday, 9/22. This news shouldnt come as a surprise, as Microsoft always holds a pre-TGS briefing for the media. Last year, the company summoned the press on the Thursday before the start of the show. This year, the press conference is being held on the Wednesday prior to the start of the show. Is there significance to the change from Thursday to Friday? We asked a bunch of actual Japanese people and came to the conclusion that the answer is yes! In Japanese, Thursday has the character for "tree" in it. Wednesday has the character for "water" in it. Microsoft is clearly suggesting that its planning a more fluid approach to the Japanese market, which can only mean good things for the struggling 360. Officially, the company plans on showing off its Japanese Xbox 360 titles for the rest of the year and sharing its strategy for the Japanese market. We presume there will be plenty of long-awaited details on Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon, but there should be some big surprises as well.Source: