NEWS - Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Spyglass Board Games: Achievements
1. Play 5 Play online for 5 games. 5 points 2. AI? Yeah, Right! Beat the AI at all four games. 20 points 3. Game Swap Playing online, play at least one game of all four game types in the same session. 5 points 4. Chess Champ Play online and win 10 Chess games. 25 points 5. Five Kings Play Checkers and in any game get five Kings. 10 points 6. Mancala Master Win a game of Mancala with 27 pieces or more. 20 points 7. King Me! Get a king in Checkers. 10 points 8. Mancala Warrior Play online with a friend and win 2 Mancala games as white and 2 as black. 20 points 9. Four Corners Capture all four corners in any game of Reversi. 30 points 10. Winner Of Games Win a ranked match in all four game types. 30 points 11. Overkill Win at Chess while taking every one of your opponents pieces except for the King. 20 points 12. Player of Games Play all four game types at least once each. 5 pointsSource: