Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (Xbox 360) by Electronic Arts

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (Xbox 360) by Electronic Arts Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: April 11, 2006.

Average Overall Score:
9.33 / 10


Lock and load, soldier! There's a war going on and Battlefield 2 is going to drop you right into the middle of a 21st century shootout! You'll need to unleash the fury of an awesome high-tech arsenal that includes laser-designated bombs, wire-guided missiles, and much more in order to survive. Hit the enemy with everything you've got. This is no minor skirmish-this is all-out war with all the high-tech firepower you can muster.


Thursday, March 16, 2006
Sunday, May 29, 2005


Army Cross: Campaign
Kill 10 enemies using land based vehicles without losing the multiplier.
Air Force Cross: Campaign
Kill 10 enemies using air based vehicles without losing the multiplier.
Marksman: Campaign
Kill 4 enemies with one clip of a sniper rifle.
Mechanic: Campaign
Repair 5 allied vehicles in a mission using the Blowtorch - at least 1/3rd armor must be repaired.
Medic: Campaign
Heal 4 allies without dying using the Auto Injector - at least 1/3rd health must be restored.
Navy Cross: Campaign
Kill 5 enemies using water based vehicles without losing the multiplier.
Expert Assault: Campaign
Kill 10 enemies using Assault Kit weapons without losing the multiplier.
Expert Sniper: Campaign
Kill 10 enemies using Sniper Kit weapons without losing the multiplier.
Expert Special Ops: Campaign
Kill 10 enemies using Special Ops Kit weapons without losing the multiplier.
Expert Engineer: Campaign
Kill 10 enemies using Engineer Kit weapons without losing the multiplier.
Expert Support: Campaign
Kill 10 enemies using Support Kit weapons without losing the multiplier.
Grenadier: Campaign
Kill 20 enemies with grenades in a single mission.
Commando: Campaign
Kill 4 enemies in a mission using a Knife.
Sapper: Campaign
Kill 20 enemies using C4 or Landmines in a single mission.
Expert Use Of Mortar: Campaign
Kill 3 enemies and no allies with a single Mortar Strike.
Army Cross: Online
Kill 10 enemies without dying using land based vehicles.
Air Force Cross: Online
Kill 10 enemies without dying using air based vehicles.
Marksman: Online
Kill 4 enemies with one clip of a sniper rifle
Mechanic: Online
Repair 5 allied vehicles without dying using the Blowtorch - at least 1/3rd armour must be repaired.
Medic: Online
Heal 4 allies without dying using the Auto Injector - at least 1/3rd health must be restored.
Navy Cross: Online
Heal 4 allies without dying using the Auto Injector - at least 1/3rd health must be restored.
Expert Assault: Online
Kill 10 enemies without dying using Assault Kit weapons
Expert Sniper: Online
Kill 10 enemies without dying using Sniper Kit weapons.
Expert Special Ops: Online
Kill 10 enemies without dying using Special Ops Kit weapons.
Expert Engineer: Online
Kill 10 enemies without dying using Engineer Kit weapons
Expert Support: Online
Kill 10 enemies without dying using Support Kit weapons.
Grenadier: Online
Kill 20 enemies with grenades in a single round.
Commando: Online
Kill 4 enemies without dying using a Knife.
Sapper: Online
Kill 20 enemies using C4 or Landmines in a single round.
Expert Use Of Mortar: Online
Kill 5 enemies and no allies with a single Mortar Strike.
Almaty Veteran
Complete all missions in the Almaty region.
Mangystau Veteran
Complete all missions in the Mangystau region.
Qyzylorda Veteran
Complete all missions in the Qyzylorda region.
Achieve the maximum star rating in 5 missions or challenges.
Achieve the maximum star rating in 20 missions or challenges.
Achieve the maximum star rating in all missions and challenges.
Victorious China
Complete all China missions
Victorious NATO
Complete all NATO missions.
Participate in 50 game sessions.
Participate in 200 game sessions.
Participate in 500 game sessions.
Complete 5 major victories.
Complete 20 major victories.
Complete 50 major victories.
Finish top in 5 games.
Finish top in 20 games.

User Reviews

Score: 93
Overall User Average: 9.33 / 10 (93.3%)
Gameplay User Average: 10.00 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.67 / 10
Sound User Average: 8.33 / 10
Date reviewed: October 2, 2006.

Overall: This is a first-person team shooter with 24 person online action. There is also an awesome campaign mode that you can hot-swap between your team AI characters in order to always stay in the action and switch to different classes (ie sniper or special ops) depending on what the sitaution calls for.
Gameplay: BF2: MC is one of the best Team FPS' on the market. This game is a ton of fun in everyway. Your main objective in the campaign mode is to complet mission objectives as they are assigned through the level. This is acheived by hotswapping through soldier classes on the fly in order to stay in the heat of the action.
But the best part of this game is the online component. The object of online is to capture as many command points as possible and hold them so that your team controls more respawn points then the enemy team. This also makes the opposing teams ticket counter countdown to zero faster thus giving you the victory. The EA website is an awesome bonus in that it tracks your stats for just about everything related to the game once you link your gamertag to their website.
Graphics: The game is beautfiul and sharp. The physics are great and the character models are very detailed. There are some collision issues and also some clipping that occures while in play. And more often then not when you get killed your dead body will do some real crazy shaking after the fact.
Sound: The weapons and explosions sound great in this game especially in 5.1. This game is loud and is best enjoyed played that way. But just rememeber to have your mic switched to manual and not voice activated or else you'll be sharing that loudness with all your teammates and that becomes annoying quick.
Suggestions: Not much to suggest here except to work on map collision issues like the barrel of a tank being able to penetrate a wall without damaging it. Also, altough 90% of the time the online is lag free, when it does lag, it really lags.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: September 24, 2006.

Overall: Hi i bought this game abought 2-3 weeks ago been on it all the time.
This game is worth buying just for the excellent online sevice(Also you dont often lose the sever connection, and you can join games in progress unlike PDZ)
Gameplay: Gameplay is very good you can pick from 5 weapon packs to use and thiers over 30 viechels to use in your aid to victory.Never has the game jamed on me.

Last nato mission is very hard still havnt completed it.
Graphics: As far as Visual gose this thing is like no other.
I have never seen a fighting/Shoot em up game with graphics this good top notch even down to reloading the gun.
Sound: The sound is very realistic.
You can here bombs/missiles being dropped from not very far away so you cant hide from them if thiers a missle attake and your in the midle of no where oyur a gonna.
Suggestions: Yes the annoying bit is only being able to have 5 weapons at a time .
Why not have it so if you kill someone you can pick up thier waepon pack???

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: May 8, 2006.

Overall: I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!
I mostly play the online part but the campaign mode is super fun and super challenging. I found myself yelling and screaming at the TV when playing the campaign mode cause its pretty hard. But the online modes are AMAZING! The only thing i dislike is that only one person can talk at a time. This is not a big deal if you know how to talk properly. It really annoys me when kids get on and just start talking about random stuff or like breathing hard in the mic so that noone else can talk to each other. Even if you mute the person you can still hear them. Are they going to make a patch for this or am i going to have to deal with these people in everygame? Anyways im giving this game a 12/12 on my score card cause its just plain SICK. I mean who would love a multiplayer game with Tanks, Jeeps, Helicopters and 5 weapon kits. Best Game EVER!!!!
Gameplay: GREAT!!!! Gameplay is AMAZING. I LOVE the online game especially with 24 people per map. The single player mode is very addictive and challenging. I beleive i bought the game about 4 weeks ago and that is the only game ive been playing since.
Graphics: Graphics are decent. The fact that a stupid Barrell or a fence post will stop a tank and aslo when you roll over a hill going to fast in a tank you suffer damage. I think this should be fixed especially the barrell thing. I mean when i get stuck on a barrell i just get out of the tank and move the barrel with my feet lol if i can do this with my feet why does it stop the tank lol????
Sound: The sound is also Great. Gun shots in the distance sound Real. It gets annoying when your the Chinese and everytime you cap a flag it yells out in chinese but this can be fixed by going to the Options screen and changing the Military Talk setting off. Other than that the Tanks, Jeeps and Helo's sound amazing. I love that i can hear tanks and jeeps around corners and behind me. This is a great sounding Game!!!
Suggestions: The barrel thing needs to be fixed. Make it so that i can run over a freaking Fence post with a tank and also a barrell. Also the Boosting thing gets on my nerves but i havent seen anyone doing it recently so i think they took care of that. Other than that i think the game is PERFECT. Great Game!!!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat News

EA Plans on Shutting Down Online Support
EA’s planning on shutting down online support for older games such as Battlefield 2, Army of Two, Need for Speed, and more. Want those online achvs? Better hurry up!

World in Conflict Confirmed for Xbox 360
Massive Entertainment’s World in Conflict is shaping up very nicely on the PC. In fact it’s looking so good that console gamers can justifiably be a little jealous. That is until today.

DICE Promises to Diversify With New Projects
EA’s DICE studio is looking to diversify its output away from its best-selling Battlefield franchise in order to continue producing titles it can remain excited to work on.

EA Drops Battlefield 2 To Xbox 360
The battlefield comes to life like never before! Electronic Arts announced today that Battlefield 2: Modern Combat on the Xbox 360 will be available in stores nationwide.

BF2:MC Demo Now On Xbox Live
Sampling of EA’s next-gen port of Battlefield spin-off finally deployed; multiplayer demo allows 24-player support.

Battlefield 2 Demo Delayed
Over at the EA Forums, someone contacted EA to find out the scoop on the demo.

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