Average Overall Score Given: 8.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 309
World Series Baseball (Sega)

Gameplay: This game has it all. The only downfall is that it's only 2 players, and no online gameplay.
Graphics: Everything looks sharp and smooth. Pitchers sometimes seem to look alike though, but besides that everything else looks great.
Audio: It's Good, coule be improved though. They seem to repeat them selfs way too often at times.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: At first, it might be fun but that will quickly change. They just didn't do a good job with the missions, they didn't keep you interested. Multiplayer was fun though, but even that got boring after a while.
Graphics: It's okay. I guess I just never liked games that the bad guys all looked pretty much the same. It's a new generation, enough about that.
Audio: They sound so dull at times, it's not even funny. It has some good sound affects here and there, but nothing to be impressed of.
Suggestions: N/A
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: There's just so many stuff to do in this game, you will find yourself playing this one for a while.
Graphics: It's great. Good characters design, pretty much everything looks sharp and smooth.
Audio: Great sound effects. Everything from their voice to the bullets sound great.
Suggestions: N/A
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: It might get boring after a while because it can get really repetitive at times, but if you have some friends to play with, you will see yourself playing this game for hours and hours...
Graphics: Didn't really improve much from the DC version, still looks good though.
Audio: I suggest you listening to "Burning Rangers" .. ;)
Suggestions: Better yet, I have a question. Planning on a true sequal? Not that im in any rush to seeing this great series come to an end.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10