Average Overall Score Given: 8.54762 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 348
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Gameplay: Spectacularly intuitive, fun, challenging, and extremely satisfying. The only flaw -- if it can be called that -- is that combat is not quite as refined as the rest of the game.
Graphics: Stunning. Gorgeous. Beautiful. Stretching architecture, unparalleled animation and ambient environments. Very rare framerate hitches and a sometimes cumbersome combat camera. Otherwise, a showpiece.
Audio: Atmospheric, fitting music, clear and thumping sound effects and crisp, witty dialogue in full surround sound.
Suggestions: wicked job. AWESOME!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great fun with buddies but solo gamers may get bored easily. It's like a party game with axes and shotguns.
Graphics: Some good, some bad in the animation department. The environments and camera are good though. Not bad.
Audio: Too thin and not enough variety. This goes for monster sounds, weapon sounds and music. Just completely average.
Suggestions: Please get some better sound in there. Also get online play, this would be killer to play online.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

It's everything you love about college basketball without all of the boosters, bribes, fixed grades, and corruption.
There's always next year.
Gameplay: The game would play better with the separation of the shoot and dunk buttons. Then again, so would all basketball games.
Graphics: Cut scenes add to the TV-style presentation while the e-mail system enables you to track your Legacy with ease.
Audio: The crowd chants and cheers get you pumped to play, especially in rivalry mode, but these announcers have to go.
Suggestions: great game. Just get new annoucers. I CANNOT STAND EM!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Fantastically executed gameplay; addictive and a style all its own. Customization is the main reason to own it. Only some of the track design limitations and lack of tuning options drag it down.
Graphics: I am sorely missing 60 frames per second, but this is an absolutely gorgeous racer. Fantastic lighting, detailed car models, and sweet effects. Could have used more variety, however.
Audio: Awesome soundtrack with style and variety. Exclusive artists. Accurate sound effects and surround sound.
Suggestions: Great job. Now just build on this game and make it even bigger. Also put online play in.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

PGR 2 is a beautiful game that handles amazingly well, sounds just as good, and redefines what gamers should expect from an online racer. The game?s seamless integration of Xbox Live is simply wonderful, and the online play is fast and furious. And then there?s Geometry Wars?
Gameplay: Fast, arcade action that requires skill and patience. Easy to pick up and hard to master, PGR 2 has a wide range of driving challenges.
Graphics: A beautiful game that?s marred only by lifeless environments and limited locales. I wish the cities were more alive.
Audio: The licensed music is great on its own, as are the sound effects. The ability to create custom soundtracks makes this game?s sound as good as your taste.
Suggestions: AWESOME JOB!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Silly face-off controls and the lack of player skill required really hurt. They need to work on this otherwise it will never be good.
Graphics: Shaky animation and adequate character models really hold this one back. First party games should look better than this.
Audio: Weak announcing is countered by good crowd reactions and on-ice sound effects. Just need new announcers and it would be good.
Suggestions: Horrible really.... compared to the others. Work on it and make the gameplay much beetter and it will be good.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Some games are absolutely perfect on the console, while others just can't because of the unique arcade controls. Overall, though, this is a very fun compilation pack.
Graphics: The graphics are perfect on the console system because that's what was on the arcade units. But the video compression in the interviews is downright horrible thanks to old Quicktimes used.
Audio: The audio is, again, emulated perfectly, though the balance from game to game is not the same. Players will have to constantly adjust their volumes for each experience.
Suggestions: awesome job. A few more games and this would be just amazing.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: Responsive and overly intuitive when playing outside of your units, the controls are even better once you take control of individuals. What's more, the maps are smart and the units balanced
Graphics: Despite the fact that I like the bright colors and big models during the zooms, the abundance of camera problems and frequent slowdown mars the visual presentation quite a bit.
Audio: The fictional dialect that the Goblins speak is a nice touch and the soundtrack is also worth mentioning. It could have been so much better with high-end encoding and additional audio effects, though
Suggestions: good stuff. Just make techincal upgrades.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The better integrated passing game makes this year's FIFA a richer experience. The tweaks to everything from free kicks to the modifiers are good too. The Off the Ball control is cool in concept, less
Graphics: Cutscenes show good use of contrasted close and distant focus, and in addition to the sharper texturing, the motion capture work has once again improved
Audio: Just an awesome, genuinely awesome, soundtrack. Radiohead, Kings of Leon, The Jam and the Stone Roses? Oh. Yes. Great crowd chants and solid likeable commentary.
Suggestions: wicked job. Just get online for xbox. i think everyone says that.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: It's a bit repetitive, but if you like killing lots and lots of aliens (and who doesn't?), this one is worth at least a rent. Why isn't there two player cooperative?
Graphics: This doesn't necessarily look like a next-gen game, except for the lighting. Weird animations and unimaginative creature design.
Audio: Standard sound effects mix with some mildly humorous voice work. Weapons sound good. Not fancy and not horrible.
Suggestions: was there not supposed to be a level creator?!?! bah! put it in
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

There are some notable drawbacks, yes. The control may be too loose for its own good and the game sometimes runs on the frustrating try-die-and-try-again design philosophy. But overall the experience is very entertaining and satisfying.
Gameplay: Very fun, despite some control flaws. Fast, twitch-finger action, some strategy elements, and a wide variety of play styles.
Graphics: Impressive. Huge, dynamic worlds, a gorgeous particle effects system, lighting and texture effects, and visible physics. Textures sometimes suffer. Framerate can be jumpy.
Audio: Good stuff. Not bad weapon sounds and it is all pretty good when on a surround sound system. No complaints i guess.
Suggestions: very well done. No complaints... its just not THAT amazing.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: most realistic baseball game I've played. controls could use work but homeruns are awsome the camera is sweet when you hiy it out of the park, batting is very difficult also. Which is a good thing IMO.
Graphics: Could have been 100 times better played the ps2 and graphics were horrible was hoping x-box version would step it up but sadly it didnt
Audio: nothing special at all. Generic baseball sounds some half decent commentary. The ball hitting the bat is very erotic. Very kinky. Sounds like wood knockin balls around.
Suggestions: Ummmm no more ps2 graphics... booo
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: An array of different modes to try out, but the main career mode will leave you frustrated with its tricky AI and unpredictable handling.
Graphics: There are times when this game looks ok at best, but with dodgy collision detection and poor effects it really is not up to par with todays racing games.
Audio: All the vehicles sound the same, even when upgraded. The in-game music soundtrack is non-intrusive which is a bonus for what is otherwise a bland sounding game.
Suggestions: wow..... take your time on games or dont release em at all.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great overall nothing much more to say. I love the new defenseive game. You have much mroe control over your players.
Graphics: Good graphics kinda the same as last years version with a few improvements. Some of the animations are meh... but very good.
Audio: Good overall sound with cheer and boo's and the commentary was done good but could have done better.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great fun. Excluding the many bugs found in the game, you'll have a blast playing. Lots of open ended gameplay and tons to explore.
Graphics: Good graphics for a game of this size and magnitude, but definitely not the best graphics you'll find on the X-Box.
Audio: The fighting and other particulars sound good, but you'll get tired of hearing the same music over and over again.
Suggestions: good job. Better graphics and sound would be good. But not bad.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

The single player is just your pretty standard run of the mill shooter, but seriously, who bought the game to play single player? Online is definately were it is at. I have spent countless hours playing online, and I have loved every minute of it. The game types in online are nothing really new, it is just that the maps are so incredibly well done, well except for Barn. What adds even more depth is that the character classes are so very well balanced. I love being a LT because that is what I am good with, everyone should be able to find a class that they are good with, except for Pickles, he isn't good at anything.
I love this game despite its flaws like tons of morons online, mediocre single player, dated graphics and so on. I can look past this and look at it as being one of the most fun games I have ever played. So please buy this, it is definately the best for its time on Xbox Live.
Gameplay: One of the most balanced online games out there. Controls work great once you adjust them to your liking. Not much to not like in this category
Graphics: While it is still outdated, it does look nice. Draw distance and textures still look good, but the character models can use some work. A total lack of jaggies is also very nice.
Audio: The music is very nice in the intro movie, but other than that, there isn't much more music. Character voices and sound effects are well done.
Suggestions: Good job. Fun game. Thanks.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Controls are simple, but timing and reflexes will determine your ultimate success. The strategy in this game is not to be overlooked.
Graphics: Clear, crisp, colorful, and utterly beautiful. Oh, and the girls look very nice as well. Very well done.
Audio: The Japanese voice-overs sound a bit strange, but you'll adapt quickly. Ambience is nice, and choosing your own soundtrack is a big plus.
Suggestions: Good game but its too basic. Better game would be better. More open... not just using two buttons.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

So mark my words- if your lookin for some intense multiplayer action than you better have XBOX live. But if your looking for an excellent single player experience than look no further because Rainbow Six 3 delivers with a bang.
Gameplay: Being able to only play with 1 team of 4 doesn't bother me but there are some things that aggravate me. This game is much harder with a controller than it is with a mouse. Half the difficulty of this game is because you have to use a controller. In my opinion no FPS will have as good of controls as Halo did. You just don't have the accuracy with a controller as you would with a mouce. This hurts.
One more complaint- the !&%$@#* system link. I'm sure without a doubt that this game would rock with 16 player system link but like Ghost Recon and Castle Wolfenstein- where the hell are you going to get 16 TVs with 16 Xbox's and 16 freaking copies of this game??? I understand there would be much slow down with 4 player split screen but what about 2 player split screen? And how come when I host a game for me and a friend it only lets him play??? I couldn't even join the game I created for cryin out loud. I was very dissapointed.
Graphics: Graphics are done nice but not great. The environments are done remarkably well like Splinter Cell. The superb lighting, swaying curtains and flash fire effects are all here.
Audio: The sound is also as good as Raven Shields was espectially with a nice set of speakers. I don't have surround sound but I have a Klipsch 2.1 system and it rocks. The bass goes nuts everytime you pull the right trigger and there's enough treble to go with the powerful sub.
Suggestions: good job ubisoft.. ur on fire.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls were nice and even though the controls are not as advanced as soccer games these days it was awesome.
Graphics: The graphics were not that amazing... ps2ish but it was also one of the first xbox games. So it gets some slack.
Audio: The sounds were great. I loved hearding the crowds chants and sound of a cleat kicking the ball. Very nicely done.
Suggestions: Not much. Online eventually would be nice.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Perfect. Controls never fail you at all and the and the whole golf game looks true to life and plays like it.
Graphics: Fantastic!!! One of the best looking games around but beware of Links 2004. They know what there doing and there graphics look freat but Tiger woods has the better faces.
Audio: EA-TRAX sums it up. Once again it shine in this catagory. Also putting in your own tracks rules. Awesome in game sounds too.
Suggestions: PERCECT! PERFECT! just need online and this would be AWEEEEEEEEEEEESOME!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Overall, the best wrestling game (if by default) for the X-box, but can easily compete with the PS 2 and GC wrestling games.
Gameplay: Puts the fun that just wasn't there in Raw 1. The separate "walk" and "run" controls totally rule! Nothing here that chafes my ass.
Graphics: The best graphics of all three console wrestlers and the only game where the CAW characters look nearly as good as the pre-rendered Superstars.
Audio: I'm stuck with the speakers on my TV so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that the sound would rock on a superior sound system. But I still must give it my average score.(final score uneffected)
Suggestions: Make the season a lil better. Also a few more modes. And fix the glitches!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

The draw of this game is the ability to use Voodoo powers and inflict pain on Vince in order to hurt his enemies. The game also features traditional platforming elements, large levels, cool bosses, and loads and loads of humor.
The games presentation is quite excellent. Because the game takes place in New Orleans, the developers really went for a unique feel to the environemtns, trying to capture that New Orleans soul in every level. And at this, they have succeded.
The Graphics are very good, with excellent backgrounds and sweet character animaations and a ton of cool voodoo moves.
Overall, a must buy for platformer fans who have Xbox.
Gameplay: A fun, entertaining platformer with traditional platforming elements. Run, jump, hit, plus voodoo moves. Cool levels and end bosses. The randomness and generality of the voodoo moves is a negative.
Graphics: Great character models and environments. Sweet animations, with tons of varied voodoo moves. Good job here.
Audio: The music makes the game. This game is infused with sweet New Orleans soul music that makes me feel very voodooie.
Suggestions: good solid game. Nice work.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Simply put, the best turn based RPG elements I have played. The fact that it is not random, that you have control on the success of the hits is superb
Graphics: In game graphics could easily get a 9.5, the cutscenes are a mixed bag, the animated still are great, the rest, not so good.
Audio: In game sound is great, music is fair. Could have been much better. Ambient sound during the fights is a great addition.
Suggestions: i had some saving problems.... no biggy though. just look into it. Also some better background music would be nice.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The enemies in this game are based on each of the character's races in a way. There are humans you face, along with synthetics, mutants, and the lizard-like creatures (can't remember their name off hand).
Graphics: The graphics were pretty well done. Most people say there are really good but nothing really stood out to me. There are some pretty nice textures and particle effects but nothing AMAZING.
Audio: The audio in this game is decent, the voice acting is above average and the background chatter is good.
Suggestions: Overall an above average game in every aspect, but I feel it still had a ways to go! More levels some better graphics... i duno nothing really stood out.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: its a really fun game and is very easy to pick up on..its one of those games where u can pick it confused for 2 minutes then be good..theres not many small thigns 2 learn..i really enjoy this game.
Graphics: gameplay is fun..i'll always ask for more, better animations..i always wanted 2 c a powerbomb in blitz but never quite got it..
Audio: sounds are good...just like in most sports games the commentators get boring and repititve but hey..i play the game for the game not the announcers.
Suggestions: keep it up with more animations
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: gameplay is very smooth..animations r all good except for some of the stupid specials that r just stupid and shoulda never been added 2 the game..but o well nobody's perfect
Graphics: graphics are very nice..everything looks very clean and the levels are outstandingly nice. i'm not a real life skateboard fan so i dunno if hte player models are realistic or not
Audio: sounds are really good. sometimes the skateboard hitting the ground chops a bit and gets behind. the talking is good and music is good...good ol' ACDC
Suggestions: well the new one is alrdy out so i guess i'll find out what they did...just keep makin more
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Whiplash emerses you in a world of comedy and wise cracks, but never takes itself seriously. One of the better things I found about this game is that none of the missions were really hard, it was just a light hearted fun game made for a few giggles and some good times.
At one point, there was a time when lots of game developers took this approach towards making games, but sadly that seems to have been lost lately. Now game companies are bringing in Oscar nominated lighting directors (NFS: Underground) and writing super complex story lines that are better than most Sci-Fi movies (Halo). And none of this is a bad thing, I am the first person to tell you that I love graphics, presentation and ambience in a game.
But, that is not to say there is no room for a pure fun game like this anymore. Whiplash delivers in the fun department, and I can honestly say I laughed out loud a few times while playing the game (Press the button get a cookie! Press the button get a cookie! Press the button get a cookie!)
Overall, if your looking for a feel good game and are a fan of platformers in general, then you have found your salvation.
Gameplay: This is where the game truely comes alive, it has been a long time since I have played a BETTER PLAYING platformer than this one. The action moves along good and it is just fun to play. Good job!
Graphics: Decent lighting and shading, horrible textures and the aliasing is bad. But then again it was made to be a comic universe, so we can cut it a lot of slack and give it good marks for pure zaniness.
Audio: Hilarious comments by the rabbit through-out the game, but the things said by both human and animals get old and repitive quite fast. Nice 5.1 score with decent phasing and imaging.
Suggestions: Pretty good game but i guess i just dont like the idea.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is fairly shallow with not much variety. The different wrestlers do a few different moves but they mostly play about the same. Matches vary in lengh but the average is two minutes. The games difficulty is flawed. It can get impossable real quick in the beginning. There is a pretty good variety of moves to perform, but timing is the biggest factor as some moves you have a half second to launch. That brings me to one of the biggest problems in the game is your opponent is constantly attacking you and will chase you wherever you go. This makes for some difficult and controller bashing gameplay. As far as features go you have The Talk show mode which has a Jerry Springer feel to it. It's cut scenes then it moves to a environment to beat opponents. The difficult part about this mode is you're faced with multiple opponents usually three plus, and you have to beat them one right after the other. If you lose to one of them you have to start over again beating the ones again you already beat. That makes for some anger-inducing gaming. Anger management class phone numbers should have been included in the instruction manual. Other modes include Exhibition which is self-explanitory, and there are a few bonus modes like survival that have to be unlocked. There is a sectionn of extras with game previews, gameplay moves videos, and special bonus BYW movies that have to be unlocked. There is a fairly large selection of real wrestlers, plus there is a create a wrestler option. The CAW is very limited and very dissapointing. There are not many options at all, not even worth talking about. There are several difficulty levels, but normal is hard enough. That's about it in terms of gameplay and features.
Graphics: Backyard Wrestling's graphics are merely adaqute. The character models are a bit low quality with not alot of detail. The environments are fairly large with multiple levels and lots of objects to use. There's usually two NPC's in the background the hurt you or your opponent when gotten close to them. The environments are semi-detailed but are a bit blocky and pixelated. Not much of use of bump-mapping or hi-resolution textures. There is plenty of blood that gets spilled with every hit and the characters bodies show it. The dropped objects and the spilled blood on the ground dissapear after a few seconds. There is major collision detection problems which results in tons of clipping. That is one of the worst parts of the graphics. It's so bad that it happens constantly during the match when your moving around. Between the major clipping and the low level of detail in the characters and environments, it really hurts the graphics score.
Audio: The soundtrack is large with lots of well known licenced rock tunes, voice acting is good. The music is not for everyone, so there is a custom soundtrack option.
Suggestions: gameplay needs to be a bit better. Also some better graphics... good idea just not executed well.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are a lot differnt from the original. AT firstyou hate them, then you love them. The hardest feature to get used to, for me, is te grabs are done with the right joystick. Once you get used to this you realize how wonderfull the controls are!
The gameplay is similar to the originl, but there is a lot more of it. XNS sorts were saying they would give it a 180 degree turn, well they didn't and I'm glad they didn't! The gameplay remainstop notch quality with minor improvements. The new Butter control lets you continue moves. This lets you rack up killer tricks.
The multiplaye is nice, expercialy on Live. It is so muc more fun when many people are playing agaist you. Kudos to the LIve options.
Graphics: The graphics have been drastically updated. It is as smoth as a babies butt, and drop dead jaw dropping. This was a drastic improvement over the original(which was good looking too)
Audio: The sound is great once again. Very similar to the first, except there are 300 + songs this time, more than double the amount. Eerything else remains the same including the anoying voices.
Suggestions: nothing i can think of.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Fantastic. i though aiming was gonna be a b*tch but it wasn't it was fantastic. the game flows great no real slow down, and the xbox live headset allows for quick team decisions.
Graphics: This is where the game falls short. you would think maybe after so many years the game would get an overhaul. The modles are ok and maps are great but more char. models would be great.
Audio: It's great. Bullets flying and people dieing. i got a sony 5.1 sound system and it sounds great. no complaints here.
Suggestions: make a cs with the half life 2 engine when it comes out. IT WILL RULE!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Best addictive gameplay ever. Where Halo pushes you to play for shear beauty, this pushes you to play for shear fun.
Graphics: Really good character models and characters to choose from. Weapons animate pretty well and body parts get shot off. Sadly though, no blood.
Audio: You won't be paying attention to it when you hear your opponents scream and gunshots. Overall its all good i guess. For some wierd reason i really liked the voices in this game too :)
Suggestions: Make the next one online. And make the map editor a little n00b friendly. ITS HARD!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: gameplay is very smooth. There are a few plays that glitch every time but o well i've learned not to pick those plays.
Graphics: graphics are very nice. Running looks kinda stiff but o well thats like the only flaw i can think of.
Audio: sounds are very good. Announcers are actually pretty good for the first time i can think of. The football sounds are pretty good as well.
Suggestions: can't wait for the next one
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Like I said, it does exactly what it's supposed to do. Let you kill 20 people a minute, and do it well enough where you actually feel satisfaction and remorse for the people you're doing it to.
Graphics: The best you'll see in any game to date. PERIOD. Just looking down at the grass is awesome. Also the outdoor levels are just awesome.
Audio: As good as you can get with 5.1 Dolby Digital. The guns flaring, monsters screaming, warthog revving, its all amazing.
Suggestions: get halo 2 out NOW!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

in this game you control a dragon and it's rider: a girl named Orta. The dragon can 1. shoot rapid laser bullets 2. can lock on numerous targets and fire laser arrows that have splendid graphical effects and do alot of damage 3.the dragon can morph into Base Wing: the wing that the weakest lasers and fastest machine gun fire rate, but can lock onto 8-12 targets with the laser arrows. The dragon can also morph into Heavy Wing which has powrful Lasers, weak machine gun and can only lock on to 3 targets. The last wing can't fire laser arrows but can glide attack. Each wing hass it's strengths and weakneses making gameplay rich and complex.This game's graphics,sound,and storyline are unique and rich and I recommend this game to every xbox owner that is smart enough to buy this great game.
Gameplay: Nicely laid out controls,easy to learn/use. But when overwhelmed by dozens of missiles or enemies it become frustrating.
Graphics: From the scaly textures of the dragon's wing to the clearness of the water to the realistic cut-scenes. This game is a revouloution.
Audio: The sound effects and game-play music are decent but arent amazing. They can be great appreciated with 5.1
Suggestions: just work on the controls a little. And some great multiplayer would be cool.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Other than this, the stylized look of both GTA3 and Vice City remain intact.
Gameplay: The new control scheme is very cool. Other then it being played with a different controller the gameplay remains untouched. WHICH IS A GOOD THING!
Graphics: The improved visuals put the PS2 versions to shame and looks better on Xbox but not as good as Xbox games like Halo or DOA3.
Audio: This game has custom soundtrack functionality now. Somthing that can't be done on the PS2 games. Both work the same where you use the black button to rotate through the radio stations until you get to the changer or deck. You then hold down black and use the D-pad to switch to the songs you want. If you get out and get back in the same car your soundtrack song will continue playing from where you left off. It'll probably be worth it to boost the music volume in the game since many custom soundtracks don't play as loudly as the game's built in music.
Suggestions: lets put out gta 4 FOR XBOX ONLY! :D
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

My next gripe is the annoying camera. You do have some what of contol over the camera but it is so flimsy when your in the middle of a gun fight. The controls was another issue I had with this game. Holding the "A" button allows you to hug the wall for cover, you can then press the "R1" trigger to jump out and target your enemies. The problem comes when you try to jump back, it doesn't allow you to do very well. I ended up running back to postion that I jump out from and pressed the "A" button again to return to the wall hug postion. In the mean time I was getting filled with lead! My last issue I had with True Crimes is how the game is trying to be "realistic" yet you are able to shoot a sniper with two guns from an enormous distance. Then every single person you fight seems like they have been trained by Bruce Lee. Your a trained cop, you should be kicking their asses.
Whew! Now that I got that over with I will say that I enjoyed 80% of this game. The driving sections are cool as hell and I like the fact that you can stop on your way to a mission to solve other crimes. The fighting engine needs work but it is nice that you can upgrade your character with new moves and grapples. I think the best part of this game I liked most is that you can customize your own sound track (which is only on the Xbox). If I had bought this game on any other system I think my review would have been much worse. Although the voice acting was excellent, even though main character's one liners were corny as hell. The graphics were pretty decent but sometimes a little choppy. L.A. looks great, and being able to interact into the enviroment was cool.
I would have to say any fan of cop or action movies should probably check True Crimes out. If your not sure then definitly rent it.
Gameplay: This is where the game needs work. The targeting can get annoying in gun fights, the fighting can get repetitive and the "realism" is lost at times. I did like the open driving missions.
Graphics: Decent character models, but framerate can get a little choppy at times. The camera will !&%$@#* you off but the realism of LA is spot on.
Audio: I don't care to much for West Coast rap but it does go with the feel of the game. The voice acting is great and the sound affects are pretty good.
Suggestions: good game, if only the small annoying things were fixed this could be a gta killer. Fix it up for part 2.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

If you haven't bought it yet, get it NOW.
Gameplay: A nice balance of turn-based and real-time elements, and a nice balance of linearity and freedom. KOTOR is deep gameplay-wise, and doesn't come off too easy or too hard.
Graphics: When it comes to poly-pushing and bump mapping and real time shadows and particle effects, KOTOR isn't the greatest. But it still looks pretty !&%$@#* good and has amazing art direction.
Audio: What you'd expect from a Star Wars game, and then some. I can't think of a game with better voice acting.
Suggestions: great game, very fun. LOTS TO DO. Just make it on live next time!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Many people critized the controls in this game, but I thought they were great. B to grind, X,Y,and B to do grabs, and A to ollie. those easy controls lets you pull of mindblowing tricks.
The gameplay is spectacular. This a great game..WHy? Well its got tunes of levels, each with sponcer and Pro challenges- you try to improve your rank each time you ype of snowbording game beat a challage you advance. This type of snowbording game is not like any other, its more realistic in gameplay. But even though it is more realistic, you can still pull of the cooliest moves you've ever seen!!!! One of the nicest features is the open freedom. You have levels that are mammoth and take forever to explore it all.
Graphics: The graphics are great. It is all smooth the whole time. You can see the indents on the snow from the bord as you zoom by. The graphics are really nice on the mountain, you can see huge mountains all over in front of you on the sides, etc... Its drop dead gorgious.
Audio: The detail of sound is nice, but which is really nice is the tuns. There is around 150 music indie songs in this game. Sure none of the songs are known, but you will start to like some of them, plus even if you don't you can put your own music on it so its a win win situation.
Suggestions: cant give u any since the new one is out already :)
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: You'll have absolute control over Sam Fisher, and enjoy every minute of it. Splinter Cell plays like a dream.
Graphics: While there are some minor clipping issues with limp bodies, this game is far too breathtaking to notice much of that. It is a feast for the eyes.
Audio: The subtle sound effects and crisp clarity keep you immersed in your location, with perfect ambience and functional music to keep the tension high.
Suggestions: maybe a few more levels, mind you there are levels coming out on xbox live. But there has only been kola call so far. SO MORE LEVELS
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is amazing. You can select from so many options and tournaments and doubles and singles. Its good.
Graphics: The Graphics are amazing in the game. Even from the things you don't realize like the skids on the clay courts. The graphics are clearly stunning.
Audio: From the shoes squeaking, to the sound of the ball hitting the racquet and the announcer saying the score .. the sound is good. Although the music could use some touch ups.
Suggestions: 1. Very slow load time.....
2. Would of been cool to have the whispering commentators..... :D
they are so hardcore
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

I do not know why they made this a game..oh wait to get money they don't deserve . Trust me don't buy this. If you must play it just rent it...You have been Warned!
Gameplay: You think its cool at first but then it gets very boring and repetitive. There just isn't very much variety.
Graphics: This is the absolutely outstanding part about this game. They style the graphics are done in is amazing. If only the rest of the game had been this good.
Audio: I guess its not bad by any way, but it just didn't do it for me... There was just nthign that really made me say wow.
Suggestions: this game could have been awesome, just needs more variety and more levels.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is sweet. It runs very smooth.I like how the controls work, they just feel like that is the right way 2 have controls.
Graphics: Visuals are very good, the players faces look pretty good, i think that they took a lot of time into this game
Audio: Commentators get very ennoying after awhile, the hits and other sounds in the game are very nice...i like the sound
Suggestions: make NFL 2k4
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10