Grand Theft Auto: Double Pack (Original Xbox) by Take-Two Interactive Software

Grand Theft Auto: Double Pack (Xbox) by Take-Two Interactive Software Box Art

Xbox 360 backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: November 4, 2003.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe, Japan

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): Yes
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
9.22 / 10

After being announced, cancelled, and then re-announced, the latest titles in the Grand Theft Auto series have finally made it to the Xbox. Let me be the first to say that it was well worth the wait. The most talked about and controversial games in the last two years have never looked and played better."

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From the dark and seedy streets of Liberty City's underworld to the glamorous hedonism of Vice City in the 1980s. Two towns, each brimming with limitless delights and degradation, where anything can happen. Two criminal sagas of greed and desperation that will take you into the world of Grand Theft Auto. This collectible double-pack release features two of the highest-selling PlayStation 2 titles from Rockstar: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto III.


Friday, September 5, 2003
Wednesday, September 3, 2003
Monday, April 28, 2003

Cheat Codes

      Commit suicide(vice city):
While playing a game, press Right, White, Down, Right trigger, Left(x2), Right trigger, Left trigger, White, Left trigger. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: This will also restore your default costume.
      Display media level meter(vice city):
While playing a game, press Black, B, Up, Left trigger, Right, Right trigger, Right, Up, X, Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. The meter displays how long your pursuit has lasted and the level of news coverage it is generating. It will appear below your wanted level.
      Girls follow Tommy(vice city):
While playing a game, press B, A, Left trigger(x2), Black, A(x2), B, Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Bikini women with guns(vice city):
While playing a game, press Right, Left trigger, B, White, Left, A, Right trigger, Left trigger(x2), A. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. The women will drop guns when they are killed.
      Overcast skies(vice city):
While playing a game, press Black, A, Left trigger(x2), White(x3), X. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Foggy weather(vice city):
While playing a game, press Black, A, Left trigger(x2), White(x3), A. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear
      Rainy weather(vice city):
While playing a game, press Black, A, Left trigger(x2), White(x3), B. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Sunny weather(vice city):
While playing a game, press Black, A, Left trigger(x2), White(x3), Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Normal weather(vice city):
While playing a game, press Black, A, Left trigger(x2), White(x3), Down. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Faster game clock(vice city):
While playing a game, press B(x2), Left trigger, X, Left trigger, X(x3), Left trigger, Y, B, Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear
      Faster game play(vice city):
While playing a game, press Y, Up, Right, Down, White, Left trigger, X. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Slower game play(vice City):
While playing a game, press Y, Up, Right, Down, X, Black, Right trigger. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Police return from dead(vice city):
While playing a game, press B, Left trigger, Down, White, Left, A, Right trigger, Left trigger, Right, A. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Pedestrians have weapons(vice city):
While playing a game, press Black, Right trigger, A, Y, A, Y, Up, Down. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Pedestrians attack you(vice city):
While playing a game, press Down, Up(x3), A, Black, Right trigger, White(x2). If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Pedestrians riot(vice city):
While playing a game, press Down, Left, Up, Left, A, Black, Right trigger, White, Left trigger. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Pedestrian costumes(vice city):
While playing a game, press Right(x2), Left, Up, Left trigger, White, Left, Up, Down, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Repeat this code to cycle through the various pedestrian costumes.
      Black traffic(vice city):
While playing a game, press B, White, Up, Right trigger, Left, A, Right trigger, Left trigger, Left, B. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Pink traffic(vice city):
While playing a game, press B, Left trigger, Down, White, Left, A, Right trigger, Left trigger, Right, B or A. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Aggressive traffic(vice city):
While playing a game, press Black, B, Right trigger, White, Left, Right trigger, Left trigger, Black, White. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Better driving skills(vice city):
While playing a game, press Y, Right trigger(x2), Left, Right trigger, Left trigger, Black, Left trigger. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. While driving, click the Left Analog-stick or Right Analog-stick to jump.
      Destroy cars(vice city):
While playing a game, press Black, White, Right trigger, Left trigger, White, Black, X, Y, B, Y, White, Left trigger. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Increase your vehicle's top speed(vice city):
While playing a game, press Right, Right trigger, Up, White(x2), Left, Right trigger, Left trigger, Right trigger(x2). If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Change wheel size(vice city):
While playing a game, press Right trigger, A, Y, Right, Black, X, Up, Down, X. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. The wheels of some vehicles will become larger, while others will become smaller. Repeat this code to increase its effect. Note: When this code is enabled a few of the vehicles get faster (for example, the Caddy, Baggage Carrier, Rancher, SUV, and Bobcat). If you load a previously saved game and enable the code again, they will get faster still. The code remains in effect while the Xbox is on. To get rid of its effect, turn off the Xbox. Also, when repeating this code after loading a saved game, other vehicles such as the Banshee and the Stinger get "heavier", allowing you to do things such as plowing through any other vehicle, and sink to the bottom of the water and keep sinking until you respawn on the road. If you enable this code, pause the game, then reload a saved game, you will be able to use the code again. You can keep doing this to make the wheels get bigger. After a little while, the car will get too tall to enter.
      Cars float on water(vice city):
While playing a game, press Right, Black, B, Right trigger, White, X, Right trigger, Black. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: This code also allows helicopters to land and float on the water. After enabling this code and are driving on the water, repeat the code to deactivate it. The car you are driving will go directly to the bottom of the water and keep going without losing any health. You will soon hit a piece of land and either end up stuck in the ground or be able to drive again. You will not lose any health during the entire time.
      Sonny Forelli costume(vice city):
While playing a game, press B, Left trigger, B, White, Left, A, Right trigger, Left trigger, A(x2). If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: The game may freeze if you die in this costume
      Ricardo Diaz costume(vice city):
While playing a game, press Left trigger, White, Right trigger, Black, Down, Left trigger, Black, White. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: The game may freeze if you die in this costume.
      Phil Cassady costume(vice city:
While playing a game, press Right, Right trigger, Up, Black, Left trigger, Right, Right trigger, Left trigger, Right, B. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: The game may freeze if you die in this costume.
      Mercedes costume(vice city):
While playing a game, press Black, Left trigger, Up, Left trigger, Right, Right trigger, Right, Up, B, Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: The game may freeze if you die in this costume.
      Love Fist member 2 costume(vice city):
While playing a game, press Right trigger, White, Black, Left trigger, Right, Black, Left, A, X, Left trigger. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: The game may freeze if you die in this costume.
      Love Fist member 1 costume(vice city):
While playing a game, press Down, L, Down, White, Left, A, Right trigger, Left trigger, A(x2). If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: The game may freeze if you die in this costume
      Lance Vance costume(vice city):
While playing a game, press B, White, Left, A, Right trigger, Left trigger, A, Left trigger. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: The game may freeze if you die in this costume.
      Ken Rosenberg costume(vice city):
While playing a game, press Right, Left trigger, Up, White, Left trigger, Right, Right trigger, Left trigger, A, Right trigger. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: The game may freeze if you die in this costume.
      Hilary King costume(vice city):
While playing a game, press Right trigger, B, Black, Left trigger, Right, Right trigger, Left trigger, A, Black. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: The game may freeze if you die in this costume.
      Candy Suxxx costume(vice city):
While playing a game, press B, Black, Down, Right trigger, Left, Right, Right trigger, Left trigger, A, White. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: The game may freeze if you die in this costume.
      Spawn Trashmaster(vice city):
While playing a game, press B, Right trigger, B, Right trigger, Left(x2), Right trigger, Left trigger, B, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
       spawn Sabre Turbo(vice city):
While playing a game, press Right, White, Down, White(x2), A, Right trigger, Left trigger, B, Left. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
       Spawn Romero's Hearse(vice city):
While playing a game, press Down, Black, Down, Right trigger, White, Left, Right trigger, Left trigger, Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear
      Rhino tank(vice city):
While playing a game, press B(x2), Left trigger, B(x3), Left trigger, White, Right trigger, Y, B, Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear
       Spawn Love Fist Limousine(vice city):
While playing a game, press Black, Up, White, Left(x2), Right trigger, Left trigger, B, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
       Spawn Hotring Racer 2(vice city):
While playing a game, press Black, Left trigger, B, Right, Left trigger, Right trigger, Right, Up, B, Black. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Spawn Hotring Racer 1(vice city):
While playing a game, press Right trigger, B, Black, Right, Left trigger, White, A(x2), X, Right trigger. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Dodo car (flying)(vice city):
While playing a game, press Right, Black, B, Right trigger, White, Down, Left trigger, Right trigger. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Accelerate and press Analog-stick Back to glide. Note: You will not be able to fly a helicopter correctly when this code is activated. The game will freeze if you press A or pull back the Right Analog-stick.
      Spawn Caddy(vice city):
While playing a game, press B, Left trigger, Up, Right trigger, White, A, Right trigger, Left trigger, B, A. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Spawn Bloodring Racer(vice city):
While playing a game, press Down, Right trigger, B, White(x2), A, Right trigger, Left trigger, Left(x2). If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Spawn Bloodring Banger(vice city):
While playing a game, press Up, Right(x2), Left trigger, Right, Up, X, White. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Lower wanted level(vice city):
While playing a game, press Right trigger(x2), B, Black, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Raise wanted level(Vice City):
While playing a game, press Right trigger(x2), B, Black, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Weapons (tier 3)(Vice City):
While playing a game, press Right trigger, Black, Left trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down(x3). If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Weapons (tier 2)(Vice City):
While playing a game, press Right trigger, Black, Left trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down(x2), Left. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Weapons (tier 1)(Vice City):
While playing a game, press Right trigger, Black, Left trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Armor(Vice City):
While playing a game, press Right trigger, Black, Left trigger, A, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Full health(Vice City):
While playing a game, press Right trigger, Black, Left trigger, B, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Slower game play(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Y, Up, Right, Down, X, Left trigger, White. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Faster game play(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Y, Up, Right, Down, X, Right trigger, Black. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear
      Invisible cars(GTA3):
While playing a game, press L(x2), X, Black, Y, Left trigger, Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Only your vehicle's wheels will be visible.
      All pedestrians have weapons(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Black, Right trigger, Y, A, White, Left trigger, Up, Down. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Some pedestrians will throw bombs or shoot at you if you steal their car. Note: Saving the game will make the effects of this code permanent.
      Pedestrians attack(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Down, Up, Left, Up, A, Right trigger, Black, Left trigger, White. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: Saving the game will make the effects of this code permanent.
      Pedestrians riot(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Down, Up, Left, Up, A, Right trigger, Black, White, Left trigger. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: Saving the game will make the effects of this code permanent.
      Alternate costumes(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Right, Down, Left, Up, Left trigger, White, Up, Left, Down, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Speed up time(GTA3):
While playing a game, press B(x3), X(x5), Left trigger, Y, B, Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Normal weather(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Left trigger, White, Right trigger, Black(x2), Right trigger, White, Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
While playing a game, press Left trigger, White, Right trigger, Black(x2), Right trigger, White, B. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear
      Overcast skies(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Left trigger, White, Right trigger, Black(x2), Right trigger, White, X. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear
While playing a game, press Left trigger, White, Right trigger, Black(x2), Right trigger, White, A. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Increased gore(GTA3):
While playing a game, press X, Left trigger, B, Down, Left trigger, Right trigger, Y, Right, Left trigger, A. No confirmation message will appear. You can shoot off pedestrians' arms, legs, and heads with some weapons (sniper rifle, assault rifle, explosives) with an increase in the overall amount of blood left behind.
      Better driving skills(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Right trigger, Left trigger, Black, Left trigger, Left, Right trigger(x2), Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. While driving, click the Left Analog-stick or Right Analog-stick to jump. Additionally, after this code is enabled, any time you roll your car, press A + X to flip back over. This will work as long as your car is not on its roof.
      Destroy all cars(GTA3):
While playing a game, press White, Black, Left trigger, Right trigger, White, Black, Y, X, B, Y, White, Left trigger. If you entered the code correctly a message will appear.
      Tank (Rhino)(GTA3):
While playing a game, press B(x6), Right trigger, White, Left trigger, Y, B, Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. The tank will appear in front of you. This may be repeated as many times as needed
      Flying (Dodo) car(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Right, Black, B, Right trigger, White, Down, Left trigger, Right trigger. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Accelerate and press Up to fly.
      Higher wanted level(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Black(x2), Left trigger, Black, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Lower wanted level(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Black(x2), Left trigger, Black, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Extra money(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Black(x2), L(x2), Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      All weapons(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Black(x2), Left trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Repeat this code for more ammunition.
      Full armor(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Black(x2), Left trigger, White, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Full Health(GTA3):
While playing a game, press Black(x2), Left trigger, Right trigger, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.

User Reviews

Score: 92
Overall User Average: 9.23 / 10 (92.2%)
Gameplay User Average: 9.06 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.20 / 10
Sound User Average: 9.10 / 10
Date reviewed: July 23, 2005.

Overall: The GTA double pack on xbox is great IF you like the whole GTA series thing. Personally I have a blast driving around the city aimlessly killing anyone in my path and running from the cops. The storylines are also beautiful (especially GTA3).
Gameplay: Do what you want when you want. That is the main idea between GTA and it does it SUPERBLY AND AT THE SAME TIME holds great storylines with many enemies and allies.
Graphics: The graphics are amazing considering the size of the maps and in the depth found in each city. They do what they need to do and do it well.
Sound: The radio stations you can listen to are HILARIOUS. The soundtracks were well chosen and fit the eras well. Sound effects are great tooooo!!!
Suggestions: some sort of live capability would be nice? (not neccesary i guess haha)

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: June 23, 2005.

Overall: Maybe if you are a person that like repetitive action and violence, this game is for you. For the first few hours, it's really great but after a while, i'm getting bored about it. It's fun but when you do all the stuffs, there are nothing you can do to get the fun back.
Gameplay: In this game, you can do whatever you want in the big city. Steal a car, kill people without any reasons, selling drugs, etc but remember that each thing you do have a consequence. Just wait until all the cops are on your tail until you pay the fee. The missions are varied but not really since there are only few stuffs to do.
Graphics: The visual isn't that great. The cars look like some boxes running around. The people is totally without any variety. For example, don't be suprise if you cross a corner and see three exactly old mans walking together.
Sound: Since you can play custom soundtracks in this game, i don't really mind about the music about it. Just use your tunes than it's great as always.
Suggestions: More varied missions, unique person.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 30 %
Sound: 60 %

The Beastmaster
Date reviewed: November 22, 2004.

Overall: Some people may like this type of game, but to me, this is exactly the type of game that should not be allowed to be made.

If I could rate it lower than one, I would gladly do so.
Gameplay: Drugs, car jacking, murder, crime, etc., etc., etc...
If you are a youth playing this, play something else.

Graphics: Colors... oh the humanity.
Perhaps this was good for a Playstation 2 title, but falls short on the Xbox.
Sound: For what the game is, I suppose the sound is okay... but then again... does the sound matter at this point?
Suggestions: No thank you... please find another occupation.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 50 %

Lone Wolf 4
Date reviewed: November 22, 2004.

Overall: Jacking a car and beating an old woman to death, kind of gives you that feeling that you only get on Christmas morning.
Gameplay: There is so much to do, so much to see, so what?s wrong with taking the back streets. Hey you never know if you don?t go.
Graphics: Nice although the characters are once again crappy with big hands, the cars look perfect, and the water effects and city at night are beautiful
Sound: 80?s music, what else can I say, well in Vice city at least, thankfully it fully supports custom sound tracks in game.
Suggestions: Multiplayer would be great split screen or live, just one or two more people, running over cops, gunning from your car, please that would be sweet. P.S. I like cops, but they are fun to fight in game

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: September 27, 2004.

Overall: the hugely succesful gta series comes to xbox... it is welcomed with open arms, but does it deserve that welcoming... well yes, but it is far from a perfect game, it is a very good game... but it is not the gem in the xbox collection of games that some like to think. A very good game, but not the work of art that some worship it as.
Gameplay: gameplay is great, easy to get used to... and CONSTANTLY FUN... the ''do what ya wanna do'' style of play is what makes this game famous... you can decide to go do some work for the local gangs, just pick off a few people with your gun, slice up random people with your samurai sword, or if you fancy some cheap love you can hire a prostitue... the posibilities are almost endless... it really is what fub encapturing games are made of... there have been many attempts to recreate gta's unique, simple, yet amazingly complex style of gameplay (true crime, driv3r) but there is only one game that plays like GTA plays... and that is GTA
Graphics: this is the downside to the game... it is a slightly old game but was jazzed up for the xbox outing, but it really still does not cut it against the wonders that xbox owners are treated to... for such a big game you cant expect PGR2 rivaling graphics... but it really should be better than this.
Sound: sound is prety good... envronments sound nice and the option to rip your own tracks is an addded feature... sounds good, probably better than most.. but the surround sound is not as it should be, and acting is not exactly oscar quality... but its good... and that is what matters
Suggestions: graphics.... you cant go wrong with the rest

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: May 15, 2004.

Overall: Addicting. Lots of freedom and variety. I loved GTAIII, but Vice City was a big letdown, it had the flaws/glitches of III, with too much pink and bland colors.
Gameplay: The games defining feature. Do what you want, carjack old ladies, smacking a ho, or driving at high speed on the sidewalk. You know, fun stuff!
Graphics: Ewe... ok its not that bad. GTA III has a great style, but Vice City uses bland colors (pink and baby-blue ewe) I hate its style.
Draw distace is the worst Iv'e seen on the Xbox. Animations are jerky, models are low, but there is alot to see.
Sound: Included radio stations are awesome, but I want a walkman! I hate geting out of a car and not being able to hear music.
Suggestions: A walkman! music all the time. Improve draw Distace. Camera is TERRIBLE at times I run in 30 circles after going throgh some doors. AI, animation, and targeting could also use major tweaking. Fix these and you have a near perfect game.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 8, 2004.

Overall: This is a great pair of games for a well worth pricetag. Both games are fantastic with Vice City being the better of the two. Both have visual upgrades, I have the GTA3 PC version as well so I could compare and the Xbox version is better. It's a shame that the best platform has to wait so long to get the titles, but better late than never and they are well worth the wait.
Gameplay: Basically in both games you make contacts in various places in the cities and get missions from these characters like assasinations, stealing cars, transporting people, races, or you can just cruise the cities. These games are NOT for Kids, this is made for adults and it shows and becomes very apparent early on in both games. Both have excellent controls for driving and even flying in Vice City. I do wish that the controls were more customizable but they are easy to adapt too. The on foot controls are good as well with the exception of aiming the rifles which is too sensitive and mapped to the wrong stick. The Auto aim is good most of the time but sometimes can get you killed by targeting enemies that are dead or not even the line of sight. What's nice about games like these is that even after you beat them (which can take around 50 hours to do so) you can come back to them from time to time for a 30 minutes jaunt around the city wreaking havoc. I can't wait for the next one.
Graphics: GTA3 compared to the PC version looks better, they have bumped the polygon counts up on the cars and characters (mainly the hands). The cars look better and the motors have a lot more detail to them. The PC has higher resolution on its side so it the draw distance is deeper. The Xbox versions look good and the draw distance is good enough without causing problems. They do not look like Xbox games but are still very impressive especially with everything thats going on in such a large scale. I'll give the developers credit for taking some time to improve the Xbox versions. The framerate rarely dips and doesn't affect gameplay when it does.
Sound: Absolutely awesome, the performances of Ray Liotta, Dennis Hopper, Gary Busey, and Tom Sizemore (there are more, I just can't remember them) make the story more believable. The best voice acting in a videogame to date. The music is fantastic with entertaining DJs and the talkshow radio channels have their shining moments too. And if for some reason you don't like the music, user soundtracks are supported. The guns sound good as well as the car effects. One of the best sounding games ever with clear 5.1 Dolby surround support.
Suggestions: Don't wait so long to release to the next one on Xbox.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: February 21, 2004.

Overall: This pack contains 2 of the best GTA games! Both of these are similar and its fun going around competing to be the best, and buying buildings.
Gameplay: The game play is very unique. Not many games are as realistic (in a way) as this where you can actually "live" in a city and kill people. Also you can drive cars and do missions! Above that you can also buy buildings and business!
Graphics: This is what the game really lacks. Although GTA3 has better gfx than GTA Vice City its still not up to the X-Box standards. The graphics are a big upgrade from the PS2 ones, but they still have a ways to go.
Sound: The sounds were great! It had a vast variety of sound effects, and phrases. Its funny what your person says to the cops while hes running away or shooting at them. Also I liked how the cars have radios, which is way different from other games.
Suggestions: Make the graphics a little better, and a option to turn the cops off (not the cheat). Also it would be really fun if it were available for live! (Or at least system link)

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: February 19, 2004.

Overall: These are two of PS2's best games, that are now on the X-Box. The Grand Theft Auto:Double Pack is one of the best deals also, because you get 2 games for the price of 1.
Gameplay: This is one of the best design of gameplay I have ever seen. The missions gradually get harder and harder, but I did not even notice. But the M-Rating means you'll want to keep this away from the kids.
Graphics: The graphics rock on Vice City and GTA:3 on X-Box, the cars, weapons, levels, and characters are all upgraded.
Sound: The sound of the Grand Theft Auto:Double Pack is upgraded from the PS2's.You also get the great 80's music, but if you don't like the music, you can always listen to your own custom soundtrack from the harddrive.
Suggestions: Rockstar, put the next GTA on X-Box first, and let us swim in the water!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: February 13, 2004.

Overall: Grand Theft Auto Double Pack contains 2 of the most beloved games in recent time, Vice City and GTA 3. They both look much better and have many new features to boot!
Gameplay: The cities are like sandboxes, you can do just about anything you want from killing people to being a pizza delivery man. This is what makes the game fun and keeps you coming back for more. The main point takes you through over 70 missions of mafia work.
Graphics: Visuals have gotten an upgrade for xbox, cars have reflections and everything just looks a lot better in this version
Sound: Finally they used custom soundtracks in a game like this! The game sounds good as there is a lot of radio voice overs and songs and the sound effects are quite nice.
Suggestions: Maybe larget cities.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: February 13, 2004.

Overall: I like this game in general. It kept me busy for a long time, and I only have a few complaints about it.
Gameplay: Game play is great. You basically can roam the city and kill anyone you want, just don't get caught. You can do missions and there is a lot of hidden stuff around. Motorcycles rule! The game can get really boring after awhile, so beware. My only problem with this game is the 1. How do rival gangs ALWAYS know which car I am in and start to shoot at me? It isn't possible in real life.
Graphics: Graphics are okay. It doesn't take away from the gameplay, but if you look, you really notice it. I think that it was stepped up from the PS2 version, but they are only okay.
Sound: Sound was a plus in this game. The cars and guns sound great, and the voice acting is awsome.
Suggestions: Why not make a game exclusive for the Xbox? Just think of the possibilities. You won't have to bother with the crappy graphics card of the PS2.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: January 28, 2004.

Overall: Let me just say this game did to me what The ELder Scrolls III: Morrowind does to some people. I thought about nothing except this game for about 6 months. I couldn't stop till I was 100% complete. I've played it all together for 250+ hours. I've had many nights where I just stayed up the whole night playing it.
Gameplay: Best gameplay. The level or city is huge. The missions range and they are all cool. You can do whatever you want! Steal a helicopter, car, motorcycle, or just be a hitman. Or you can just run around killing everyone then taking their money from their dead body!
Graphics: The graphics are reallgy good but they aren't worth a 5.0(almost nothing is!) The realistic car damage is cool. Although when you shoot someone in the head with an M16 their head pops off and it just dissapears. I mean you never see it.
Sound: Man this is the best part of the game! Since it's set back in the 70s or 80s, they got the best radio station called VRock. It's got titles such as She Sells Sanctuary by the Cult. BUY THIS!
Suggestions: Keep it up! I love GTA III and GTA Vice City!!!!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: January 25, 2004.

Overall: if you dont know there is no way you have access to a computer. let me just say this is the definitive version of the games. having played the heck out of it on pc i wasnt really in the mood to play it on the box but after starting( you have to turn off the trails in the options) i was hooked again. the controls and graphics blow away the ps2 and pc versions. this is a must have for anyone with an xbox. show your support by buying this immediately and maybe we wont have to wait so long for the next installment due out by xmas because the xbox is where this series belongs
Gameplay: drive and run and fly and boat around a living city that is eerily realistic of florida in the 80s. its like the coolest episode of miami vice ever. you get missions but there is no rush to do anything so you can set your own pace. the perfect game for any gaming session because you can play for 20 minutes straight or you can play for 6 hours straight. you will never get bored
Graphics: having played both the ps2 and pc version i have to say this one looks the best. simply incredible. the hubcaps of your cars, the real time lighting , the people in the streets, everything is top notch.
Sound: music is a little low but that can be adjusted. vice city has one of the best soundtracks of any media be it movie or game
Suggestions: dont make xbox owners wait for the next one. its obvious this series owns xbox and thats where it should be released from now on

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: January 18, 2004.

Overall: overall this is a great game... you can do whatever the nerf you want and kill as many people as you want... of course you can do the missions, but I'm stuck so I just kill cops. the story is you lose money in a drug deal and you are trying to get it back... after the first few missions, though, it just seems like senseless killing (though there is nothing wrong with that)
Gameplay: gameplay is great... the only major setback that i found was the non-moveable camera, but this game is a few years old so i can understand that... controls are superb and fluid as far as i can tell...
Graphics: the graphics in this game are pretty good... not the best the xbox can dish out, but who really cares anyways?
Sound: I love listening to KChat, its pretty funny... most of the 80s music on the radio stations i dont like, but i listen to cds and talk radio, which is sufficient... the only reason i didn't give it a 5 here is because i dont like the 80s music, but i guess you need it to make it realistic, which it is...
Suggestions: make it even bigger and better!!!!!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: January 14, 2004.

Overall: Grand Theft Auto III, and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, were origanlly released for the PS2 in '01 and '02. From there they have changed the gaming world forever. With its very distinct gameplay (allowing you to do whatever the hell you wanted), and its interesting storyline. Now that it has been released on the xbox it has had many new upgrades, not to mention the price (two great games for the price of one). We now have more lighting effects, better flame/fire effects, and the ability to listen to cds that have been saved to the xbox hard drive. what more could you ask for??? But with every great game comes some flaws, none that are really noticable, or really even damage the gameplay experience.
Gameplay: If you were givin a chance to do whatever you want in a virtual world, what would you do? This is the exact question Rockstar/Rockstar North ask you when playing. Do you want to drive like a crazy jackass and hit big jumps, pullout an AK-47 and blow civillians heads off, do some dirty work for the mafia, or just act as you who would in reality? Though no new missions have been added just for xbox, the game remains just as fun as it did 2 years ago. the controlls have been changed for the xbox controller. instead of using A (X in PS2 standards) for acceleration, you use the right trigger. At first this will seam odd, and a bit sluggish, but after a day of using it it becomes natural and you wonder "why didnt Rockstar use this scheme before?" There is also a little slowdown in some areas. Mainly when you bust out the tank and go cruising. But its not really anything serious or much to whine about. One big plus is the loading times which has been cut dramaticly. instead of waiting 5 minutes for the game to load and begin play, it takes about 1 to 1 and a half minutes to load. also going from one island to the next is a brezze of about 4 seconds compared to the original 10-15 seconds.
Graphics: This is where the game takes a sharp right from the original. The lighting in this game is just plain beautiful. the reflections of buildings on the cars, to the shadows on chracters faces. It really adds to the experience. The fire and flames have been upgrade from just the red and yellow blurs from the original, to...well... mor realistic flames.
Sound: The biggest improvment to this category, would be the CD Changer/Tape Deck. Vice City was known for its great soundtrack of all the 80's songs worth listening to. But wait whats that?? No (insert favorite 80's band here)!!! No problem just pop in any cd you want, rip it to the xbox and listen as you play. This feature greatly enhances the gameplay for GTA3, seeing as the only good stations on there were really just chatterbox (come on who didnt like listen to someone talk about eating squirels??)
Suggestions: Make a better targeting system, and bring in some new cars, other than that keep up the good work!!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: January 14, 2004.

Overall: Become a crime superstar by doing anything you want when you want. Avoid police and engage in gang wars. Oh yeah... steal some cars too.
Gameplay: Very addictive... kinda scary. You get so caught up in killing and stealing and whatnot you start to want to do it in real life! GTA3 isn't quite as fun as Vice City. Camera is a pain sometimes along with shooting system. Driving is done well though. Story is pretty good too.
Graphics: Again Vice City is a little better in this department. The trails are a really neat touch. It'd be nice if cut scenes were a little better than in game graphics but what can you do.
Sound: Best thing about both games. Radio Stations are great especially the cheesy 80's music. Great one liners from citizens. SUPURB voice acting. Ray Liota in Vice City is great.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: January 2, 2004.

Overall: GTA finally comes to XB with little to no complaints. the 2 games every XB owner wanted have finally arrived & i couldnt b more happier.
Gameplay: just like the PS2 version the controls are tight & are very smooth. beats True Crimes by a far. i thought TC: SOLA was gonna copy GTA but it would have to b 10x better to even have benn said in the same sentence with GTA.
Graphics: the visuals are still kinds PS2ish. but GTA 3 does look better than its Ps2 version. Vice City also looks a little better. still XB can do much more, but i think the graphics fir the games feel.
Sound: like the PS2 version the voice action is great, & the gun sounds are some of the bets. probably in 2nd with Halo.
Suggestions: kepp doing what your doing!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 29, 2003.

Overall: I had not played or seen GTA III or Vice City before purchasing it for my XBOX. I was skeptical that the game could be that good, and was certain I was going to be a little letdown. After dinner I sat down, popped in GTA III, drove around Liberty City, picked up a baseball bat, stole some cars, and figured I had been playing for about an hour. I looked up at the clock and it was midnight. I had been on the machine for 4 hours and it felt like I just got there. That's the best way to describe these games. They immerse you in the world and you don't want to leave. I've bought all the previous AAA titles for the XBOX including Halo, MaxPayne, SplinterCell, and the Ghost Recon Games. I can honestly say I have enjoyed this game the most. There's something really nice about being able to try a different chapter/mission after screwing one up a couple of times, vs. having to retry the exact same step over and over again on the more linear games. I haven't even started playing Vice City, but I've heard it's even deeper than GTAIII. Bottom line, the XBOX DP is a huge value!!!
Gameplay: Not alot needs to be said here again. I would just be repeating myself. One preconception I had was that the game would eventually feel repetitive. Well, after playing for 30+ hours, these games are anything but repetitive, and the creativity and depth cannot be compared to any other games....Except, True Crime Streets of LA, which does some things well, but isn't a fun game. Actually that's a good way to define this game. It's a ton of fun.
Graphics: It's too bad RockStar did not make this game for the PC or XBOX first and port it over to the PS2. The visuals are still very good, and you really have to take your time to look at the names of the businesses and the individual characters you'll come across in the city. They did a good job. I would put the visuals in the class of Ghost Recon, in that they aren't the greatest, but they don't get in the way either.
Sound: I still need to get 5.1, but the soundtracks, character voices, and radio stations are all awesome. I have to say sound is excellent.
Suggestions: I can't say I'll never get tired of a game, but I can say that this $50 DP will keep me busy, for a very long time, especially trying to find time to play the Clancy games, sports on and off XBOX Live, and Halo2. This is a must have game for anyone who hasn't played the series and appreciates dry/mature humor.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 29, 2003.

Overall: Everyone knows that GTA 3 and Vice City already sold millions of copies and are 2 of the grestest games of all time. In this case u get 2 for the price of one!So if u dont have it yet, go buy! right now!
Gameplay: Awsome gameplay, your caracter can literaly go anywhere on the streets and can drive any vehicle in the game. Now thats freedom.
Graphics: A nice needed upgrade from the ps2 version. For the amount of cars, there prety well detaile with the motors, especialy with the motorbikes in vice city. But the graphics in buildings might make u a bit dizzy
Sound: The best music on any game ever! Lots of radio stations to chose from and vice city has all your oldies classics. Cars also have nive sound effects
Suggestions: Might want to add some multiplayer/

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 29, 2003.

Overall: its a real good game. better than Halo crap.
Vice city its cool,its a bit tougher than the 3 but thats is what are games for. The only thing that i don't like its the graphics, because when you kill somebody their heads can pass through walls
Gameplay: Yeah, thats is good but i can't tell some thing about this because i got to talk about GTA vice city and GTA 3

Graphics: GTA 3 i could give a 4.5 because its just tommy that is not good and vice city a 5.0 because tommy is realistic now and the scratch are realistic exept the bikes
Sound: in the 3 its awful that guy talks like if he is already dead but in Vice city its the samething but its better because i think if rockstar made an error you gotta lern from it
Suggestions: Rockstar(north), Don't stop doing GTA's but when you go on please make sure to improve some things

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 28, 2003.

Overall: Awsome game! love the bad @s feel is a bad @s environment, if its better then True Crimes (my opinion) then its got to be awsome (true crimes gota 4.5 from me!)
Gameplay: Nothing but amazing. could do with some more interactment, but all in all this game rules! love the weapons, the plot, the mula! all good
Graphics: Nothing but perfect.. Its got a real life look like halo not perfect though like the all in all rating.. but You look like your a real crime commiter, with an attitude of one.
Sound: Awsome. Love the stero system, gotta be one of the best things in this game! a stero, thats gotta be next generation gaming, plus the ability to play burned CD's (Just like a CD player in the car!) my CD's rock btw! :P
Suggestions: Rock on

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 26, 2003.

Overall: Well, there is not much i can say about these games other then that it is a masterpiece in its own world striving with the genres of driving, boating, shooting, and whatever, you name it, GTA double pack probably has it. From the undergroung world of the mafia, and the dirty drug buisness from the 80's Grand theft auto double pack is a game no xbox owner should go without.
Gameplay: Both GTA 3 and vice city focus on the same controls, and theme which includes stealing a car, killing some innocent people for your demented pleasure, and completing some missions for whom ever will give you money. But, ofcourse, The GTA series does push the envelope with graphic violence, some strong (yet funny) language, and some pretty strong sexual themes. So overall, the controls are pretty solid.
Graphics: The most improved graphical enhancements compared to the ps2 are seen in GTA 3, but do not be fooled, because, vice city, also has some nice enhancments compared to the playstation, yet, are still not the best out there, because rockstar did not take full advantage of the box's power.
Sound: ummm....the sound is not the best, but then again not the worst. This was a problem for the ps2 as well though, so dont get let down just because of this minor flaw. But dont worry, it is still good enough for the game to be enjoyable and does not have that generic feeling to it.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work, but for GTA 5 (which is thought to be taking place in las vegas, a.k.a sin city)try and make more, if not everything interavtive for the ultimate gaming experience.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Hard Boiled Cop
Date reviewed: December 26, 2003.

Overall: A nice criminal game that is addictive as hell. The three genres put into one really does change a game. Its not the best port I've seen but two amazing game non the less.
Gameplay: The gameplay could have been improved but it's still handleable. If youve played the PS2 version for quite a while then you might not like the controls. The D pad does not allow you to move. The left thumbstick does allow you to move which might not suit certain areas of the game. The right trigger is to fire if you're walking and acceleration when you're driving. Then things become abit complicated. When you drive, the right thumbstick is to look around you and if you click it then you can fire but it is very awkward.
Graphics: The visuals are not the best I've ever seen but its still good. At least there's lip synching and individual fingers. The cars look shiny as well. For once there's an engine inside a car! The cars look much sweeter than the PS2 version.
Sound: The sounds are superb in this game. The car crashes made me jump for the first time. The voice acting is brilliant as well. They really sound like gangsters. Its more cinematic making it an enjoyable game to play and watch at the same time.
Suggestions: Better visuals for the xbox version.
Controls need to be simplified.
New features need to be added so it avoids being a straight port of the PS2 version.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 25, 2003.

Overall: A great pair. The sane, intelligent person side of me wants to help the criminally insane side of me complete every mission, rampage and other devious acts I the game that is. The characters also make you feel like you're in "Goodfellas" or even to a slightly different extent, in your own version of "Falling Down," complete with your own bat and a bunch of gang thugs to harass.
Gameplay: The controls for the driving aspect, which is a very integral part of the game, are very nice, and the shooting does well, but could be a bit easier for some of the weapons.
Graphics: The settings, car designs, fashions, buildings, weapons and characters take you to the worlds that Rockstar created, and keeps you wanting to continue the carnage. Some clipping occurs, and the camera can be strange in some out of the way places, but better then some games.
Sound: Including the harddrive soundtracks for in game listening, puts this title way above it's PS2 counterpart in this area. While the radio in GTA3 is ok, the radio in VC, for a child of the 80's like myself, is great. The cars, explosions and weapons sound goood, and the voice talent in VC is real good.
Suggestions: While Rockstar has come under fire many times due to the mature themes and anti-this or anti-that aspects of its games, it still has the guts to keep producing great games. Hey parents and other anal-retentive groups, if you stop making such a stink about games like these, and run your households better, the game won't get the media attention, and therefore won't get the mass popularity it still recieves today. That's my only rant, thank you for listening, or not...

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 22, 2003.

Overall: I'd heard about GTAIII and GTA:VC, but didn't play it until it arrived on the Xbox. Now, I see what all the fuss was about. In particular, VC is one of the best games I have ever played. I have never encountered a game that is so open ended and packed with side missions, and assorted fun junk to do. I've played it for over 35 hours, and still find new stuff around town every time I play. I definately prefer the newer VC to the older GTAIII as VC has the helicopters, motorcycles, and a few other bonuses, but both are just awesome games.
Gameplay: I can not think of a game that is more open ended and has such diverse gameplay as GTA. There is just so much to do, and ofter you get sidetracked into just causing general mayhem, and forget there are mission to do. I hope game makers make more games that are this open ended.
Graphics: The graphics are serviceable, but it is the only minor downer in the game. The 'pop in' is pretty bad especially when flying over the city. Character models are pretty poor, as are the cut scenes. Again, it serves it's purpose, but I would love to see a GTA with Xbox quality graphics.
Sound: This game nailed the custom soundtracks feature better than any other game...ever! Play any song on any of your soundtracks on the fly (no annoying 'playlists' like some other games), and it also starts the song off where it left off, as opposed to starting it over from the beginning like many other games. AND, the radio stations are soooo good, that I frequently listen to them over the custom soundtracks. This is the only game that I have ever opted their music over mine when I had the choice. The voice acting is also some of the best of any game.
Suggestions: Make an Xbox specific GTA that has graphics to match the hardware.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: The best PS2 game finally comes to the Xbox, in new form. The game looks to have been done completely over again by Rockstar Vienna, and they did a stellar job.
Gameplay: Run around, kill people, steal cars, do missions for cool Mafia bosses, race cares, kill more people. It's simple, and its mindlessly fun and violent.
Graphics: Defnate props on the lighting effects youll notice the difference the second you find a new car. This one has engines, as oppposed to just a picture, the tires have details, and no more popups! The game doesn't really come up to Splinter Cell, or things of that level, but it does impress since its dramatically better than the PS2 versions.
Sound: Love the voice overs, the music (especially in Vice City) is grand, and the Custom soundtracks make this awesome. The car sounds arnt to much but hey, they are there, and thats what counts.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: Really fun just like it was when I had them on PS2, however even better though the added xtras. I should say that I never got a change to beat them on PS2. So it was nice to come back and get another shot on an even funner version.
Gameplay: Same ol mayham but now with your favorit tones and even better graphics. I have loved slaying ppl on this game for sometime and I like seeing things better on my xbox and HDTV.
Graphics: Way better graphics over its aged PS2 counterpart, however, still not as good as most games. For example many of the chars. look blocky.
Sound: Well now its got some DD sound. This makes it even more of a great game to have on the xbobx. I was glad to see that they let you play your own custom tracks while driving.
Suggestions: Make the next one "start" on both the xbox and the PS2. Also higher some good graphics ppl, like ubi soft. ^_^

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: Probably the best pick up and play game I have ever played. The story's cool, but the best part about the game is the ability just to come in, sit down, boot the game, and mess around.
Gameplay: Very good. The missions are very fun, but if you don't want to worry about those, you can just mess around killing people and stealing cars, boats, and helicopters.
Graphics: It's better than it was on Playstation 2, but it's nothing to call home and tell Mom about. Let's just say that you won't find yourself staring at the beauty of the game.
Sound: Pretty good sound. It's especially fun to hear people yelling at you, and screaming when you shoot them. The added custom soundtrack feature is also a big plus.
Suggestions: Improve the graphics

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 80 %

xbox genius
Date reviewed: December 14, 2003.

Overall: Note: this game is not a must buy, you can always wait for it to go cheap... read on the review to find out why... although the price is very good, 50 bucks for 2. GTA 3 and vice city... so its not a bad deal when you buy now, i bought it for 50 bucks and i dont feel that dissappointed.

Killing, hookers, drugs, stealing cars, runnin from cops, yeah live a criminals life. This game is like real life (explained in gameplay section). overall when you combine free roam with guns and cars, nothing gets better than that. but i gotta admit it gets repititive....
also there is a few part of the game where it lags...
Gameplay: This game is based on real life, well at least i assume it does. you get to steal cars, buy guns, run from cops, shoot the cops :) , pick up hookers, kill people, ride monorails subway whatever... there are bosses who you work for. thats where you get your main missions, and also there are PLENTY of side missions, including racing against other cars, killing, stealing cars, blah blah blah, it has variety, but not enough to make it not repititive... great gameplay, although i feel like it lacks something... it needs a bigger punch to it, maybe something like MULTIPLAYER!! sheesh i always wanted this kind of game to be multiplayer enabled... ah well i cant mark it down for not having it..

BTW when you drive from island to island it doesnt load as long as it does on ps2. woo! unfortunately, there is a few spots when it rains where it lags... it lags mostly when it rains and when you are in a mutlilevel parking area (well in GTA 3, i dont know about vice city...)
Graphics: the graphics are not xbox graphics, well at least its better than ps2 graphics, the cars shine, and they dont shine when you scratch it, pedestrians look more 3d than on ps2... lighting sucks, shadows are just circles... rain effects look more real than in splinter cell, there is fog, sun and all that good stuff, theres a good amount of blood, and codes to make it even bloodier. not too shabby for a game like this. good job
Sound: oh boy, the sounds are so fake, well all the cars engine sounds the same, except bigger cars have louder engines than smaller cars, i say make more variety! the crashing is ok, you can hear the differences between when you crash your car or just scraped it, car skids sounds are nice, voice acting is sooooo fake, unreal, better voice acting next time.
Suggestions: as always, i want multiplayer on this game... i know its hard to do maybe even impossible, but try harder especially on the graphics!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Dark Enemy
Date reviewed: December 13, 2003.

Overall: The game is a great with gameplay that can keep you busy for hours. You get 2 games for the price of one. Theres custom soundtracks. And your free to go out and kill, steal cars.
Gameplay: The gameplay is just plain out fun. Its like your living in a different world. You pick up hookers, Steal cars, kill random people, ride in helicopters, deal with drug lords. Some missions can get repetitive. You can also purchase homes, hotels, and building when you have enough money.
Graphics: The game doesnt look like an xbox game should look. The gameplay will let you forget about it though. Its basicly a port with a little more textures.
Sound: Hearing random people on the streets,Police sirens, guns going off, cars being stolen. Its everything you need in a gme like this. Plus theres custom soundtrack close the deal.
Suggestions: Better graphics, Bigger Cities, Online play or downloadable items off of xbox live.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 90 %

Grand Theft Auto: Double Pack News

Calif. Reconsiders Violent Game Ban
Bring your ID, or bring your mom or dad with you when you shop for video games. California legislature will consider new limitations and harsher penalties for the sale of violent video games to minors. It’s good to be an adult.

Take-Two Releases Q3 Fiscal 2004 Results
It appears Take-Two is making some gains, shown in the release of their Q3 financial reports.

Take-Two Reports Q2 Decline
With the big titles such as Grand Theft Auto and Midnight Club making their splash last year, Take-Two has suffered a decline in sales for the second quarter of this fiscal year.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
March 1, 2004 Rockstar Games, the world-renowned publishing division of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., is pleased to announce Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas...

Will GTA be visting Sin City?
Rumor mill has it that online retailer is now listing the highly anticipated next instalment of the Grand Theft Auto series.

More Upset Over GTA: VC
Will Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto Series ever catch a break? Maybe, but not today- Over 100 Haitian-American demonstrators gathered outside of a WalMart in South Florida to protest the sale of this widely controversial super-seller.

Threats of Law Suits Censors GTA
Over a year after its initial release some groups are just now starting action against Take Two for some possible racists comments in the game.

GTA Double Pack Ship Date - Europe
Rockstar Games Announces European Ship Date for Grand Theft Auto Double Pack for Xbox, January 2, 2004.

GTA to Support Custom Tracks and 5.1
RockStar confirm the list of improvements featured in the Xbox version.

First GTA Xbox Box Art & Screens
You Saw Them Here First! The real deal baby, Xbox screens and box art of GTA3. Check it out!

GTA is, Confirmed, Coming to the Xbox
XBA thanks everyone who sent in emails notifying us that GTA is coming to the Xbox in a bundle: GTA 3 and GTA VC.

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5 Replies, 157058 Views

Spellbreak Grand Magus Pack (3) and Starter Pack (7) Giveaway!
Post by Variation-XBA
0 Replies, 136830 Views

I pay $ 1000! I search the Element 54 Canadian launch Team signaturen Faceplate
Post by Smill
0 Replies, 165595 Views

Xbox one no signal
Post by debrartin
0 Replies, 152061 Views

do you remember?
Post by SnoochyBoochy
3 Replies, 231508 Views

i haz xbox
Post by SnoochyBoochy
0 Replies, 192936 Views

Claiming the first thread of 2020
Post by Kraft
7 Replies, 276543 Views

Important! I pay $ 1000! I search the Sweden launch and the Element 54 Faceplate
Post by Smill
3 Replies, 156255 Views

Squad Up
Post by samslophead
0 Replies, 283751 Views

TERA Skinned Xbox One X Giveaway!
Post by Variation-XBA
0 Replies, 185327 Views

Starfield Release expectations?
Post by DJ tx
4 Replies, 322046 Views

Issue with Xbox live on Xbox home
Post by rcmpayne
0 Replies, 173239 Views

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