Average Overall Score Given: 7.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 294
Arctic Thunder

Gameplay: this game gets a four because i cant stand a racing game were u dont get to use things like weapons the olny other racing game i like is the pgr's
Graphics: the graphics arent that bad i dont beleaive though that they even deserve a 3 but when i play in the arcade it looks alot better then when i play on the xbox
Audio: sound........ i gave this a higher rating than the others because I dont realy know what they mean by sound
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is all out great i meaj the single player is very challenging depenfding on the mode you select and loads of fun. the physics in the game make outcomes infinite and spontaneous weird things happen that will drive you crazy in amazement
Graphics: thge design of everything in the game is all so unique and beautiful in their own way to me. i mean if i imagined aliends and furturistic wars halo creates the ideal realistic visuals..without a doubt this game has bmade an impact on me and will always be the way to measure down other games that trey to be like it
Audio: the sounds are great i love em i mean i dont see how they could have made sounds any better the only thing id wish there were more envoronment sounds
Suggestions: I already heard this would be in halo 2 but environ,mental effects like stroms and stuff would beawesome to battle in
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: well like i said i didnt realy like the game play because it made the game to easy and it was so life like with the way that u die and what not
Graphics: the graphics werent that good that why i gave it a two its like the may payne boxead graphics. For the second one i thought that they might make it better than the first but there practicaly the same
Audio: the sounds i gave a good raiting to is becasue when u fire ur gun u can automaticaly go to the place that the gun was fired at but it was like splinter cell unless u were playing with alot of people then it was like silent inless u played on a small map
Suggestions: yes they need to make the gun option were u get to choose to see the gun o
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: i love the fact that u can play on line and still get money to buy skill points so that u can go to career mood and unlock everything that u need to make u a better player
Graphics: i gave that game a five becasue ive played tiger woods before andd i loved that game and id have to say the overall graphics ar better tha tw and the tw graphics were excelent
Audio: i like the fact that the commentators give u tips and stuff and that u can make it harder by turning off the putting lines and what not
Suggestions: well if u could make that game better than it already is then u must be a genius
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: the gameplay was good although like i said you had to fdo alot of remaining quiet.. it takes a good while to beat because of the deal of maps not to mention the nice levels downloadable from xbox live...which makes the gamemore enjoyable for a longer while...i think they had 2 or 3 download maps
Graphics: the graphics were great..because the stealthiness really went in with the mood of the game. im glad it wasnt one of the max payne boxheads it was nicely
Audio: I cant say much about the sound as of 90 percent of that game had to do with being quiet and sneaking around..But i guess just to say something nice about it i will say there are no sounds like no sounds.
Suggestions: Nope
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: the gameplay is great..its almost worst than a drug addiction..maybe even worse heck its hard to put the controller down. ill admin sometimes i go crazy with hysteria when unlikely things happen or i know i should have killed the guy that somehow killed me but its all in good fun.
Graphics: the visuals are about 100% similar to that of the PC version..I mean its got that very same look and feel but i dont mind a bit because the game is too good gameplay wise to care what it looked like. the graphics were pleasing enough to play with.
Audio: ahh the sound its all so great and sounfd plays a big part in playing the game. sounds are so distinct. you can hgear the reloading and shooting and where it came from and what gun or weapon it was and whether or not the gun was silenced. thats how unique the sounds are on this game extrremely impressive
Suggestions: not a one.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10