Average Overall Score Given: 8.45455 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind

Gameplay: Pretty good gameplay. Fighting kind of sucks at first, but when you increase your attributes it becomes immensely better.
Graphics: At first look it is unreal, but it really isn't that great. The detail is kind of shady. But it works for me.
Audio: Everything is cool other than when people try talking to you when you are just walking by or when they scream at you while fighting.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Liked the vast difference in levels and controls were cool not excellent but great. multi player is kind a cool.
Graphics: Not ground breaking but great. Project gotham had better visuals IMO. But these worked well with the game none the less.
Audio: Soung could be better...more intense and sharp. Not bad though.................
Suggestions: Not really
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay was nice...the whole kudo idea was cool since it was a new idea...would have liked a more "true racing" option as well.
Graphics: Visuals were sweeeeet!!! The paint jobs....the scenery...the motion of the cars. Very well done in terms of graphics.
Audio: Sounds was sweet too. Love the roar of the engines on my 5.1 system. The base really kicks too. vrrroom!!!
Suggestions: Just personal preference in terms of building up the specs of your car and having a true racing option with most importantly...more cars racing.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Nice gameplay. I liked the crossover and the jump shot variability in holding at just at the right spot.
Graphics: Good is a nice step up from previous bball games but i expect more. I am sure the newer ones have better graphics.
Audio: It is sound. Not my biggest thing in games but it was okay. The crowd was okay.. Just had the anouncer repeated stuff after a while which is STILL a problem after 10+ years of video games! GEEZE!
Suggestions: Just like many sports can always dig this game up and make a title run. Nothing SPECIAL here but a nice made basketball game. If money is a concern I am sure you can pick this up for under $20 on EBAY right now.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay wasn't bad...just not great. It just god boring after a while though it was kinda cool at first.
Graphics: The visual was pretty cool. The waves are sweet as long as you didn't really examine them closely and the boats weren't bad either.
Audio: Sounds were sounds. Nothing great but not noticably bad either. Was fine as far i am concerned....
Suggestions: Don't know what to say..just not that great a game...the missions get boring real quick and the multi player needs MUCH improvement.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is it's lowest point. You don't really have much aim..sad to say it..but goldeneye had better gameplay..if only that
Graphics: It is decent and that is just about it. Considering what the xbox is capable of...well you know the rest.
Audio: Didn't stand out but it wasn't anything i would actually be dissapointed about. Not really gonna save the game anyway.
Suggestions: Lots of work to improve this game...ESPECIALLY the game play. Weapons were pretty weak more creative
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Not "down in the action", more of an overhead kind of view. Can't zoom in as much as you like, but made that way b/c of the MULTIPLAYER; which I must say is unreal.
Graphics: Sweet looking graphic wise. I just can't stand the darkness. Too much of it. Other wise it looks sweet.
Audio: The sound is perfect. Very nice on my surround sound dolby. The sound effects can't get any better.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Slowmotion is tight as hell. Don't have as much conrtol over character as I would like but good enough.
Graphics: Looks tight as hell. Very realistic. Weapons look right on the money. I am sure it can improve, but it doesn't really need it.
Audio: Don't pay much attention to sound, but the weapons bang and the guys make noises when hit. Good enough.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay wasn't bad. You do have prett good control of the chariot and can force people of the road here and there. The fighting got tiring real quick. block attack, attack block...whatever
Graphics: Graphics were pretty cool. players weren't too cartoony and the scenery was pretty good too. Nothing ground breaking.
Audio: Not too impressed by the sound. It was if anything below average. I'd think someone would make some kind of loud noise when getting run over, I was wrong.
Suggestions: NO CLUE
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Can be quite intense at times. I have never played a game which gives you such commanding control of the player.
Graphics: Graphics are nuts! Best I have seen, espcially in a game like this! The outside levels are the best!!!!
Audio: All the sounds are right on the money! In multiplayer there is nothing in the world like hearing a fragmentation grenade tinkering around on the floor before it is about to KILL YOU!
Suggestions: MAKE ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10