Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 10
MX Superfly featuring Ricky Carmichael

Gameplay: Control is key, there is no way you'll do well on this game if you keep the throttle peaked the entire time, which is a good thing. You will need to use realistic strategy in the turns and on the hills to keep up with the rest of the pack.
The only downfall I see, it's hard to crash, if you hit a hay bale, hill side or a wall at full speed, you just bounce off and continue on.
Graphics: The riders getting more dirty as the race progresses was a nice touch. The details around the tracks were pretty well done.
Audio: I didn't really care for the sound track, too much hip-hop for my taste. Well, any hip-hop is too much for me, but luckily you can turn that down, or add your own. The bike sounds were "fair".
Suggestions: The development team for this game did an overall very good job. Please keep the bouncing menus out of the next version, that is so annoying.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10