Juice Faster:
At the Cheats screen enter: Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up, Up, Down, A,I
Super Spin:
at the Cheats screen press: Left, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up
Master Cheat:
at the Cheats screen enter: PLZDOME
at the Cheats screen enter: KHUFU
perfect Handplants:
at the Cheats screen enter: JUSTINBAILEY
Perfect Grinds:
at the Cheats screen enter: BIGUPYASELF
Perfect Manuals:
on the Cheats screen enter: QUEZDONTSLEEP
Max Juice Bar:
At the Cheats screen enter: BAKABAKA
Low Gravity Wallride:
At the cheat code screen, enter Up,Down,Up,Down,Left,Right,Left,Right, A,B,A,B,S
All Keys:
At the cheat code screen enter: SKELETON
All Bonus Characters:
at the cheat code screen enter Down,Right(x2),Down,Left,Down,Left, Down,Right(x3)
Level select,all part editor objects, and full stats:
at the cheat screen enter Up(x2),Down(x2),Left,Right,Left,Right,B,A,B,A