Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee (Original Xbox) by Atari

Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee (Xbox) by Atari Box Art

Xbox 360 backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: April 15, 2003.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
6.57 / 10

I remember back in the day, sitting early in the morning waiting for the Saturday morning cartoons to get under way. My local television station would play Godzilla movies until then. So there I am setting in my Spidey Underoos just glued to the TV as this giant 180 ft radioactive lizard was running around giving Tokyo a new make over."

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Legendary monsters battle among earth’s cities to determine the planet’s fate. Attempting worldwide domination, aliens have gained control over Godzilla’s longtime rivals - the kaiju must be defeated. Participate in a spectacle like no other by combating the greatest beasts on a colossal scale, as the world’s future hangs in the balance.


Wednesday, April 9, 2003
Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Cheat Codes

      View End Credits w/ Godzilla March theme
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 339233
      Unlocks all monsters except Orga
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 753079
      Unlock Mothership level
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 972094
      Unlock Monster Island level
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 745749
      Unlock all Gallery Items
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 962129
      Unlock all Cities and Monsters
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 863768
      Unlock all Cities
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 107504
      Toggle military
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 728629
      Tiny Player 4
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 495355
      Tiny Player 3
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 203783
      Tiny Player 2
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 689490
      Tiny Player 1
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 558277
      Tiny odd numbered players
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 853955
      Tiny even numbered players
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 600095
      Throw all buildings and objects
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 248165
      Technicolor mode
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 394804
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 724284
      Player indicators always displayed
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 860068
      Player 4 deals 4x damage
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 889610
      Player 4 always in rage
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 702905
      Player 3 deals 4x damage
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 537651
      Player 3 always in rage
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 450514
      Player 2 Invisible
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 493946
      Player 2 deals 4x damage
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 930041
      Player 2 always in rage
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 491089
      Player 1 Invisible
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 659672
      Player 1 always in rage
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 159120
      Player 1 Deals 4X Damage
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 940478
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 622600
      Only Rage Power-ups
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 660398
      Only Health Power-ups
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 270426
      Only Energy Power-ups
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 553945
      Obtain All Monsters
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 209697
      No Rage Power-ups
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 666500
      No Power-ups
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 229497
      No Mothra Power-ups
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 491040
      No Hedorah
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 584408
      No Health Power-ups
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 221086
      No Freeze Tanks
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 223501
      No Energy Power-ups
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 803358
      Mecha King Ghidorah
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 504330
      Mecha Godzilla
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 643861
      King Ghidorah
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 939376
      Invincible Player 4
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 317320
      Invincible Player 3
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 367744
      Invincible Player 2
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 724689
      Invincible Player 1
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 152446
      Invincible Buildings
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 451129
      Hedorah in every game
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 288730
      Health Regenerates
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 597378
      Godzilla 2000
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 637522
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 822777
      Full Energy for Player 4
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 218967
      Full Energy for Player 3
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 597558
      Full Energy for Player 2
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 881557
      Full Energy for Player 1
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 778393
      Extra Military Damage
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 970432
      Energy Weapons do more Damage
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 690242
      Displays Game Version
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 097401
      Disable HUD
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 880460
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 352117
      Boxing Ring Level
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 440499
      Black and White Mode
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 860475
      All Players Deal 4x Damage
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 817683
      All Players are Tiny
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 154974
      All Players are Invincible
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 569428
      All Monsters Invisible
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 600225
      Add CPU player to melee
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 154974
      11 Continues
Unlock Cheat menu, then enter: 548319
      Unlock Cheat menu:
Go to the main menu and HOLD Left trigger + B + Right trigger (use that order) then release B, Right trigger, Left trigger (In that order).

User Reviews

Score: 66
Overall User Average: 6.67 / 10 (65.7%)
Gameplay User Average: 6.00 / 10
Graphics User Average: 6.17 / 10
Sound User Average: 6.17 / 10
Date reviewed: June 5, 2005.

Overall: The singler player combat is repetitive, but fun. However their are a lot of unlockable items, thus their is a lot of replay value. But the best part of the game is the multiplayer section. I have had hours of fun playing this game with friends. (Throwing buildings at eachother is great fun!)
Gameplay: The player is Godzilla or one of the other radiated monsters, and the player will feel like them. The walking is slow but that is how Godzilla walked. The city size to monster size is the right ratio, and destroying the city is a hoot! I reccomed this game.
Graphics: Not the best graphics, but very nice. The developers payed special attention to the city detail, their are vehicles driving in the streets getting stomped on! (Awesome)
Sound: The sound is great! The monsters sound like they are supposed to and the campaign mode is like the old Godzilla movies (Cheesy but great). You can also use your own music on your xbox.
Suggestions: Good Job

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Cpt. Spaulding
Date reviewed: January 8, 2004.

Overall: I kinda liked it... for about 20-30 Minutes. The graphics are nothing out of the ordinary, the sound (especially the german version) is terrible and there is no reason to play this game for long except for the new Monsters that you can get with a cheat as well.
Gameplay: The gameplay is very slow and cheesy. You could say that it is like an old godzilla film. It´s fun for the moment but the more you think about it you realize that it is pure trash (in a good way).
Don´t expect a great game, but if you are a fan of Monster-Combat and cheesy japanese Films take a look at this one.
Graphics: The bumpmapping on the monsters look nice and the models are allright. The Cities look a bit cheap though and there are some unnecessary slow downs. Didn´t have to be like that! The X-Box is capable of more!
The Sounds of the monsters are like in the movies and thats great, but the rest just plain sucked!
Suggestions: Faster Gameplay, real 4-Player action, get rid of the slow downs, work on the graphics and the sound.
To cut a long story short: Make a better Godzilla game!

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: This is a basic fighting game. Pretty basic controls but with plenty of differences between monsters to make each one unique and fun to play. The only surprising thing is that while there is custom soundtrack support, and (supposedly) forthcoming xbox live content, there is no xbox live PvP support.
Gameplay: It's a fighting game, punch the buttons and the monsters fight. You can pick up buildings and throw them at other monsters, or pick up the other monsters and throw/bash/tailslap them instead. You can also use the beam weapons that the creatures have
Graphics: crisp, and clear. It's not spectacular but also not a crappy port. Building show damage in a very simplistic way, clean -no damage, damaged, and wiped out. Basically this means that as you stomp around you can't really judge how beat up the place is. Camera angles can get extremely annoying, especially when it gets closeup
Sound: sounds OK nothing spectacular here,monster sounds seem to be ripped right from the movies. Regular soundtrack is OK, big plus is soundtrack support.
Suggestions: full XBOX Live support!!!!! Bigger areas. Add a camera zoomout feature that resets the camera back to the default zoom and angle

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: Well i had no clue this title came out for the xbox becuase i have been busy.. but when i saw it i had to play it and i rented it..so far i have had fun as hell with none - a lil learners curve but once u master the controls... its great
Gameplay: once u learn the game controls there really quite easy to use and play with.. tho there could add a few more moves and throws
Graphics: looks kewl... then again.. anything u can throw whole buildings around into other great looking monsters is a +
Sound: gotta love the rawrs and the banging and expolions... on my 5.1 surround sound its GREAT. anyways but also..there could be more..
Suggestions: add more levels more monsters xbl download monsters.. create your own monster (i wouldnt mind seeing my creation go agianest godzilla `00)

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Lord Vivic
Date reviewed: September 14, 2003.

Overall: The overall description of this game is ...well disappointing.I love the fact that I rented it,rather than buyingg it.
Gameplay: The overall gameplay of this game was very disappointing.I though that this one would be better than the PS1 version.
Graphics: The visual effects of this game were probably the best features of this game.They weren't enough to change my mind about the game.
Sound: Oh,wait he sound effects were the best feattures in the game.I liked the fact that I turned it in two hours after I got it.
Suggestions: You guys never change.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: April 19, 2003.

Overall: I was sooo looking forward to getting my hands on this game and now that I've played it ... well, its basically a fighter and I'm not a huge fan of fighters (which I knew ahead of time but was so hoping I would like it cause its, you know, Godzilla). As a fighter its no DOA3/MK/TF/etc. - any comparison made between the two will leave GDAMM in the dust at every level. As a campy party game its great fun - this game is all about multiplayer - which makes the lack of full XBL support a glaring omission (down-loadable content is supported). Definitely rent this one before you buy.
Gameplay: The monsters move slowly - which I guess is appropriate given the subject matter - but it hurts game play - it feels/moves like a fighter in a big rubber suit. Not a lot of combos to execute but each monster has unique attacks. D-pad is better than using the left analog stick IMO. Can be a little frustrating at first - expect to spend a lot of time rolling around on the floor until you learn how to get out of throws or block attacks. Single player modes are kind of repetitive but multiplayer Melee is a lot of fun. Destruction lets you stomp around the city knocking down buildings for points - cute for a while in single player, a lot better in multiplayer. Nice variety of cities but the play area itself is not that large. Maybe down-loadable content will add more cities/monsters?
Graphics: I noted some collision detection issues, especially when hitting buildings. The camera isn't the greatest - when you start a level the buildings can get in the way of the camera until you knock them down. If the camera is in close it can keep you from getting power ups if your opponent has been knocked down - very frustrating. Monsters move smoothly and have pretty decent textures. Background is ok. Hit a building once and it shows damage - nice. Hit the same building again and again and it shows no new damage until it eventually collapses - not so nice. Everything is destructible and some buildings/objects can be picked up and thrown at an opponent. Would have been cool to break off say part of a bridge or building and use that as a projectile rather than just having it crumble into rubble. No real sense of scale as the camera tends to look down on the action - the cities look/feel like they are fake - that might have been intentional given that the movies have the same look/feel but the movies shot up to make the monsters appear huge relative to the landscape. That's not the case here (the monsters don't really look that big) however I don't think it would have worked gameplay wise to show a ground based perspective.
Sound: Roar, crash, symphonic background, roar, crash, symphonic background, roar ... you get the picture - not much going on that's groundbreaking in this department.
Suggestions: Full XBL would have put this game over the top - it would have been well worth the delay in releasing the game. More monsters to unlock - why no Jet Jaguar? Ok, he's not a monster but maybe Gamara? Ok, he's just a flying turtle but still there are others that I would like to see make an appearance - XBL download maybe - hint, hint. Fix the minor collision detection issues. Speed up the monsters a little and improve the camera so buildings don't block the action.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 40 %

Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee News

Godzilla Ships
Atari today announced that they have shipped Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee, a one-to-four player monster-on-monster fighting game to stores nationwide for the Xbox.

Godzilla Is Coming To The Xbox

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