Average Overall Score Given: 8.29268 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 321
Battlestar Galactica

Gameplay: The game play was typical for this game though i thouught that it could have been more drawn out sometimes.
Graphics: The visual effects were awsome.I was shooting at a fighter one time and when i flew throught it i saw an arm.
Audio: The sound was real enough considering it is based on a fake world anyway.I personally liked the exsplosions.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is pritty good, but on free mode it gets a littly to easy after a while.I've seen Dynasty Warriors 4 and I just got my hopes built up AGAIN.
Graphics: The graphice of the game could be better but the upgraded version is supposed to be better,I can not wait until it comes out
Audio: Sound seems so realistic but the characters kind of over exajerate their expressions a little to much
Suggestions: Instead of increasing the # of bodyguards you have as you build up your character you should be able to build up an army Kessen
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: It has plenty of characters that you can talk to and trade with and even kill.You have all the freedom you need
Graphics: It has awsome graphics for such a large game.All the different desighns for all the different things on that game is outstanding
Audio: The sound in that game is also pritty hair raising.Man, once I went into a haunted manor in Ald-Ruhln and I didnt stay in there for very long because of the monsters and the sounds it freaked me out and it's only a game
Suggestions: you all should make it an xbox live game because of all the excitment.You could put missions in the game to were you are assighned to kill other players,or you could trade with them and you could actually be able to do something with those impossibly expencive weapons and armor and items
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: the movement of the dragons was almost real like the makers had seen them before.Then there was the fighting that was cool too.
Graphics: The visuals are swell I mean during the game it is hard to gather all the things in every screen shot
Audio: the sound wasn't erverything I expected but they were good.They could have been better,but thy will do
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: You don't have the freedom in it that you would expect from a game like that.What I like most about this game is that you get to buy your new equipment.
Graphics: The visuals of this game suck!It is like playing the arcade version of Dungens and Dragons.The fighting in the game isn't that interesting in it either.
Audio: The sound......well there isn't enough of it.The spell casting sucks.When fighting the sound of the sword is cheepy.
Suggestions: You got to come out with something with more freedom,graphics,sounds,and a better story line.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: The storyline is catchy.But,I found that is was a little hard controling the character.I got to were I couldn't enjoy the game for to long because of that.
Graphics: The visuals were mediocur.They tried to put so many things in some scenes that it became graphically smugged.
Audio: Sounds were impressive!I almost had a scence that I was there.That is probably what I like most about the game.
Suggestions: Sounds were great improve on everything else!
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is cool,but there is only so many things that you can do in the game.The controls are easy to use I liked that alot.
Graphics: The graphics in the game were disapointing.The enemy jets looked like three or for squares from a distence
Audio: Sounds were horable compared to the Ace Combat series.The explo hard not to lol at.
Suggestions: Get better at your game making.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: AWSOME.I love the storyline.The controls are simple to learn.This is probably the best action game I have ever played.
Graphics: The graphics are excelent for this game.the detail they put into the uniforms and the Metal gears are outstanding.
Audio: The sounds are something to go crazy over.Every time I played the game I heard sounds that I didn't even remember hearing before.
Suggestions: You all did a great job.Mabe you could make a Metal Gear Solid 3,unless it comprimises with the feel of the game.and to the maker(I like your little adins in the game)
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: Awsome.I played it and I was shocked to see all that I had seen.I couldn't get enough of the scenes.
Graphics: Graphics were outstanding.The thing I liked most were the ship battling scenes.The skelekton people were freaky looking but allthe same cool
Audio: Sound was great I liked the explosions sounded so real.I felt like I was watching the movie.Great game.
Suggestions: Great going.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Well.....for a racing game it is alright.GTA3 & Vice City were better.Not a game you would like to keep forever.
Graphics: Awsome graphics!The cars look neat.Man I found out what car I was going to get when I joined the Navy in the next few years!
Audio: Sound.....well it was a car game so the sounds won't be to good.I wish there was some way you could improve the sound of car games without making it stupid.
Suggestions: Good idea but could be better
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: It was okay for a car game but they are almost never to your expectations.For a car game it is cool.
Graphics: Awsome graphics.Cars look real.The spinouts are interesting.These games are getting better.I guess all those bad reviews finally got to them.LOL
Audio: Once again it is a car game and they are never to your expectations.But if you like car games this is a game for you.
Suggestions: Good going
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: There is only one way of playing this game and that is what I hate most about playing games like this but i will rate this game acording to personal exp.
Graphics: Great graphics.It kind of gives you a scence of a computer simulation.It is okay but there are better games
Audio: Sound on these games are always bad because there is not much going on around you.The bat hitting the ball was pritty impressive
Suggestions: Good job?
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is like doom or Quake,or at least that is what it reminded me of.It is an okay game but there is better.
Graphics: Visuals are almost like that of the ps1.that was the most disapointing part of the game.This was a big put down to the game.
Audio: Sound is pritty good.Not the best in the world,but not the worst either.I do not recamend this game.
Suggestions: Make it better and it will probably have good reviews
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay in this game is pritty good because while your driving they still manage to have the surounding objects still are in good view.
Graphics: The detail in the vehicles are great.I love the terrain in the game.In some scenes the terrain isbeutiful to look at.
Audio: Sound is not all that good.But,the sounds of the tires and the engines have a reality to them.It is a cool game.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay toyed around with you.You thought that you had the freedom to roam but you were cought if you did.
Graphics: The visuals were not the best in the world but they were not the worst in the world either.I guess they were mediocure.
Audio: The sound effects were the best part of the game.They still were not up to par with the rest of the games.
Suggestions: You all can do better
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play in this game just gets your emagineation.I love these game and it takes a while before I get bored of them.
Graphics: The visuals in this game blows your mind at times.I really like the fact that the guns have origional exsplosive impacts and ETC.
Audio: The sound is pritty good but there are games like this I have played that have better sound effects.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay of this game is alright.It is not the best in the world.But, to my experiance it keeps you ocupied for a while.
Graphics: the graphics are pritty good,but for a game like this they could be a lot better.I do like the game though.
Audio: The sound in this game is original and is very good at that.I had a lot of fun playing this game.I liked it.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play was a lot like Halo,except you are fighting people,under different scenarios,and different resons.
Graphics: The visual effects were awsome.The explosions were fantastic.I was overwelmed at the massiveness of the battlefields.
Audio: The sounds were cool.I often went back in the game to make sure I was not hearing things in the game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play of this game was one that could have been improved on a great deal.I liked the plot but thatr is it.
Graphics: the visuals of this game was like the Saga.The graphics were not what you would expect from a game like this.
Audio: The sound was real good but not good enough to persuade me not to give it such a good score.I could have been better.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay was out of this world.You could fight the dinosours,or you could manage them in a theme park.
Graphics: The visual effects were awsome.The dinosours looked as real as on Jurassic park,(almost).I is a good game.
Audio: The sound effects were cool.I was actually able to here all types of sounds while managing my theme park.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play of this game was a lot like 4*4 Evolution.And I really liked that game as well.Yes I did.
Graphics: The visual effects were even more reallistic than 4*4 Evolution.I was at first angry at how the cars fliped it was hard to turn them over and later I saw that it was kind of neet.
Audio: The sound effects could have been a little better.I found that after a while the sound of the engine drove you up the wall.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is ..................... go around and play with other characters and kill them ETC.
Graphics: The visuals are really good in fact i was bragging on them.Thats odd ain't it.It is a pritty good game.
Audio: The sound in this game is cool.I always go back to see what new sounds i could hear if i did different things.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay of this game was awfull.I got bored after a few hours.It is not a game to buy.I wont buy another game like that again.
Graphics: the visual effects were gory but I did like that part of the game.It would have been a good game if it were a different game.
Audio: the sound was like a big joke.I was laghing half way through it.I was greatly disappointed.I do not like this game.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay almost gave it a scence of being an RPG.I exspecially loved that.
Graphics: Now the visuals could have been better.That was one of the most dissappointing parts of the game.
Audio: The sound in the game remindes me of Jurassic Park.I was an overwhelming experiance when you encounter one of the Dinosours.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: go around racing what else can I say.It is neat.
Graphics: The visuals are great I was taken away by the massive amount of detail they put into the cars.That was cool.
Audio: The sounds were cool.I was definatly aware of a car coming near me by the sound of its engine.I liked the sound.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play of this game is the same as the others before it.It just gets old after a while.Multi player is cool.
Graphics: The visuals were a huge disappointment.I was shocked to find that they were as crappy as the N64 version.
Audio: The sound effects were another blowout.I epected a lot more from this game.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play to this game was cool,common,but cool.It was a good game.It is one that you can put down and pick it back up again and start playing it again.
Graphics: Th graphics were outstanding.I loved the fact that you are able to spray the enemy with a large number of weapons.
Audio: The sound was cool.It wasn't as good as some other games,but they were good.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play is awsome.You race with other cars from your class and a few others all the while trying to be the best.
Graphics: The visuals were awsome as well.I ran into the walls at times because I was off starring at my surroundings.
Audio: The sound of the gravel as you went through the track was interesting because it gave you a scence of being there.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay was like a big joke.Man,you might as well look at a tv that has been turned off all day.
Graphics: The visuals....were well sucky.The rollercoasters were so large that to see them youwere at almost a birds eye vew of the park.Which left for some bad graphics.
Audio: The sound in the game was the best thing in this game,even thogh it wasn't even to the best of expectations.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: the gameplay of this game is a lot like 007:Agent under Fire.Which was a dissappointment because it looked like a rush job.
Graphics: The visuals were great compared to some others I have seen.I like this game for the most part.
Audio: The soundeffects were pritty cool.I sounded like you could hear each and every bullet that came out of the barrel.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play of this game was pritty original.I was blown away by the cars and all the different tracks there were.
Graphics: The visuals in this game were good.They weren't the best that I have seen in this type of game.But,they were good.
Audio: The sound description of this game is well,how can I put this......AWSOME.The gravel,the crowd cheering,it was all coool.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay was similar to that of Gunmetal.I was suprised to find out how good the game turned out.
Graphics: The visual effects were pritty original.Though I thought they could have spent a tab bit more time on them.
Audio: The sound effects were top of the line for this type of gamme I thought.I could recamend this game to anyone to try.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: This type of game is for renting ,not for buying.I was disappointed at the fact that I got a good impression of it in another gaming site.That is why I am hear now.
Graphics: The visuals were a joke in this game,or at least I thought so.I was disappointedd in this game.I wish I had't waiste my money.
Audio: The sound was one of the better qualities.Even if it was still a major disappointment.Some games are not worth purchasing.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay sucked.All you did was press a few bottons to make a guy hit another guy.That was very boring.
Graphics: The visuals of this game were the best feature in the game.I was shocked to find that even the graphics were porlly done.
Audio: the sound was the funniest part in the whole game.I had times that I had to pause the game to laugh my head off at the stupid sound effects.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: The overall gameplay of this game was very disappointing.I though that this one would be better than the PS1 version.
Graphics: The visual effects of this game were probably the best features of this game.They weren't enough to change my mind about the game.
Audio: Oh,wait he sound effects were the best feattures in the game.I liked the fact that I turned it in two hours after I got it.
Suggestions: You guys never change.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10