Kane poison head
While playing a game, hold Left trigger + Right trigger and press B, Black, White, X, Left
Analog-stick, A, Left Analog-stick, Y, Right Analog-stick, Back. The poison status will now be indicated by the head of Kane from Command and Conquer.
Alternate Glacial Gulf music
While playing a game, hold Left trigger + Right trigger and press White, A, B, Black, X, Y,Left Analog-stick, Back,Right Analog-stick, Left
Analog-stick. When you slide down the slope now in Glacial Gulf, you will
hear music from SSX
High pitched voices
While playing a game, hold Left trigger + Right trigger and press Right Analog-stick, Y,
Back, A, Right Analog-stick, B, White, X, Black, Left
Extra gold
While playing a game, hold Left trigger + Right trigger and press B, Right Analog-stick,
White, X, A, Right Analog-stick, press Back,Left Analog-stick,Y, Black.
Advance to Katarina's next sword
While playing a game, hold Left trigger + Right trigger and press Right Analog-stick, Back,
Black, Left Analog-stick, X, A, White, Y,Left Analog-stick,B.
Wind Dancer Galleon upgrade
While playing a game, hold Left trigger + Right trigger and press Black, B, Right
Analog-stick, Left Analog-stick, A, X, Right Analog-stick,
Back, White, Y. When you sail into another map, you will have the
All treasure chest keys
While playing a game, hold Left trigger + Right trigger and press Y, Back, A, X, Right Analog-stick, White,Left Analog-stick, Black, B, Left Analog-stick.
Reveal all buried treasure chests
While playing a game, hold Left trigger + Right trigger and press Y, A, X, B, White, Back,Left Analog-stick, Black, Left Analog-stick, Right Analog-stick. Green Xs will appear on the captain's log maps to indicate the location of buried treasure chests.
Reveal all treasure chests
While playing a game, hold Left trigger + Right trigger, then press Right Analog-stick, A, B,
Left Analog-stick, Y, White, Back, Left Analog-stick, X, Black.
Infinite wind boost
While playing a game, hold Left trigger + Right trigger and press Back, White, Right
Analog-stick, X, Left Analog-stick, Y, Black, B, A, Left Analog-stick.
Infinite items on pick-up
While playing a game, hold Left trigger + Right trigger and press B, White, Back, Black, Right Analog-stick,Left Analog-stick, X, A,Right
Analog-stick, Y. All items will have an unlitmited supply once you
find them the first time.
Invincibility for Wind Dancer
While playing a game, hold Left trigger + Right trigger and press Back, B, White, A, Right
Analog-stick, Black, X, Right Analog-stick, Y, Left Analog-stick.
Invincibility for Katarina
While playing a game, hold Left trigger + Right trigger and press A, Y, Left Analog-stick, B, Right Analog-stick, Back, Right Analog-stick, White, Black, X.