Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller (Original Xbox) by Sega

Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller (Xbox) by Sega Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: July 23, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe, Japan

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
7.83 / 10

Most people will say that gaming isn't exactly a contact sport, but I can tell you from experience that, if you get too carried away, your body will pay the price. Be it from a lack of sleep, leaning into a big turn in your favourite racer and falling out of your chair, getting in a fist fight over the last free controller, or refusing to stop in the middle of a 4/4 tie in a best of 5 match of Halo for the violent thunderstorm outside your bedroom window, there's more than one way to put the hurt on yourself via video gaming. I've experienced all of the above at least once, but my personal favourite and perhaps the most common video gaming injury, would have to be a malady induced by severe button-bashing, the blister."

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As a fearless cabbie with attitude, you're driven by a single goal: to rack up the mega-bucks in fares and tips before your shift ends. It's a race against the clock as you pick up passengers and white-knuckle it through busy streets and back alleys to their various destinations. To keep that meter collecting cash, you've gotta take the fastest route possible, even if it means bending the traffic laws -- just a little.


Sunday, June 2, 2002
Thursday, May 2, 2002

Cheat Codes

      Disable Destination Indicator: At the character selection screen, HOLD Black and press A. If done correctly it will say "no destination mark" in the lower left of the screen.
      Disable Arrows:
At the character selection screen, HOLD White and press A. If done correctly it will say "no arrows" in the lower left of the screen.
      Unlock Expert Mode:
At the character selection screen, HOLD Black,White and then press A. If done correctly it will say "expert" in the lower left of the screen. In this mode no arrows or stop indicators are on screen
      Master Cheat:
At the character selection screen, HOLD all these buttons together on controllers #1 and #4: Left trigger, Right trigger, Left Analog stick, Right Analog stick,X,Y

User Reviews

Score: 78
Overall User Average: 7.85 / 10 (78.3%)
Gameplay User Average: 7.81 / 10
Graphics User Average: 7.99 / 10
Sound User Average: 7.46 / 10
oyun indir
Date reviewed: December 30, 2010.

Overall: But earning money in Crazy Taxi 3 game not always easy.Because there will be difficulties when you are a taxi driver.At first you will feel the traffic is the biggest problem on the game.But it isnt.Because there are gangs at the streets waiting to rob you, or some p@!%#*!engers are very angry and they are ready to fight you.And as a taxi driver you must be kind and polite to all of the customers.You will try to deliver customer fastly so they dont get angry.

At Crazy Taxi 3 game you need to deliver p@!%#*!engers at before the right time.So you need a fast car.While you are earning money from Taxi, you can upgrade your taxi so it will help you a lot much.You can upgrade your cars body or brakes even its engine and gear.After upgrading your car it would be more faster and secure.

You can try to use game cheats but we dont recommend it.Because cheats make the game easier but not more funny.Crazy Taxi 3 game has a practice mode so you can learn how to play the game by live tips.Follow the rules at the practice screen to play the game as a master.

Crazy Taxi 3 game has quality graphics but also dont neccessary so much system requirements.That means you can easily setup and play the game at an avarage computer.You need 256 mb Ram and 1 Gb free hard disc space to play the game.If you have a video card you can play the game with more quality graphics.

If you wonder about this computer game you can play the demo on your pc before buy it.In the demo version you can play up to 30 minutes.After 30 minutes you have to buy the game to continue playing.You can easily find the game at only game stores.Crazy Taxi 3 is a beautiful game, if you want to play the demo you can download it from here : Crazy Taxi 3 indir

Overall: 89 %
Gameplay: 95 %
Graphics: 86 %
Sound: 75 %

Date reviewed: March 23, 2004.

Overall: Unless you've never tried it before maybe you will like it for awhile but i tried teh first one on dreamcast and everything, control, sound, music is teh same. The graphics suck too.This game is rushed and....just boring old crap. RENT IT DO NOT BUY IT
Gameplay: Nothing new whatso ever. Add something like a job or somehting where you get to customize teh car and make upgraded with money maybe take away teh araceish feel or put that as a saperate part of teh game. For what i paid i need more then just an added level and stupid characters. Make more realisic and have some damage or something because this game is just weak.
Graphics: Graphics are ok i guess even though i barely see a differnce other then brightness and blurriness to make lights and crap look smoother or better. Not impressed but maybe was about 6 years ago with the first one. Maybe with teh job part like i said in gameplay have the cities as big and good looking as GTA. The cities are boring and crappy IMO. I want a solid game here. Have more types of people and have them living normal lives while you go nuts but maybe leave out teh hitting them to keep the game some what to it's roots. Make it either cel shaded or realistic graphics.
Sound: The sound oh the sound. It sucked teh have the same bands and music from teh first one and it is so old and overplayed i hate it and no custom soundtracks. Avoid theis game rent ti do not i repeat don't buy it. Have new and more types of music maybe have a radio or cusom soundtracks.
Suggestions: Remake the whole game please. Make graphics more real and get away from teh cartoon crap unless you go cel shaded which you won't. Make cities adn single player game way better, longer, elaborate and exciting. You wasted my money and time. Unless soimehting changes i am never gonna buy another crazy taxi ame for it is weak and annoying for the most part.

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: February 16, 2004.

Overall: This game was very pleasing and fun to play. Have fun competing with friends, or playing along side them with 1 license. There are few flaws within this game, but other then that its really fun!
Gameplay: There are a lot of game modes! Like carrier, and mini game! You wont beat this game anytime soon. Also you can compete by doing 2 player mode. Although there aren't many cars in here, which is kind of a let down.
Graphics: Everything was pretty good visually! But most of the pedestrians look the same, which takes off a chunk in realism. Also there aren't many cars in the game that you can choose from. But the maps look really detailed.
Sound: Not too much sound I'm afraid. Only the holler of the pedestrians, and occasional phrases of your character. The constant noise you'll hear is the background music, and noise of the car.
Suggestions: Make a live version, and have more cars. Maybe put some weapons in there too!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 29, 2003.

Overall: The one video game that got me away from the PC and into consoles was the original Crazy Taxi for the Sega Dreamcast. Sadly, Sega's marketing department just doesn't seem to be earning its bread, and not only did they have major problems getting the Dreamcast into people's homes, finding their games on retailers shelves is often a tough ask. In spite of this, the third Crazy Taxi is a real treat to play. Not so much a sequel in the true sense, it is more of a compilation of ideas from the previous two games, with a few new ones thrown in for good measure. Having a choice of three different environments is nice, and the minigames are mostly brilliant. Overall, Sega make this gamer wonder why they just can't get a break.
Gameplay: Some say that the graphics on Crazy Taxi 3 are crude and the sound is limited. But these things are not nearly as important as a free, smooth gameplay that allows the player to enjoy themselves. In contrast to many other games out there that have lifelike graphics and stunning audio, Crazy Taxi 3 has gameplay that, while taking a little time to get in the groove of, garantees a lot of fun. The actual task of the game is incredibly simple - stop, pick up a passenger, take them to their destination, drop them off, repeat. It's the getting from the pick-up point to the drop-off point in the shortest possible space of time that presents the real challenge. While most of the routes are fairly straightforward, there are a few out-of-the-way destinations that must be handled carefully in order to ensure speedy arrival... or even arrival at all. Sometimes the adrenaline rush can make frustration of things not going well feel even more acute, so breaks are recommended every now and again. Overall, this is one game that should be used in every demonstration.
Graphics: Okay, the graphics are nothing terribly flash. Enough that the game elements make sense and you cannot miss things due to being underrepresented, but they don't have the same pizzazz as more recent games. This is actually a good thing, however. Rather than trying to tool up Crazy Taxi 3 to make it more "now", they have instead opted to keep the basic look the same and focus more on the gameplay. This does, however, result in some minor flaws. For example, the trees in park areas of the Small Apple look more like something you'd see on the old Commodore Amiga than a video games machine which about 100 times the processing power. Another complaint that is not so small is that the game engine often has trouble keeping track of where it, and the car, is going. The directional arrow that is meant to tell the driver where to go often spins around with no logical idea of where the destination really is, and on the (admittedly rare) occasions where the car gets stuck on something (jumping on top of another car for instance), the shaking of the camera and seemingly the car quickly brings headaches on.
Sound: Not good, not bad. Just there, really. The standard car engine noises are not nearly loud enough, and the voiceovers, when they do show up, are irritating. The music is okay at first - the standard Offspring soundtrack that was a gem of the first Crazy Taxi game is present and accounted for. It manages to create the right mood in spite of how tryhard I consider the band. However, this is why custom soundtracks are one of the most touted features of the X-Box. I would far prefer to be playing this game with Ministry's Jesus Built My Hotrod, or pretty much anything by Motörhead, playing on my Dolby 5.1 system.
Suggestions: Only two comments aside from the congratulations on a job well done. First of all, if you're unable to render large marshes trees in any better a fashion than an Amiga 500, then don't put them in the game. Second, there is a reason why there is a custom soundtrack feature on the X-Box. Please use it.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: December 21, 2003.

Overall: If you are a fan of the series, you will enjoy it. However, you may just want to get GTA 3 so if you get bored drving people around, you can run them over or do other stuff. New characters and levels are nice additions, and the old levels are redone pretty well.
Gameplay: Controls are tight, which is good cuz if they weren't, why would you want to play. Yet some clipping and seemingly easy spaces to drive through are near impossible. Colorful levels, and a fair amount of optional modes keep your interest for a little more than a week.
Graphics: The passengers are sometimes stereotypically dressed, yet the cookie cutter citizens are what you expect throughout the whole series. Taxies do look pretty nice though.
Sound: The game soundtrack is upbeat but repetitive (I can only take so much Offspring in an hour or two of play). Being able to listen to hardrive soundtracks would make the sound better.
Suggestions: A mutliplayer mode would be nice, but that's usually not the cache of these titles.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: November 8, 2003.

Overall: Ive always been a fan of Crazy Taxi since back in the Dreamcast days. The one thing about this game is that if you're not good at it, you won't like it. I hate to brag, but I'd say im up in the top contenders for this game. To do well it requires you to know the city better than the arrow atop your screen. That is what I learned to do and that's how I placed 6th in the DC Crazy Taxi contest with $117,000. Too bad only 5th place and up won a prize..=(
Gameplay: The gameplay is alot of fun. What makes it fun is its competitive play. Set a record and pass the controller. Eventually records take hours and then some to beat so the game loses its cool. But even then the game has its little "missions" which are fun little mini-games that take some good skill to beat and also serve as a practice for the real mode.
Graphics: Regular old visuals. Nicely developed environmental area filled with 10 different people. Each one of those people having 100 clones within city limits.
Sound: Crazy Taxi introduced me to one of my favorite bands. The Offspring. Thanks to that I've always liked the tunes this game has put up for me as well as I have liked some customer comments and bark remarks.
Suggestions: Nope...Or wait..Do your next city for the game in Miami..Yay!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: Don't ask me why we decided to play this game because I am so sick of the Crazy Taxi games. And this game was nothing special
Gameplay: The controls were ok and the power ups were ok but I thought the game was boring and I wanted to cry
Graphics: Cars are shiny and the graphics seem fake so I think they are about average. nothing that made me go "WOW"
Sound: ok music but I was playing with my friend and did not pay attention to much to the noise. But it is a farely average game.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: November 2, 2003.

Overall: Crazy Taxi 3 is the next Crazy taxi game from Sega that pits you as a taxi driver who must earn money by picking up and dropping up passengers. All while you drive freely around the 3 huge cities or play with the addictive and hard mini games.
Gameplay: The gameplay is unique and fresh. Similar to Simpsons RR, you drive around the cities, searching for pedestrians to pick up and drop off. The game is very fun. Most of your time will probably be on the very addictive, but hard mini games. One mini-game has you on a football field and you must get to the other end in a certain time, but watch out as cars and trucks try to bash you off the sidelines, another has you trying to knock down bowling pins, and some even have you platform!
Graphics: The graphics are good. With lots of shiny surfaces, fast and fluid animations and 3 full cities to roam around through, there is plenty of things to look at, and they all look good.
Sound: The sound is also good, with your average rock style soundtrack and the usually sterotype character voices.
Suggestions: More levels to explore and more drivers. Make the mini games easier too.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: August 11, 2003.

Overall: It's Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller! The crazy world of Crazy Taxi comes to Xbox. It's bigger, better, and crazier.If you haven't played any of the other Crazy Taxi games, then what it's about is simple: drive around like mad, pick up passengers, and drive them to their destination in the wildest places. Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller combines the West Coast course from Crazy Taxi (DC, PS2, GC, and PC) and the Small Apple course from Crazy Taxi 2 (DC), including an all new Glitter Oasis, Las Vegas course. If you are a Crazy Taxi fan or you haven't played the other versions, then Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller is a must! Otherwise rent it first. I'm a real Crazy Taxi fan, even from the days it was just an arcade machine, and so I had to get this game.
Gameplay: Gameplay is very simple. You pick one of the three courses and pick the type of mode you want to play: Normal rules, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, or 10 minutes). You then pick one out of four taxi drivers (is different for every course), who have the craziest attitude ever. You then drive around the course you picked and you pick up a passenger(s). Then you have to drive them to the destination they want to go. At the end you get tons of cash ($$$). To get to the destination, you have to race through the streets and dodge cars, to gain tips also. A whole bunch of tricks are available, such as the Crazy Hop (jump over cars) or the Crazy Dash (burn your wheels by dashing). Apart from all this, Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller has mini-games too, called Crazy X. There are old games that have been modernized and there are all new games. What sort of bugs me in the game is that you can't have your own file and that there is one whole file for the entire game. However, you can also make replays of your drives, which with the Xbox Hard Disk is better, because you can save more than on a Dreamcast. There is one annoying bug in the game also, which slows you down sometime when you drive around.
Graphics: Visuals are great and are better than on the Dreamcast or any other console. Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller might not have excellent visuals comparing to other games, but it certainly has good visuals. One of the things that makes the cities so good, is the visuals.
Sound: The music and sound effects in the game are really good. The music completely fits in with the game, especially all the bands such as Bad Religion and The Offspring, which are quite famous. Sound effects are also pretty cool, for example when the passengers (or drivers) complain or complement. Everything from pedestrians to car traffic has effective sound effects. Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller also supports Dolby Digital Surround and so the entire sound has a good quality.
Suggestions: It would be nice to see Crazy Taxi 4 sometime in the future. If there will be another Crazy Taxi game, then I recommend checking for bugs, adding more cities and levels, adding more mini-games, as well as including a multiplayer mode and a practice mode. It would be nice to see a multiplayer taxi competition in a Crazy Taxi game. Otherwise I am satisfied with this game and that SEGA, together with Hitmaker, created this game for the Xbox.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: May 3, 2003.

Overall: Crazy Taxi 3 offers a short-term entertainment source. After a few times playing, or days, the game gets out as there is hardly ANY replay value, and NO multiplayer. Final word: only get this game if you get it cheap or free!
Gameplay: Your objective is to pick up customers, speed away, and drop them off, and pick up your tips- gets boring after a short time! There are not enough active elements(run into a shop, windows break and walls fall, etc) but it does it's purpose for the lesser enjoyed crowd!
Graphics: Graphics in Crazy Taxi 3 are "all right". They could be better, mainly the scenery, houses, shops, and such, but they are fine. The developers should have spent more time working on this game.
Sound: Audio in Crazy Taxi 3 seems to be just focused towards the "rock" culture, although it's quality is fine. But what about the fans of rap, hip hop, even pop and bought the game? Well all in all, sound is fine, if you like rock.
Suggestions: You should have added more replay value. Possibly a multiplayed feature, or Xbox Live where people can BE the customers and select destinations for other live human cabbies.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: November 7, 2002.

Overall: This game is a good 3rd game for a series. The extreme taxi games are getting a little over used now. This game was fun and enjoyable to play. The only real add on's is that you can pick up more than one person in your taxi, and mini games and turbos on the cars. If you are a die hard fajn of the crazy taxi series this is a definate buy. If you want it only a little and not excited about it, don't waste your time buying it. Rent it, or get it for a cheap price.
Gameplay: The controls for a crazy taxi game on the X-box is very immpressive. They are easy to get used to and solid. If your a comfortable and enjoy the controls for dreamcast, the x-box isn't that different...
Graphics: The graphics are basically the same as the previous crazy taxi games so that is why the graphics are good, Still there is a minor problem with these graphics. At some times they can get blurry. That is really it.
Sound: This is the Best part of this game as for all of the other crazy taxi's, is the great sound. From the music blasting and crashing into cars and various other objects, the sound is grrreeeeaaaatttttt!!!
Suggestions: If another crazy taxi is made, you have to come up with a lot more ideas and add a heck load of more things to make the next one worth buying.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2002.

Overall: Excellent game! This game is pretty sensless when you think about it but it is so fun and addcitive.
Gameplay: I think this can appeal to a wide range of gamers, probably in particular racing fans even though this isn't your usual racing game its still a heck of a lot of fun.
Graphics: I think the graphics are great, I especially like the vegas graphics with all the lights, glitter, and buildings.
Sound: I really like one Offspring song that they put on there, excellent song to race too and with the customizable audio I love burning "Good Charlotte" to the xbox hard drive and playing crazy taxi while listening to that.
Suggestions: Not really, I really don't know what can be improved. I just know when I was at Kings Island a few years ago and played this in the arcade I was an instant fan!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 16, 2002.

Overall: i love this game, its the first game i played on xbox, so i love xbox even more. the sound is awsome. the SOUND
Gameplay: the controls are easy to use, even though all you do is pick people up and drop them off all day, i never get sick of it.
Graphics: the graphics look great, i dont know if im a weirdo but the tires are the things that stands out in my mind, cause they look so real
Sound: the car noises and the people talking are great, but the music sucks my a$$, next time you look for good music, dont look into mtv.
Suggestions: fire whoever picked out the music

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: September 13, 2002.

Overall: I thought this was a great game. I had never played it before and thought it would be a good game. So i bought it and I love it it is worth buying.
Gameplay: I thought the gameplay was good except for at times it got repetitive. WEst COast is by far the best course by far but glitter oasis was ok
Graphics: the graphiccs were good the game looked and played very well. all the cities looked great but glitter oasis didnt always
Sound: the songs they chose other then the offspring song werent very good. so they should have better music.
Suggestions: more courses and cabbies and better music

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: September 1, 2002.

Overall: It?s Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller! The crazy world of Crazy Taxi comes to Xbox. It?s bigger, better, and crazier.If you haven?t played any of the other Crazy Taxi games, then what it?s about is simple: drive around like mad, pick up passengers, and drive them to their destination in the wildest places. Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller combines the West Coast course from Crazy Taxi (DC, PS2, GC, and PC) and the Small Apple course from Crazy Taxi 2 (DC), including an all new Glitter Oasis, Las Vegas course. If you are a Crazy Taxi fan or you haven?t played the other versions, then Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller is a must! Otherwise rent it first. I?m a real Crazy Taxi fan, even from the days it was just an arcade machine, and so I had to get this game.
Gameplay: Gameplay is very simple. You pick one of the three courses and pick the type of mode you want to play:Normal rules, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, or 10 minutes). You then pick one out of four taxi drivers (is different for every course), who have the craziest attitude ever. You then drive around the course you picked and you pick up a passenger(s). Then you have to drive them to the destination they want to go. At the end you get tons of cash ($$$). To get to the destination, you have to race through the streets and dodge cars, to gain tips also. A whole bunch of tricks are available, such as the Crazy Hop (jump over cars) or the Crazy Dash (burn your wheels by dashing). Apart from all this, Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller has mini-games too, called Crazy X. There are old games that have been modernized and there are all new games. What sort of bugs me in the game is that you can?t have your own file and that there is one whole file for the entire game. However, you can also make replays of your drives, which with the Xbox Hard Disk is better, because you can save more than on a Dreamcast. There is one annoying bug in the game also, which slows you down sometime when you drive around.

Graphics: Visuals are great and are better than on the Dreamcast or any other console. Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller might not have excellent visuals comparing to other games, but it certainly has good visuals. One of the things that makes the cities so good, is the visuals.
Sound: The music and sound effects in the game are really good. The music completely fits in with the game, especially all the bands such as Bad Religion and The Offspring, which are quite famous. Sound effects are also pretty cool, for example when the passengers (or drivers) complain or complement. Everything from pedestrians to car traffic has effective sound effects. Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller also supports Dolby Digital Surround and so the entire sound has a good quality.
Suggestions: It would be nice to see Crazy Taxi 4 sometime in the future. If there will be another Crazy Taxi game, then I recommend checking for bugs, adding more cities and levels, adding more mini-games, as well as including a multiplayer mode and a practice mode. It would be nice to see a multiplayer taxi competition in a Crazy Taxi game. Otherwise I am satisfied with this game and that SEGA, together with Hitmaker, created this game for the Xbox.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: August 30, 2002.

Overall: The Crazy Taxi series started great and gets more and more boring with every sequel. High Roller is just a lame Crazy Taxi 2 - with a few new features but no evolution.
Gameplay: You try to get as much customers to their destinations as possible in a time limit. You can do some tricks with your cab (like jumps, power slides, ...). For every delivery you earn money. It's pure fun - for about 15 minutes, then it gets boring. More so if you played CT 2. The mini games are very hard, but you can at least unlock a few new drivers there.
Graphics: Slowdowns are encountered far to often. Apart from that the visuals are good, but not amazing. The traffic is clipped in from nowhere.
Sound: Good soundtrack, nice songs, but the voices (Gus, etc.) are taken from CT 2 - at least they are as good then.
Suggestions: Don't make Crazy Taxi 4! If you do so, please add a career mode, multiplayer options, better graphic with no slowdowns and more gameplay ideas.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: August 26, 2002.

Overall: I loved the game in the arcade and figured this was a no-brainer. Unfortunately it's not enough different from the game I played years ago. Same gameplay with a few new features and mostly bad mini-games. And lousy graphics. This game might be worth getting for a fan... if it was $20. This is a rental at best IMO.
Gameplay: Controller button mapping is unnecessarily difficult to master, making pulling off crazy maneuvers a chore. Graphics are equal to a bad PS2 game. Gameplay is stale now and without any design or gameplay innovation does not hold up. Mini-games are mostly poorly conceived with only 1 gem among them. I'd rather play Simpsons Road Rage.
Graphics: Severely substandard Xbox graphics and this is an exclusive??? Sega really dropped the ball in this department. The game was either rushed, originally designed for a different platform or just not given the attention it should have been. Either way, it's an insult and on that ground alone does not deserve our money/support. Luckily other aspects make this an even easier decision to make.
Sound: I don't pay much attention to sound in games. Nothing noteworthy here other than the fact that this least important aspect of the game is probably it's best and it's still only mediocre.
Suggestions: Do not insult us with thrown-together crap like this again please. Although in Sega's defense, more people will probably buy this piece of crap than any of their other fantastic Xbox only games they've obviously put a ton of work into, so who can blame them? The profits on this game must be enormous.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 30 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: August 23, 2002.

Overall: I loved 1 & 2 on dreamcast. Now they came to my beloved Xbox. Graphically, no improvement whatsoever. Sound, is still Bad Religion & Offspring. Gameplay still as fun as ever!
Gameplay: This game is not one bit boring to me. I never thougb driving around as a taxi cab driver would entertain me as much as it does. No one can deny this game is very fun, sure it's somewhat repetative, but thats why you pick up other people.
Graphics: The exact same as 1 & 2 to me, except for alot of lighting effects, crash effects would be nice. People still have no fingers. But they added on the chrachter models, only of newer people though.
Sound: The Offspring: a decent band. Bad Relegion also decent. But please let us use our own music. I like my customers yelling at me, and me yelling back, but "Shut up and move your butt!" is getting annoying.
Suggestions: Add more voice-overs, Crash effects, & use our own music.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: August 5, 2002.

Overall: Another crazy taxi game. This one actualy has a little more appeal to it compared to the previous titles. I would have liked to see new levels rather tan redone levels from previous versions. This series is really starting to wear thin.
Gameplay: It has about as much appeal after 10 minutes of play as watching another episode of "World's Wieldest Police chases" on FOX. It's just the same thing over and over. The only really good thing I can say about this new title is that it has some challenging mini-games added in
Graphics: The graphics are a bit more polished compared to previous versions and so they should be (most developers try to improve this aspect on all sequals). The flames that shoot out from the back of your taxi during a crazy dash are definetly a plus.
Sound: Other than a couple of new catch phrases there really wasn't alot of differences in sound from previous versions. But then again it is a taxi game what kind of sound improvements do you want.
Suggestions: Add some new levels and add a multi-player option (online would be cool as well).

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: August 5, 2002.

Overall: One of Segas most orignal games comes to xbox. I loved the first game and hated the second one... now the third one falls right in the middle. It was a good game, but not worth buying. Sure it had 3 large maps, but 2 of them i didn't like (small apple and glitter oasis) and those were the maps with the most slow downs.
Gameplay: Drive around picking up and dropping off customers. Simple idea. The game is pretty easy, unlike Crazy X. Those mini-games get difficult in the second row. I remember the last few games in CT2 were hard, but not this hard. anyways, seems like the customers always want to go to the same place... kinda repeats itself if you keep going to the same customers, but there are hundreds of them now since they explanded all the maps.
Graphics: Biggest thing they over did in this version was lighting. Glitter Oasis is all lights. Sure it looks great with reflections and motion blur, but at some points, there are MASSIVE slow downs! disappointing. They improved a lot of the environments and cars, but the people are still as ugly as i remembered them. lol. well, they improved most of them. Crazy Tornado reminds me of the Ping Pong tech demo microsoft showed... in the minigame, a tornado throws hundreds and hundreds of cars are you! and no slow downs :)
Sound: Awesome music (even though they just bring back the music in the older games)... but NO JUKEBOX FEATURE! boo sega. oh well... the voices are great. they added more driver and customer voice snipits. but i'm kinda disappointed because they redid B.D. Joes voice :| boo.
Suggestions: We need something new, sega. Either add better features to crazy taxi (how about weather? online features?)or a brand new Crazy series.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: July 30, 2002.

Overall: Love this game, one of the better car/racing games I've played to date. Also love all the improvements from the original games.
Gameplay: Great gameplay, responsive controls, and all the great things of the original with plenty of new stuff to go around. Just wish they had made more maps with bigger size.
Graphics: Great graphics, tons of new effects and enteractions with the enviroment. Just a touch of slow down in Glitter Oasis in one or two spots but nothing to waist any energy on.
Sound: Excellent sound tracks with an ok option for customizing a little bit. Just wish it had customized soundtrack option the X Box has.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: July 30, 2002.

Overall: I Loved This Game. It was fun and addictive. I ran out to buy it the day it came out and trust me, I wasn't dissapointed. Totally worth owning. Go buy one right now. Best game of all time. 10 stars!!!!!
Gameplay: The game is fun and addictive. You'll find yourslf wanting to turn it off, you just can't quite bring yourself to do it. Simple gameplay. Very easy to understand.
Graphics: Not the best looking game you'll ever play, and sometimes all the bright lights can cause a slowdown, but overall still realy cool. Besides, the cartoony look is what the designers where going for.
Sound: The songs tend to get a little annoying after a while. The game would've been better if it supported the XBOX's soundtrack capabilities.
Suggestions: How about the ability to control the weather or the time of day. And would it be to much to ask if we could get a create a driver mode?

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: July 27, 2002.

Overall: best dam game i have ever played. go and get it. it is the best game right now on xbox. Better than ssxtricky. Imagine that.
Gameplay: very good gameplay
Graphics: very best graphics on a cargame right now on xbox.
Sound: I love the music I really do. You have go get this game right now. just go ^^)
Suggestions: plese try to insert "free roam" in your next crazy taxi game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: July 27, 2002.

Overall: I love this game I cant belive that wacked up cityson rated it a 1.5! Obviously he hasnt played it then......The graphics are freaking awsome, whats not to like about them? the crazy drivers, customers buildings fire from the crazy moves its all so good. The only downfall is that theres no free roam. I would love that so much. Also the sound features offspring and many others which fits very well with the "crazy" theme.
Gameplay: The gameplay is also very well done but yet again no free roam. The controls have been put together wonderful but at the begining may frustrate trying to learn moves like crazy dash and others.
Graphics: I think these visuals are wicked as I said before everything is very well done. Down to the detail of license plates and of coarse drivers.
Sound: This sound is so good, it has great music which fits, and the voices of drivers and the energized..or frightened passenegers.
Suggestions: Make a free roam mode.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: July 27, 2002.

Overall: I love this game.
Gameplay: So good.
Graphics: Average.
Sound: Good.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: July 26, 2002.

Overall: Bad graphics, bad gameplay, ugly costumers, unfriendly controls, repetitive gameplay....Just plain bad.
Gameplay: Boring, absolutely boring....No freedom, same thing from the last versions. Sega sucks at Taxi......
Graphics: Very bad lighting.....Even though CT3's in 60fps, the graphics are really low res.....Even Halo's 30fps beauty beats that Piece of Shit!
Sound: Sound gets repetive.....Yuck! The worst sounds and musics on earth....Got tired of it after 2 minutes.....
Suggestions: Don't make anymore.....

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 20 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: July 26, 2002.

Overall: I never knew it was going to be this much fun. I have never played the orginals but I think thsi is the best one yet.
Gameplay: It gets repetitive but its still FUn. Very fun, and addicting. Wish they changed it from last years.
Graphics: Not the best Xbox game. Its average. too bad. i wonder how it would of looked like if it used the Xboxes hard drive. But good lighting.
Sound: I had no promblem with it. But why can we rip our own music.
Suggestions: This is a good game, but I think 3 sequls is enough.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: July 25, 2002.

Overall: This game is AWESOME!! It is so much fun to play and the graphics are terrific.. Everything you do is fun, especially the mini games..The game is great and everybody should have it!!
Gameplay: The gameplay is really good and it only takes you about 5 minutes to get really comfortable with the controls.. plus you have to be a really good driver to progress through the game so it isnt just a walk through the park.. it's a drive through the GLITTER OASIS!!
Graphics: SWEET!! The graphics are really cool.. all of the drivers, the cars, the buildings, etc.. are done to perfection!!
Sound: The soundtrack is sweet.. I like punk rock so it fit in well with me.. the songs also get you pumped up when your going like 80 miles an hour with 4 baseball players in the back trying to get each one to a different destination within the time limit... trust me its a RUSH!
Suggestions: You guys did a terrific job.. and i cant wait for crazy taxi 4... PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER!!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: July 24, 2002.

Overall: This game is really fun! From the actual game to the numerous minigames the action is non-stop, it keeps track of records of each thing you do, so you and a buddy can take turns seeing who can beat the others score.
Gameplay: This game is fast paced, and there is alot of special crazy moves that can up your fares from a crazy dash to a crazy jump. The minigames have a pretty good difficulty and you can unlock new ones when you beat a certain number of them.
Graphics: The game looks pretty good overall but i dont think it is using the absolute power of the X-Box.
Sound: The sound is really good the only downfall is that you cant rip songs from the hard drive but the game plays a few offspring songs and some others.
Suggestions: Ability to rip songs from hard drive and add more levels to the game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

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