Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War (Original Xbox) by Activision

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War (Xbox) by Activision Box Art


Xbox 360 backwards Compatible


North Amercian Release Date: May 6, 2003.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: Yes

Average Overall Score:
9.06 / 10

The legendary Wolfenstein series has finally made it to the Xbox. Its predecessor, Wolfenstein 3-D, was the first first-person shooter video game ever released. Now Xbox owners can finally play what PC gamers have been playing since it was released in 2001."

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Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War for the Xbox will take console gamers to the front lines with online multiplayer warfare via Xbox Live. Presenting platform-specific multiplayer features, including squad-based and co-operative Internet and split-screen modes, and an epic single player experience, Tides of War is set to offer Xbox players unrivaled gaming action.


Monday, July 7, 2003
Saturday, April 5, 2003

User Reviews

Score: 91
Overall User Average: 9.08 / 10 (90.6%)
Gameplay User Average: 9.06 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.45 / 10
Sound User Average: 8.63 / 10
Date reviewed: October 18, 2006.

Overall: I had this game once before and couldn't realyy get into it as I had just bought my xbox. I got it again recently and found it to be one of the best shooters I have ever played. I highly recommend this game to anyone who likw WW2 games.
Gameplay: The way the game is played was better as it progressed. I really enjoyed the being able to work my way through the ruins and fighting off the undead.
Graphics: The graphics were great. The way the game is designed is great. Any one who enjoys playing WW2 games should like the visual effects of this game.
Sound: The sound on this game was ok. I feel that it could have had better sounds for the different battles that the main character was in
Suggestions: I hope that you have a sequel in the works for this game and make it available on regular xbox systems.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: July 26, 2005.

Overall: Return to Castle Wolfenstien takes place in Nazi Germany during WWII. This first person shooter puts you in the place of an American soldier who must work on his own to stop the German empire.
The storyline is good but the whole game seems fairly medicore and typical for its kind of shooter.
Gameplay: This FPS seemed to do nothing extra to impress me. You have your standard arsenal and lots of AI to kill but besides that, it did not do much for me.
While I only checked out the XBL deathmatches briefly, I thought they were fairly well done and had alot of potential. If you've got live and like shooters, definatley check this one out.
Graphics: The graphics were lame... evern with destructive enviroments the models were blocky and old (although so is the game so...) and the maps lacked detail by todays standards.
Sound: The music was average and the sound effects were below. I thought many of them sounded cheesy (the knife in paticular) and were not done to there best.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: January 21, 2005.

Overall: The campaign mode was pretty good. It's really a good game, but a few things are missing. There is a nice assortment of weapons also. The controls were not too bad. I mean this game is good on campaign mode, but not great. I heard on xbox live it was good though. A lot of shooting to basically sum this game up in a sentence.
Gameplay: It was alright, but not great. There are ample opportunities in the story line for the makers to add in extra things that would have made the story much better. For example, one level you have to prep a jet for take off, it would have rocked faces if you could have flown it and shot down Nazis. But you didn't even hardly get to see the jet because you had to go open some door. I was disappointed that you didn't get to drive vehicles. There was this level where you had to kill all these guys and guard a tank. They could have made it where you could drive the tank. Also, you only got to use a turret like 4 times the whole game. But you did get to shoot a lot.
Graphics: Visual were alright. I though the zombies looked stupid. It did give you an almost creepy atmosphere while playing. Nothing spectacular though. The movies had alright graphics.
Sound: Was it me or did all the soldiers sound like the same guy? The music sucked if you ask me. And the zombies sounded stupid.
Suggestions: Make your game more interesting by adding in the option to drive a vehicle. Get better music. Alright game, but it could have been a lot better.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: January 22, 2004.

Overall: I had played "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" ad infinitum on the PC to the point I had every corner and door creak memorized. I even gave each German a nickname. When I saw "Tides of War" for XBox I was anxious to continue the adventure. I should have known better. I was lulled into a false sense of optimism, hoping "ToW" was an alternative adventure. Unless you really, really, really loved the PC game, or have never played "RtCW" before, this is a must-have for WWII FPS fans. If you've played "RtCW" before and are looking for something more to sink your teeth into, put this back on the shelf and get "Medal of Honor Frontline" instead.
Gameplay: The ONLY major difference between this and the PC version are the opening sequences. The storyline is linear, of course, with many mini-"foozles" (IE, monsters) to kill before killing the Ultimate Foozle at the end. Lots of shooting and running; lots of sniping. And I KNOW hand grenades have a MUCH larger killing radius than this game portrays!Unfortunately, nothing terribly original. But how much hardware can one soldier carry? Your character, BJ, can tote enough hardware and ammunition to equip a heavy infantry squad. I realize there is a "temporary suspension of disbelief" needed to play some games, but with the weight of the equipment, BJ should be bigger and stronger than any number of baddies that come at him!
Graphics: The visuals are good and you do get the sense of being where you are supposed to be, IE Spring-like woodland, drafty castle, Egyptian village, etc. The beefier hardware on the XBox is taken advantage of far too frequently, though. Water looks astonishingly real, as do most of the doors and rock, but other textures suffer - you can tell when you're supposed to open a door just by looking at it from a moderate distance. There there are the painfully uncomfortable tires on the vehicles - surely a bumpy ride to the eastern front!
Sound: The Nazis were surely insane. The proof is from having to listen to the same loops of music over and over, ad nauseum, until you can knock out the radios and record players. Some of the bad guys utter the same last words their predecessors did thirteen years ago in the original "Wolfenstein 3D". I realize this isn't a German language lesson, but a few more original gasps than "Mein leiben!" or "hilfe!" might be nice - might I recommend an occasional heartfelt &qquot; As for the music, I turned it off immediately. It was distracting and not all that great.

Suggestions: Make the game less linear. Make the player make a decision on which direction to take the game plot. Make the player decide whether to keep his .45 or drop it for the Luger, but not keep BOTH. Limit the ported weapons to, for example, one shoulder weapon (MP40, Thompson, Mauser, '03 Springfield, etc) one hand held (.45 or Luger, etc) and five grenades (American "pineapple" or German "potato masher"). And where the heck are the Carbine or even the ever faithful US Army Garand??

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: December 27, 2003.

Overall: I would personally have to say that Tides of war could have been the best, right up there with the almighty halo, FPS for any console. With the exception of a few minor flaws, this title would have shure made a big dent in the world FPS video games, even if this is only a port.
Gameplay: With its fairly wide range of weapons, and extras tides of war is a highly entertaining game, but unfortunatly, not as highly addicting. Because it does seem to get a bit repetive through out the course of the game but does a fairly good job of breaking it up with new level designs, and oddly enough, mummies, robots and monsters. hmmm....seem a little wierd for a nazi based FPS game? not at all, it does a great job blending in with itself, and actually, probably would have done better without a story, or CG movies, Because the story kind of gets you all twisted and sometimes hard to understand.
Graphics: The character models are good, even better than halo i might add, but has just as good environments. The only real problem i could find was that, well, everything could have used just a little bit more touching know, just a little more polishing up here and there. But other than that, The graphics are pretty average for being on the big black box, and actually look quit great compared to the ps2 version.
Sound: This is a part of the review that i hate, Particularly for this game because no matter ho much i enjoyed it, i just couldnt seem to get over the sound. Well, let me put it this way, its like playing halo, but with cotten balls stuffed in your ear with only a little room to hear. Yes, its sad, but sadly enough, i give it a 3.5 .
Suggestions: Everything is good, except the sound. Work on that, and then you might actually have that so called, "halo killer" every one is talking about.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 22, 2003.

Overall: One of the best FPS on Xbox, with great weapons, some very creative level design and some susspenseful battle situations.
Gameplay: Tight, customizable controls. Weapons use very fluid and easy, especially sniper and snooper riles. Multi levels of difficulty make this great for novice of full time soldiers alike.
Graphics: Environs, enemies and cut scenes are very clear and well done. Minute details and in game effects keep the player enthralled for long spans of time.
Sound: The german troop dialouge is very authentic. Creepy sounds from x-creatures and very realistic vehicle and machinery sounds help create an atmosphere reminiscent of "The Guns of Navarone" and possibly even "Raiders of the Lost Ark."

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

No Fear 23
Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: at first, u'll be like eh? but as u play more of it, u'll be addicted to it in no time. I wasnt sure about this game until i rent it. i can say that i wasnt too impressed with the single player campaign, but live is what brings this game out.
Gameplay: the gameplay is addicting over live. u'll play as the axis or allies team and u'll play deathmatch, or my favorite mode, stopwatch. by stop watch, one team will defend the safe that has the documents and the other will have to try to plant a bomb on the safe to blow it up and steal the documents. say, if they finish their objective in 4 minutes, then the other team will have 4 minutes to complete the same objective. you can be a medic to supply health or bring someone on ur team back to life. you can be a engineer to provide tnt (explosives) or lietunent to supply ammo. you can also be a soldier that packs with big firepower weapons. each class plays a big role in multiplayer. i think that the roles of each class is what makes this game so addicting to me.
Graphics: the graphics are not the best, but is ok for me. i dont really care about graphics in this game since the gameplay in mulitplayer is what i like the best.
Sound: the sound is ok, not the best but good enough. i think they could make the explosion louder and clearer since most are like a small bang.
Suggestions: better graphics, more gameplay modes and better weapons.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 9, 2003.

Overall: Since Xbox Live has came out in Novemeber of 2002, there has been a slew of great games, but none has stood out as much as RTCW. Sure it is just a PC port, but it is a port with extras of an already amazing game. RTCW on the PC was known for its excellent multiplayer, and when it was annouced to come to Xbox with Live support, I was very happy now that I can finally talk to my friends and play this amazing game at the same time!

The single player is just your pretty standard run of the mill shooter, but seriously, who bought the game to play single player? Online is definately were it is at. I have spent countless hours playing online, and I have loved every minute of it. The game types in online are nothing really new, it is just that the maps are so incredibly well done, well except for Barn. What adds even more depth is that the character classes are so very well balanced. I love being a LT because that is what I am good with, everyone should be able to find a class that they are good with, except for Pickles, he isn't good at anything.

I love this game despite its flaws like tons of morons online, mediocre single player, dated graphics and so on. I can look past this and look at it as being one of the most fun games I have ever played. So please buy this, it is definately the best for its time on Xbox Live.
Gameplay: One of the most balanced online games out there. Controls work great once you adjust them to your liking. Not much to not like in this category
Graphics: While it is still outdated, it does look nice. Draw distance and textures still look good, but the character models can use some work. A total lack of jaggies is also very nice.
Sound: The music is very nice in the intro movie, but other than that, there isn't much more music. Character voices and sound effects are well done.
Suggestions: Good job. Fun game. Thanks.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 8, 2003.

Overall: This is a brill game and will have you playing hours on end in single player, on xbox live you will be playing constantly. Even though it is outdated a bit now, it is still a game that you can pick up and play just for a laugh. Brilliant ideas floating about in there like exploding bodies will have you messing about for hours.
Gameplay: Gameplay is a top. This is the reason Wolvenstein is so good, if it wasnt for the gameplay then Wolvenstein wouldn't be a game. Everlasting gameplay on xbox live and the ranking system will have you pitted against your mates.
Graphics: The visuals can be impressive sometimes. Wolvenstein doesnt need the detailed graphics to survive. The game developers knew that they had to make a war game that had brilliant gameplay and average-good graphics, and they have definatly succeded there. 1 bad point i could pick on the graphics would be how bad the ragdoll affect is on the characters when they die, theu kind of fall through the floor when they dont get blown to pieces that is, but the effects when the character explodes is cool and when you jump off a really high building you just splat on the floor, it can be realy fun.
Sound: I wouldnt say the sound effects are awesome but they arent terrible, some sound effects can be good, some often arent very good. Nothing to worry about though the gameplay makes up for ir.
Suggestions: Brilliand game, just the character physics and the graphics could be improved slightly, but as i said it doesnt ruin the game at all.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: November 18, 2003.

Overall: RtCW was a good shooter, but that's all it was. The story line was fairly dry, relying mostly on length.
Gameplay: This was certainly the high point in the game. It played well and didn't lag much(only on Co-op). On Live the gameplay was even better(during single player mode you can have 10 to 15 weapons at once which made scrolling through them quite tedious but on live you had 4).
Graphics: Visually the game was pretty good but what I remember of it was that it didn't look annoying(like many games do). The character's animations were fairly smooth and didn't have many glitches. As for the scenery, well, it wasn't that good but not so bad I remember having to claw my eyes out with an icepick.
Sound: This was a part of the game where it lacked some quality. Sure, the weapons sounded real but some of the voices and especially the music just didn't work. If it weren't for the plot, this would be the worst part of the game.
Suggestions: If you want to improve on twists, character developement and plot, go ask Bungie.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: November 11, 2003.

Overall: It's really REally fun with other ppls but the single story mode isn't great I suggest gettin it if u have live.
Gameplay: It's a fps. The weapons are awesome(flame thrower) It's also precise but it's pretty hard the first couple of times you play it.
Graphics: it's not top notch but I can live wit em the faces are blury and not very detailed but the levels are nice looking.
Sound: It's good the music is creepy which fits in the game and voice acting is good, but it's still fallin sort.
Suggestions: better single player missions and vehicles woulda been tight.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 10, 2003.

Overall: Return to Castle Wolfenstein Tides of War is a hard game to review. It just has so many things to do in it! The single player mode is above average, but not anything spectacular. The co-op mode livens up the pretty bland single player mode by having you go through it with a buddy. However, the XBL connectivity is where RTCW really shines. At first, RTCW seems to have a normal FPS multiplayer mode, where you choose to be on the Axis (Nazis) or Allies (Good guys) and fight till one side loses. However, RTCW has character classes. You can be a soldier, where you can run into battle with your guns blazing, hang out with the other grunts and ambush lone baddies, or protect weaker classes. Medics can revive you if you die or throw health packs so you don?t die. Engineers can place dynamite and repair broken things. I won?t go into the other classes, because they really don?t do too much.
Gameplay: I don?t really have much to complain about in RTCWs gameplay factor. It has simple FPS controls: just point and shoot. Running and gunning couldn?t be easier, but I do have one gripe about that. There?s not enough stealth action. I like games that try new things, but as a FPS, RTCW doesn?t go for anything exceptional (except its online mode). During the single player mode, I think it would?ve been cool if a gun with a thermal scope could see through walls (wooden or cardboard or something) and you could see a snoozing Nazi, and then switch to the MP40 (machine gun), shoot through the wall and kill him.
Graphics: Simply put, RTCW has solid visuals. The character models aren?t anything special, but they fit the games atmosphere nicely. The environments also aren?t much to brag about. You?ll see the same buildings and posters a lot throughout RTCW. My favorite visual effect, however, would have to be in the crypts, when you?re slowly walking about and all of the sudden there?s a Nazi arm!Graphics: Simply put, RTCW has solid visuals. The character models aren?t anything special, but they fit the games atmosphere nicely. The environments also aren?t much to brag about. You?ll see the same buildings and posters a lot throughout RTCW. My favorite visual effect, however, would have to be in the crypts, when you?re slowly walking about and all of the sudden there?s a Nazi arm!
Sound: I love the sound in Tides of War. The great thematic soundtrack, the Nazis screaming in pain as you fill them full of lead, oh boy is there a lot to love. Sure some of the voices are corny, but I?m sure that?s what Id (RTCWs developer) was going for. My favorite sound effect is listening to the silenced machine gun fire; it just sounds so dang cool!
Suggestions: Come out with another Wolfenstein sooner! Make more XBL maps, weapons, character models, and PLEASE a multiplayer death match, capture the flag, etc. made to play on one Xbox (not over XBL).

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: Yet another shooter game that sets you into a world with natzis but wait thier are also zombies and other wierd crap.
Gameplay: when i first got this game i liked it...but couple of months later i feel i dont play it that much, scince Rainbox Six 3 came out i feel i was jipped when i got this game...the graphics are awful compared to rainbow six 3, and the game also sucks...i dont know how people like the online aspect of it are in this map just thrown in, usually no one is cooperating to play the game, its just messed if you are choosing between this and rainbow six 3... GET RS3!!!!
Graphics: AHAHAHAH, i use to think the graphics wer good, your guns design is stupid looking and the grenades are stupid looking, it seemes to me the creaters didnt take much time researching the way the guns and perhiperial is suppose to look and it shows big time...i do give them the background scenics of the maps are good and some great points of good lighting.
Sound: hah
ehh, enough said, nothing to get you involved in the game whats so ever... dont bother getting this game, get it when it comes out for 20 bucks.
Suggestions: after having your game for awile i see how other games in your ganre can be sooo much better...try looking at rainbox six for example, get some ideas from them then come back and make a game.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 40 %

Ford Mustang
Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Although I purchased this game for PC when it first came out, I thought I'd give it a try on Xbox since it included Xbox Live and because I like the joystick combination. Well, the decision was a good one. This is the game that I play the most online. Part of that is the teamwork, great graphics and sound, tight controls, and an overall good package/concept.
Gameplay: The gameplay in RTCW is slighty arcade-ish. While you have some basic physics such as being less accurate at full auto or while you are running/jumping, it takes many more shots than it should to kill someone (It takes 2 .45 ACP to the head). Despite this, the Gameplay is great, fast-paced action with tight controls and a good overall control scheme. It works very well with the Xbox Controller.
Graphics: The visuals in this game are excellent. The games lighting effects and all other graphical aspects are beautiful. One of the things that stands out most is the water in the game. It looks awesome. One of the best water effects in any game I've played.
Sound: The sounds in this game are just like the rest of this game, great! :) Although the weapon sounds are not authentic, the developers did a good job with the sounds that they decided to use. Explosions are great, also. One of the best sounds is the sound when someone gets "gibbed" (or blown to pieces).
Suggestions: SEQUEL!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Wow. I know I need 100 characters, but those 3 pretty much say it all. "wow". The only thing I dont love about this game is sometimes the nazi's take like 9 rounds to go down.
Gameplay: Fast and furious action. I kept having to remind myself "this is just a game"...its that good. controls feel great...
Graphics: Thank scan enabled. On my xbox and HDTV, this looks just as good or maybe better than on any PC. Yes, ANY PC. Not to mention my screen isnt tiny!
Sound: Sounds like...war I guess. I dont have a surround setup, so I cant really say much. I know, kinda odd to have the bigscreen HDTV and not spring for surround sound...
Suggestions: is a crime of sorts against humanity to have not included the classic split screen deathmatch. Otherwise, keep up the good work!!!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

John Obie
Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: I wasn't even gonna buy this game after playing the demo for it last month,But something told me since its XBOX LIVE this can't go wrong. Well I was right this game is one of the best right now for XBOX LIVE.
Go buy this game if you want to have a good time.
Gameplay: The gameplay is just like halo same control setup very easy to just put in the cd and a way you go. You will be in action in minutes.
Graphics: Graphics are very good,but the gameplay makes up for everything, so don't even think twice about getting this game.Just go get it, I need some competition on Live as soon as possible.
Sound: Just turn it up as loud as it goes and the neighbors will think it is World War III going on. Great war sounds.
Suggestions: To bad you didnt have split screen for Xbox Live.But then again who needs friends when your playing on Live by yourself, you have all the friends in the world there for you.
Great Game Thanks.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Xbox scors another touchdown with RTCW. A huge offline campaign with the inclusion of the original Wolfenstien 3D upon completion as well as the badd*ss online multiplayer.
Gameplay: Running shooting dodging jumping crouching. It so much fun using all the different weapons its as if each has a different feel depending on the type of mood your in. feel like unloading some lead? puck up the lethal venum gun. Feel like flaming some fools use the flamethrower! Rifles-autos-pistols heck last night I got caught carrying a knife and this guy was so scared just to see me he kept running around while I stabbed him to death and he even had a sten gun. Our team wins.
Graphics: pretty good graphics its no DOAXBV or Splinter Cell but its really good anyways. Dont worry its no fugly *ss PS2 game

Sound: cool as heck got radio the weapons-environmental sounds pretty good Nazis yelling and stuff when they see you fun fun fun.
Suggestions: Get to work on the second one.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Starting the stream of to-be-excellent Xbox/Xbox Live games, is the overyly hyped Return To Castle Wolfenstein. But that hype (and the wait) were well worth, because the final product is awesome. It's beautiful, fun, exciting, and sounds great. Not to mention the live elements add a certian "greatness" to the game.
Gameplay: The controls during the game are simple, and play out like every other first person shooter on the xbox.
There are also a lot of hidden areas, giving you ammo, health, or treasures. Each level is long, so you wont beat it easy. The gameplay is great.
Graphics: Even though the game is a year old, the graphics still hold very strong, there are wonderful lighting effects and the character models/animations are fluent and good looking.
Sound: The music sets the mood, the voice acting is supreme, only if there was the feature of the custom soundtrack.
Suggestions: its great, how but a number 2?

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: This Game Rocks! I would reccomend anyone buy this game. I only own 6 games on xbox since I'm really picky and this was worth the purchase.
Gameplay: Really Fun. Single player mode has well chosen checkpoints for auto-saving and also allows for user-saving anywhere through out missions. Saving is super quick and does not bottleneck gameplay. Good use of difficulty levels.
Graphics: Very Smooth.So far no visual glitches, lags slightly when lotsa stuff happenin. Also - Initially a little dark till I bumped up the Brightness using the Option Setting.
Sound: Sound was great. Only thing I didn't like was when destroying a communication centre the com-noise (static) still hangs around.
Suggestions: Small things make a big difference:
* Locals (NPC) still hide in corners even 10 min later after you have left and come back again, I would think you could reset the characters after you left the building.
* destroy a communication centre and the com-noise (static) still hangs around
* sometimes you can kill a gaurd and the other gaurd will not react when a bloodied body falls infront of him from behind.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Nice FPS that seems like a cross between Half-Life and DOOM. Great action and awesome weapons. I love the spooky feel. I think I have been dreaming in German for the last few nights.
Gameplay: Kick-butt action. Loads of hidden areas and treasure. Smoothe-as-hell game play. Dark and creepy environments. Awesome ability to customize each controller button.
Graphics: Graphics are spectacular. Face detail, flame detail, and awesome architecture. Nice landscapes and extras (fields, forrests, snowy mountains, fog, cobwebs, and water).
Sound: Dolby 5.1 at it's best. The sound puts the player right in the action. Doors squeak and creak. Limbs crack under your steps.
Suggestions: Need more maps. An on-line tutorial would be helpful also.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Overall this is a very fun game to play ONLINE. In fact is is a blast if you are on a lag free game with cool ppl. I have tried the single player mode and it just does not do it for me. It gets an overall 5 just because of the XBOX live feature.
Gameplay: Gameplay is smooth and very easy to learn. In a lag free game it is awesome. You can always find a lag free game.
Graphics: Visual is ok, but not great. I would like to see more animation when you shoot someone. Like soldier of fortune style.
Sound: Sound is ok, but the talking feature within xbox live is great. I love planing an attack with other players. Its just down right crazy fun.
Suggestions: Work on the servers and make finding your friend and joining your friends games better. Other than that thank you for hours of enjoyment.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: The best FPS since Halo . Also , a co-op mode that more than matches up to the king of co-ops ! .
Gameplay: Your basically some american guy who's gotta gun in the middle of Germany during the war . Problem is , the nazis are raising the dead to try and help them win the war . So , you've gotta stop BOTH breeds of monsters : Nazis and zombies
Graphics: Excellent graphics .Again Halo comes to mind as i have'nt seen graphics this good in an FPS since Halo. Great stuff !
Sound: Exactly what you'd expect . The nazis scream pretty cool when you fill 'em yp with lead , the zombies sound cool and the guns sound great !
Suggestions: nowt.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Allthough the Game itself is a tad overzealous the Live play makes up for everything that I did not get out of the Campaign. Buy this game for the best Xbox Live experience yet making you utilize your skill, teamwork and xbox hardware to the fullest extent on any live game I have played so far!
Gameplay: Like said before the campaign isnt a great story, but the graphics and the Halo like controls are easy to learn. This is a must buy if you have XBOX Live hands down the best Live experience to date!
Graphics: Beautiful players look a bit clayed at times and textures could use some upgrades on walls but nicely done
Sound: Awsome if you have Dolby 5.1 USE IT in multiplayer it sounds like a friggen WARZONE even if your not playing anyone truly great!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 2, 2003.

Overall: This World War II set shooter is a very smooth and complete first person shooter... With its great online play, and fun single player, this game could be one of the better shooters on Xbox...
Gameplay: The gameplay in RTCW is very team oriented... While playing online each division of online player has its advantages and disadvantages. They all are dependent on each other. For example a medic is needed to heal everyone, but needs ammo from the LT's...
Graphics: This game isn't groundbreaking in the visual department, but it gets the job done... The framerate is always fine, and guns, grenades, etc all look and react well...
Sound: Like the visual, the sound is nothing groundbreaking but gets the job done... Whizzing bullets, and richochets all sound good...
Suggestions: Maybe some more gametypes possibly just like a deathmatch where you can respawn and possibly a CTF...

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: this game is awsome, axis vs. allies classic action, i have always wanted a war game like medal of honor, but this is online so i got this! must buy!
Gameplay: axis vs. allies this is a must have first person shooter, the online can sometimes be laggy but just search for a green server and youll be fine....must buy
Graphics: great, explosions are great, character models look fine, nothing is really bad except for some trucks in the game have kinda sqaure wheels...THAT ALLWAYS ANNOYS ME! but its not bad since you dont spend much time next to vehicles
Sound: great sound, nazi's screaming, monsters groaning, in MP you can hear the mounted guns beach invasion it sounds just like saving private ryan, no joke
Suggestions: nothing, just maybe some DLC and ill be even happier with this great title!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: Damn this game is fun of the best first person shooters for the xbox. In my opinion this has to be the fourth best first person shooter for xbox. Get this you wii enjoy it and won't regret it.
Gameplay: This game is like real war except for the zombies. It is how the game makes you feel plus even if you don't have xbox live you will enjoy 12 hours and over on single player missions.
Graphics: Well the graphics are crappy except for the backrounds.
Sound: The music and sound effects sound like real war but it is lame.
Suggestions: Make an expansion pack.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: This game is overall good.. has very good graphics, very addicting.. once u start u cant stop.. if u have live.. ur in a fun ride.. ive spent the last 7 hours playing then i took a break.. 10 stars
Gameplay: Return to Castle Wolfenstein.. Only the best new army game yet.. it gives u many capabilitiees like slicing people with nives and blowing up stuff with a panzer.. if u are saving up for a game. Wolfenstein is the one i recommend.
Graphics: Best Graphics ever..! it totally out beats ghost recon..some people may like ghost recon more.. but wolfenstein is better in visuals.
Sound: sound.. there is nothing special about the sound.. its like any other military game.. but u get so hooked u dont really notice it.
Suggestions: Dear RTCW developers.
You just gotta work on the sound..

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: Oh yeah, this game is sooooooooo cool. It mixes my two favourite things about any FPS. Nazis and Zombies. Plus it has a flamethrower, the one thing halo is missing.
Gameplay: Like I said, killing nazis and zombies. What could go wrong when you have a shotgun. Makes medal of honer look like crap.
Graphics: Graphics are good, the enemies seem good enough and the backgrounds are awesome.
Sound: sound is sweet. you shoot someone in the throat and you hear them drown in their own blood. Sweeeeet
Suggestions: make a sequal

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: Great game,it is so much fun on LIVE and the single player is pretty fun to and pretty $#@$ long, took me 7 hours straight to beat it! Downloadeble content is great there is already a new map-Barn. And if you beat the game you get wolfenstein 3d.
Gameplay: Easy controls didn't have much problems with them. The y button should have been switch weapons because I kept pressing it because I am so used to Brute force and Halo
Graphics: Pretty good graphics the faces look good, you can tell if its allied or axis by just looking at their face.
Sound: Okay sound, it gets a little repetitive but I cant even hear it when I am killing everyone with airstrikes!
Suggestions: Make a sequel and I really think the sequel should have vehicals, that would be amazing! Riding around on jeeps and kickin some ass! And make the sequal exclusivly on Xbox please! Of course have it on Live again and you need to fix the server or whatever because its hard to get into a non laggy server and I have good internet;)

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: RTCW delivers on every single aspect,i
haven,t been so happy with a game
since HALO and to be honest with every
one in this wonderful site,RTCW is the
best FPS since halo,even if you don,t
have xbox live i suggest you buy this
game,because is a very solid fps.
Gameplay: the gameplay is very easy to learn,it will
take only a few minutes to get use to the
controls since is similar to MEDAL OF
HONOR,my only complaint is that i have
to press the y button to zoom in with the
sniper rifle,but i love this game since the
first mission in north of egypt.also i love
to kick some of the nazyz @$$.i love it
on the single campaign and co-op mode.
Graphics: the enviroments are amazing,but it
needs some work with the characters,not
much but is a very good looking game.i
love this game anyways,so i don,t care.
Sound: sound is fine with me,i love the shotgun
and the thompson sound.this game is a
good candidate for game of the year.
Suggestions: well done id software and activision,my
only suggestion is for another
sequel.because this game is great and i
am buying the mac os x version soon.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War News

Return To Castle Wolfenstein Gets A Sequel
Todd Hollenshead let the word slip in an interview that there will be a sequel to Return To Castle Wolfenstein.

New RTCW:ToW Map Now On Live
ID Software and Activision Unleash Final unlockable map for Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War.

New RTCW Map for Download on LIVE!
A new map for download on LIVE, details of the map, & 2 screenshots!

New Map Download for RTCW
Activision, Inc. and id Software™ announced today the release of the first downloadable map for Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War™. The new Xbox-exclusive, multiplayer level titled Barn is now available via Xbox Live™.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein
RTCW goes Live!
RTCW comes to Xbox

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